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Laurentian University’s Board of Governors Approves 2024-2025 Annual Budget

Laurentian University’s Board of Governors Approves 2024-2025 Annual Budget

Budget supports student experience, strategic plan, and transformation plan

April 26, 2024 - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors have approved the University’s annual budget for the 2024-2025 year. The forecasted budget is focused on improving the student experience, investing in the University’s transformation, and supporting the implementation of the newly approved 2024-2029 Strategic Plan.

“This budget will enable us to unlock the great potential that exists at Laurentian. It helps us focus on what matters most and brings the strategic plan into action. We are thankful for the many consultations with key stakeholders, which I believe to be a valuable part of the planning and budgeting process.” - Dr. Lynn Wells, President & Vice-Chancellor.  

Multiple planning meetings were held with budget managers from faculties and administration (+40 managers), including representatives from Laurentian University Faculty Association (LUFA), Laurentian University Staff Union (LUSU) and Laurentian University Administrative and Professional Staff Association (LUAPSA), to discuss ongoing challenges and priorities. 

The budget places emphasis on supporting the student experience by funding new and vacant roles within faculty and staff; an increase to full-time equivalent employees of 64.10 (Academic 33.9, Academic Support 16.8, Administration 12.9, Ancillary 0.5). Of note, new faculty positions support growing and high demand programs, the University's strategic initiatives and mandates including the integration of Indigenous knowledge and teachings into multiple disciplines and building capacity in French language programs.

“The goal of the budget was to address critical staffing and operational needs – continuing to build on a solid foundation. Laurentian is uniquely positioned to invest into transforming the university to become more efficient, financially sustainable, and deliver an exceptional student experience.” - Sylvie C. Lafontaine, Vice-President, Finance and Administration. 

In addition to the multiple deferred maintenance projects taken on in the previous year, key projects are planned for 2024-2025 ($8.5M) to improve critical infrastructure (heating and ventilation, roofing, elevators, food service facilities, exterior stairs, and lighting).

Budget Highlights: 

  • Total consolidated revenue: $201.710M
  • Total consolidated expenses and restructuring costs: $201.170M
  • Total consolidated surplus: $0.540M

Operating Budget: 

  • Scholarships and bursaries: $7.5M
  • Transformational costs: $7.2M
  • Deferred maintenance: $8.5M
  • New investment into Information Technology: $2.6M

The Critical Contributions of Speech-Language Pathologists

The Critical Contributions of Speech-Language Pathologists

Laurentian Alumna Krysta Beaudry helps give a voice to the medical side of speech-language pathology

May 3, 2024 - Speech-language pathologists are key contributors to the education system, and they are well-known for their work with kids in schools. Locally, you would find that many of the speech-language pathologists with the French and English school boards are graduates of the Orthophonie program at Laurentian. Though school settings may be the first to come to mind when thinking about speech-language pathologists, they are not the only space where these practitioners are making an impact.

Krysta Beaudry is a Speech Pathologist at the Timmins and District Hospital. Originally from Timmins, Krysta attended École secondaire catholique Thériault before graduating from Laurentian with a Bachelor of Orthophonie in 2019 and Masters of Orthophonie in 2021. Krysta’s role as a medical speech-language pathologist, offering services to patients in both English and French, shows the many career possibilities as a speech-language pathologist.

Krysta knew speech-language pathology was the career for her once she completed a high school co-op at the Porcupine Health Unit in Timmins. During her undergraduate studies, she built on her experience in health care settings, working as a summer student at various agencies. “These early experiences as a student are when I really got a feel for speech-language pathology as healthcare and fell in love with it,” said Krysta.

“Being from a small city, Laurentian was a really comfortable fit for me,” Krysta said. “I loved the access to nature all around and the small town feeling of the university.” As a French student, the Association des étudiants francophones (AEF) played a big role in Krysta’s student experience. She recalls the community created by the student association and how the activities and bonding made her feel more at ease and at home. Krysta also said that “living in residence was the perfect experience” for her first year away from home. She loved the opportunities to help out with events and was especially happy to take on a leadership role, coordinating the Intramurals Sports program.

During her time at Laurentian, Krysta enjoyed the small class sizes, allowing her to receive direct support from her professors whom she says showed a desire for student success. “I loved the Orthophonie program at Laurentian. The classes were all so open and collaborative,” said Krysta.

Continuing to keep busy and be ambitious, Krysta is currently playing basketball and ringette 3 times a week. She also tutors elementary students in French.

Speech-Language Pathologists assist patients with speech, language, safe swallowing, voice, and cognitive-communication. A large part of Krysta’s current work involves supporting patients recovering from a stroke, those with traumatic brain injuries, and some patients with neurological disorders. “Many people don’t realize that there are tests that we conduct and rehabilitation work that we do with patients that are really medical in nature,” said Krysta. “We’re assessing, working with patients on a treatment plan, collaborating with other healthcare providers, and rehabilitating people’s communication and swallowing.”

The clinical work is rewarding but Krysta says something she values most about her job is the continued advancements in the field of Speech-Language Pathology. “There’s always new and exciting evidence-based practices where standards are always improving. I feel like I’m never doing the same thing year to year because I’m always learning and keeping up with the evolving research,” Krysta said, reflecting on her first three years as a practicing speech-language pathologist. “The scope of practice in this role keeps the job so interesting, no days are the same. Collaborating with other practitioners within a patient’s circle of care in the hospital setting is one of my favorite parts.”

MineOpportunity Games hosted at Laurentian University

MineOpportunity Games hosted at Laurentian University

Over 300 students and teachers from 13 schools representing all four local school boards are expected to attend.

April 25, 2024 - On May 1st, Modern Mining and Technology Sudbury (MMTS), in collaboration with Laurentian University and the Goodman School of Mines, will be hosting the MineOpportunity Games as part of Modern Mining & Technology Week in Sudbury. Over the past 18 years, more than 4000 local English and French high school and postsecondary students have been educated on the modern technologies and career possibilities in the mineral resources industry through the MineOpportunity Games.

The MineOpportunity Games teach skills and knowledge about academic pathways, industry leaders, and career possibilities within the mineral resources industry in Greater Sudbury. To play the game, teams of students roll their dice on a gameboard and actively engage with academic and industry professionals to learn about programs, company operations, and careers. Teams start with a set budget and play the board game to increase their income by building mines, finding answers to industry-related questions, and completing hands-on tasks. Advancing in the game requires students to find answers and complete challenges related to mining technology, engineering, geosciences, the environment, business, health and safety, careers, corporate social responsibility, and more. The game requires students to collaborate, interact, and research. By leveraging these skills, the "wealthiest" teams at the end of the game, win.

This year’s event is bigger than ever, since both French and English games are being hosted on the same day. Over 300 students and teachers from 13 schools representing all four local school boards are expected to attend. Partnering organizations eager to interact with students during the games include: Laurentian University, Cambrian College, Vale, Glencore, Technica Mining, Unmanned Aerial Services, Orix Geosciences, Levert, Deswik, Responsible Mining Solutions, NSS, Norcat, Froskr, Bestech, Epiroc, Sandvik, MineConnect, Women in Mining, and Cementation.

The games are free of cost for students and schools, thanks to partner companies who are donating their time to attend, and to MMTS sponsors who financially support all of their events. We would like to thank this year’s generous MMTS sponsors and partners: Laurentian University, Vale, Glencore, Technica Mining, Komatsu, Maestro Digital Mine, KGHM International, CIM Sudbury Branch, Sudbury Prospector & Developers Association, Sudbury Geological Discussion Group, SOVFIE, Sudbury Rock and Lapidary Society, Hyperflo, My Mining Tee, PG Creative, the Web Boutique. Ontario Ministry of Mines, Dynamic Earth, College Boreal, and Rainbow District School Board.


Laurentian University: Parker, Cliff Fielding, and Fraser Buildings

Games Schedule:

May 1st, 2024

9:30-10:00 - Game Overview and Board assignment (Fraser Auditorium)

10:00-11:30 - Game Play - part 1 (Parker and Cliff Fielding)

11:30-12:00 - Lunch (Parker and Cliff Fielding)

12:00-12:45 - Game play - part 2 (Parker and Cliff Fielding)

12:45-1:00- Tally winners at boards

1:00-1:30 - Awards ceremony (Fraser Auditorium)

Team Categories:

English Junior - Grades 9-10

English Senior - Grades 11-12

French Junior - Grades 9-10

French Senior - Grades 11-12

Prizes (each category):

1st - $75 Best Buy Gift Card + Winning Banner

2nd - $50 Best Buy Gift Card + Winning Banner

3rd - $25 Best Buy Gift Card + Winning Banner

Dr. Daniel Archambault’s legacy honoured with new Service Awards recognizing outstanding service from the Laurentian University research community

Dr. Daniel Archambault’s legacy honoured with new Service Awards recognizing outstanding service from the Laurentian University research community

This year marked the inaugural distribution of the Dr. Daniel Archambault Research Service Awards during Research Week 2024. These awards recognize Laurentian University faculty, staff and students for outstanding dedication and commitment to, as well as impact through their valuable contributions to the academic research community.

This award is created in memory of Dr. Daniel Archambault who served the Laurentian University research community for more than 15 years, a tribute to his accomplishments and dedication. Dr. Archambault passed away in 2021.

Qualifying services may include serving on committees supporting research enterprise, mentoring and supporting colleagues and students, fostering interdisciplinary research, advancing community engagement through knowledge dissemination, and/or establishing new research collaborations.

The inaugural recipients of the Dr. Daniel Archambault Research Service Awards are:

Faculty recipient:

Dr. Thomas Merritt, (Full Professor, School of Natural Sciences)

For his outreach work exhibiting science-related themed artwork for local elementary schools and Science North, mentorship initiatives, Peer-review work for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and service at Laurentian University with his roles on the Strategic Plan Steering Committee, LU NSERC Tri-Council, and Research, Development and Creativity Committee.

Student recipient:

Valérie Gauthier-Fortin, (Doctorante en sciences humaines et interdisciplinarité)

For her work and leadership with l’Acfas-Nouvel-Ontario (formerly known as Acfas-Sudbury). Valérie first joined the steering committee in 2019 after completing her master's degree and while embarking on doctoral studies at Laurentian. She currently serves as the President of l’Acfas-Nouvel-Ontario. She is described as the driving force behind the revival of Acfas and is credited for providing researchers from Nouvel-Ontario a forum to present their work in French.

Staff recipient:

Karen Oman, (Business Manager, Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit and Vale Living with Lakes Centre)

For her professional contributions and passion for supporting world-class research out of the Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit and Vale Living with Lakes Centre for the last 19 years. Karen’s assistance played a key role throughout the $22-million fundraising effort to build the Vale Living with Lakes Centre, as well as landing the $1.2-million CFI grant for equipment and research infrastructure support, all in addition to her many day-to-day duties.

The award recipient received a personalized framed certificate, and their name has been added to a permanent notation on a University display which will list the names of those who receive this honour.

“Indigenous Education and Mapping Out Institutional Spaces”: Laurentian Announces Theme, Preliminary Program, and Keynote Speakers for 8th National Building Reconciliation Forum

“Indigenous Education and Mapping Out Institutional Spaces”: Laurentian Announces Theme, Preliminary Program, and Keynote Speakers for 8th National Building Reconciliation Forum

Registration now open, Sponsors welcomed

April 18, 2024 - Over the course of three days (June 25 - 27), the 2024 National Building Reconciliation Forum, hosted by Laurentian University, will be focused on the theme, “Indigenous Education and Mapping Out Institutional Spaces”. The Forum’s preliminary program, keynote speakers, and registration form is now available on the Forum website.

Four guiding sub-themes will be shared, including:

- The Power of Storytelling: Crafting Compelling Narratives;

- Language and Culture: Elders and Cultural Practitioners in the Workplace;

- Cultural Diversity: Celebrating Differences and Building Bridges;

- Shaping the Future: Trends and Insights in Implementing Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.

This will be the eighth National Building Reconciliation Forum since 2015 when these annual events were initially planned, in part, as a response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. The Forum is an opportunity to bring together university leadership and administrators with Indigenous peoples, governments, researchers, academics and students to advance reconciliation and Indigenous education in Canadian universities.

“We are honoured to host the National Building Reconciliation Forum,” said Dominic Beaudry, Associate Vice-President of Academic and Indigenous Programs. “As an academic institution that has prioritized Indigenous education and reconciliation, we hope to both model and strengthen the collective understanding of what postsecondary institutions can do to advance reconciliation at universities across Turtle Island.”

The 2024 Forum will facilitate knowledge sharing in a wide variety of formats. Planned events in the preliminary program include panel discussions, oral histories, workshops, lectures, and artistic presentations. Guest speakers, Elders, and Knowledge Holders will be engaging with participants throughout the event.

Esteemed guest speakers who will provide keynote presentations include authors, Tanya Talaga and Waubgeshig Rice and academics, Dr. Susan Manitowabi and Dr. Sheila Cote-Meek. Some social engagements planned include, The Nibwaachidwin Social, which will be held in the Round Room at the Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre and visits to two local First Nations, Atikameksheng Anishnawbek and Wahnapitae First Nation on Day 1 of the Forum.

Universities from across Canada will be in attendance for the Forum. Events throughout the weekend are open to the public. Registration is required and is now open.

Former Student Now Sociology and Criminology Professor

Former Student Now Sociology and Criminology Professor

Dr. Jordan Babando on making his way back to Laurentian as a professor

April 17, 2024 - Dr. Jordan Babando isn’t new to teaching and he isn’t new to Laurentian. He received both his Bachelor’s of Sociology and his master’s degree from Laurentian. He then went on to complete his doctorate at Queen’s University before teaching at several Ontario universities and for a short time at UBC, until he eventually came back to Sudbury.

“Once I had my PhD, I wanted to focus on work, growing my career, and growing as a professional,” Dr. Babando says. That’s exactly what he did, teaching and working at seven different universities throughout the course of his PhD and over the following four years.

Dr. Babando finds the experience surreal and humbling, “I get to be back here in a community I love, working at a school that I love. My colleagues are the same people that once mentored me and believed in me and now our offices are just down the hall from each other.”

Dr. Parveen Nangia, Full Professor in the Faculty of Arts, is one of the professor-turned-colleagues that Dr. Babando mentioned. Dr. Nangia supervised Dr. Babando’s master’s and has similar feelings about Dr. Babando’s return to Laurentian. “I am pleased to see Jordan back at Laurentian in a different capacity, as my colleague,” says Dr. Nangia. “He has accumulated a wealth of knowledge through his experience teaching at various universities. He has already started making an imprint in the Criminology program. Dr. Babando’s disciplined work ethic, his care for the students, and his friendly and supportive nature make him a valuable asset to Laurentian University in general and the Faculty of Arts in particular.”

This academic year, Dr. Babando is teaching courses in the Bachelor’s of Criminology program, which is offered both online and on campus. At one time wanting to be in law enforcement himself, Dr. Babando now finds himself teaching criminology to future law enforcement officers, lawyers, and social service workers. He sees the program as a great option for those in rural areas who want to study at a distance and eventually have career prospects, like policing, that are needed everywhere, not just in bigger cities.

Dr. Babando brings with him a unique teaching background in sociology and criminology, and a specialization in mental health and homelessness research. He encourages students from all disciplines to consider criminology courses for their electives, “Criminology courses are appropriate for all students. In my experience, diverse perspectives make for fascinating conversations which are very complimentary to the course content.”

As his Laurentian experience continues to evolve, Dr. Babando says that he is most excited to build a future as a researcher and professor. He is eager to help students achieve their goals, the same way his Laurentian professors did with him.

When a unique hobby sparks lifelong commitment to advocacy

When a unique hobby sparks lifelong commitment to advocacy

Marine Biologist and Science Communications Graduate Student, Jérôme Breton discovered a love for diving with sharks and wants to be an advocate for marine conservation

April 11, 2024 - At just 23 years old, Jérôme Breton has a degree in Marine Biology, experience working on research for the federal government, and is now at Laurentian University to round-out his skills as a science communicator. As a 12 year old, Jérôme started a unique hobby that would shape his academic journey and lifelong passion–on a family trip to British Columbia, he went diving with sharks. While most would view this experience simply as a unique excursion on family vacation, for Jérôme this experience became a calling. He was fortunate to get to spend the next few years diving around the world.

Naturally, Jérôme developed a love for the ocean through his hobby, and after graduating from high school in Gatineau, Québec, he went on to the Université du Québec à Rimouski where he earned a degree in Marine Biology. “While completing my undergrad, I was lucky to have an incredible work experience as a student giving and coordinating guided tours during the summers and as a biologist for invasive species, at the Department of Fisheries and Ocean Canada (DFO),” said Jérôme. “It was there that I got a feel for field work but also where I discovered the importance of science communication. The research was effortless because of the high quality of interactions between everyone involved in the work. I already knew that I wanted to advocate for aquatic ecosystems but after this I knew exactly how I could do that.”

Jérôme found out about Laurentian University’s Science Communications masters program, which would give him the chance to build the skills to not only advocate widely for aquatic ecosystems but also learn how to foster positive communication among research teams like what he had experienced in Rimouski. Laurentian University, with its proximity to home and the option to do his research in French and work with French professors, was the perfect fit for Jérôme.

Now half way through the program, Jérôme’s research centers around his experience working with DFO in Rimouski. “I’m diving deeper into the fishery industry in Rimouski because my experience there was so positive thanks to the way that everyone worked collaboratively. My research will use this example to create a framework of good working relationships within a given interdisciplinary research project that can then be applied to research centers and projects in other areas,” said Jérôme.

Motivated by his desire to create meaningful communication pathways between researchers and the public, Jérôme says that his “goal is to help people understand that we have so much knowledge about what is happening in our oceans, lakes, and rivers”. He wants to play a role in making research findings accessible to everyone, despite their background, in hopes he can help educate everyone about the importance of preserving aquatic ecosystems.

Professor William Newbigging awarded Teaching Award of Excellence

Professor William Newbigging awarded Teaching Award of Excellence

Laurentian students moved by professor’s passion for education.

April 3, 2024 - Laurentian University has numerous staff and faculty members that go above and beyond for students. William (Bill) Newbigging, this year’s winner of the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance’s (OUSA) Teaching Award of Excellence, is no exception.

Dr. Newbigging has been a member of the Laurentian faculty since 1993. For the majority of his time at Laurentian he has been a distance education professor, teaching courses online. The virtual nature of his teaching doesn’t stop Dr. Newbigging from forming meaningful connections with each of his students. 

This year, 26 Laurentian students nominated Dr. Newbigging for the Teaching Award of Excellence. OUSA is a provincial advocacy group that represents over 150,000 post-secondary students throughout the province. Their Teaching Award of Excellence provides students with the opportunity to recognize educators within their post-secondary institutions who excel at unleashing the potential of Ontario's youth and spark the desire to learn in students. 

Students shared kind words about Dr. Newbigging, highlighting his teaching style as engaging, motivating, and exceptional. 

The Student’s General Association (SGA) has partnered with the OUSA to award Dr. Newbigging the Teaching Award of Excellence. “Dr. Newbigging’s students came out in droves to speak highly of their professor. They collectively agree that he is a “one-of-a-kind” educator. Students spoke of his caring, kind, patient, and thoughtful nature and highlighted his efforts to always be responsive, supportive, and understanding.” 

Dr. Newbigging humbly credits Laurentian students, faculty, and staff for his ability to make an impact. “Good teaching is only possible when you have highly motivated students. It’s hard to get students motivated in one term so they must already be motivated. That says something about Laurentian. It says something about the students. It says something about hard-working faculty and staff. It’s not something one person does, it is a collective effort,” said Dr. Newbigging.

The professor’s teaching philosophy puts an emphasis on hard work, saying, “Students always say they appreciate the work I put in while teaching and I always say to them that this course deserves hard work. The subject matter deserves hard work. So I do work hard and I expect that the students work hard as well. It is a responsibility I take very seriously.” 

The SGA collects the nominations from students and forwards them to OUSA annually. “Educators like Dr. Newbigging help our students not only to succeed but also to enjoy their academic journey,” said the SGA. “We wish to thank Dr. Newbigging for his continued efforts to make the learning experience positive for our students and congratulate him on his very well-deserved win.”

Other Laurentian faculty members have received the OUSA Teaching Award of Excellence in previous years:

  • Dr. Blake Dotta, Laurentian University (2022)
  • Dr. Pamela Toulouse, Laurentian University (2021/2020)
  • Dr. Sara Burke | Laurentian University (2019)
  • Dr. William Crumplin | Laurentian University (2018)
  • Kathleen Zinn | Laurentian University (2017)

Previous winner, Dr. William Crumplin was a notable mentor and inspiration for Dr. Newbigging when he started out as a professor. “Dr. William Crumplin led by example and showed me that it was very important to engage students all the time,” said Dr. Newbigging, reflecting on the mentorship he received from Dr. Crumplin in his early days of teaching. “He demonstrated the positive impact of direct and ongoing communication with students. He paid attention to his students' needs and praised them when appropriate. All those things I thought made the experience and connection better for the students in the program.”

Dr. Newbigging will be presented his award at the OUSA Partners in Higher Education Dinner on April 10th, 2024.

“There is no such thing as bad weather”

“There is no such thing as bad weather”

Whatever the weather, the dedication and bond of Laurentian University’s Cross Country Team knows no bounds.

March 28, 2024 - If you’ve ever wondered just who might have the courage to be running on a snow covered sidewalk down Paris Street during Sudbury’s winter weather, it might just be Angela Mozzon or Cameron Date.

The two have been members of the Cross Country team since their first year as Laurentian students in 2019. Five years in, you can find them on the track for competition or outside training in almost all conditions. Angela and Cameron’s love for running is evident in their discipline, time management, and dedication to the sport. 

Angela, 5th year Concurrent Education student and Health Promotion graduate, is from Sudbury and trained with Track North while attending St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School. Choosing Laurentian for her studies after high school was an effortless decision for Angela since both her older siblings were alumni but also because of the fast-track, five-year teaching program.

Cameron Date, 5th year Sports Administration (SPAD) graduate, is currently taking accounting courses as prerequisites to becoming a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA). Originally from Haileybury, Ontario, Cameron attended Timiskaming District Secondary School before enrolling in the SPAD program. “I chose Laurentian for the SPAD program. It is such a unique program where you study commerce and sports at the same time. I am on a first name basis with my professors and we have fun in class. I just don’t think you get that at a bigger school,” said Cameron.

The Laurentian Cross Country team trains throughout the year, though cross country competitions start in the fall outdoors and move indoors to track starting around January. Throughout the academic year, the team is traveling almost every weekend to universities around Ontario to compete.

The team spends three hours training, three evenings a week, and if they aren’t competing on weekends, they are training on a Saturday or Sunday. Although it can be challenging to juggle coursework, athletics, and their personal life, both runners agree that the sport is worth it. They emphasize the importance of discipline and passion in the life of a student athlete. “We are constantly running throughout the year to stay fit. Students who are passionate about running are really good at time management because they get used to prioritizing time to run,” said Cameron.

Angela and Cameron say that the cross country team has formed an incredibly strong bond on and off the track. “Our school’s team has something special. We spend time together even outside of practicing. Our coaches are so invested in us and our team is so tight. I have talked to runners from other schools and that isn’t the experience everywhere. Those bonds make us a stronger team and help us improve as individuals,” said Cameron. Angela agrees, saying, “I love the running but being on the team is more than running - it’s being a part of a family.”

In her first year, Angela faced adversity and did not perform to her expectations when competing at Ontario University Athletics (OUA). “I was finishing almost last and since then I’ve shaved almost five minutes off my time,” she says, reflecting on her improvement. “If it wasn’t for our coaches who focus on development and this being a small school, I wouldn’t have been able to get to this point.”

Evidence of their love for the team and the sport, the Laurentian Cross Country team runs in rain, shine, or snowstorms. “Running all together outside in the winter is a choice,” says Cameron. “Most of us prefer to run outside so even snow won’t stop us. It’s fun to run in the snow with a group of friends instead of running on a treadmill in the gym.” The team recently ran through the city streets during a major snowstorm on a busy Saturday in Sudbury’s south end. Angela admits, “It wasn’t the fastest run that day but we had fun with it.” The two say that it is common for friends and family to not understand their hunger for running no matter the time of day or the conditions outside.

Having reached the end of his studies, Cameron will start working at a local accounting firm full time this spring but he says he will never stop running. Angela plans to stay at Laurentian for another year to make up for one year of competitive running that she lost to the pandemic lockdowns in 2020 and is considering taking a masters program.

New Five-Year Strategic Plan launched at Laurentian University

New Five-Year Strategic Plan launched at Laurentian University

Plan emphasizes unique aspects that make up Laurentian’s diverse identity

March 27, 2024 - A new chapter begins for Laurentian University with the introduction of the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan. Named “Laurentian’s Plan for Connection, Innovation, and Impact”, the plan identifies a vision, a mission, values, and four key priorities as the focus of the academic institution over the next five years. 

“The vision, mission, and values are much more than words on a page. They are the bedrock of any organization’s strategy – they are to be used to guide priorities, shape shared ambitions, and to define how the University will strive to create a lasting impact.” said Dr. Sheila Embleton, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor. “This plan is the result of an in-depth and inclusive process that mobilized many people with unique perspectives who make up the Laurentian community.”

The development of the strategic plan began in July 2023 and featured extensive participation from the Laurentian community. Workshops, consultations, town halls, and surveys were  conducted to gather and organize invaluable feedback from students, staff, and faculty. To help with the in-depth process, StrategyCorp was hired as the strategic plan consultant. Together with the University’s planning committee, the input and perspectives of more than 2,500 people within the Laurentian community were collected and analyzed. 

This path forward emphasizes the importance of, and our dedication to, deepening partnerships and fostering collaborations with the Laurentian community in four priority areas: enhancing the student experience; energizing the academic and research mission; building up the communities served; and valuing and supporting the people who make up Laurentian University.

The implementation of this plan is now underway as success indicators are in development. In the coming months, the academic and research plans will have an important role in defining  how key elements of the strategic plan will be implemented.


Plan Highlights

Vision: Bring the power of Northern Ontario values, resilience, innovation, and Indigenous ways of knowing to the world.

Mission: Prepare the leaders of tomorrow through an inclusive, intellectually curious and  connected bilingual and tricultural learning community.

Values: Community, Integrity, Student Success, Stewardship, Collaboration


Strategic Directions: 

  • Enhancing our Student Experience
  • Energizing our Academic and Research Mission
  • Building Up the Communities We Serve
  • Valuing and Supporting our People


Learn more about the plan.
