Shannon McGee
Shannon McGee is a master lecturer at the School of Nursing. She received her first nursing degree from Laurentian University. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2009, she worked as a registered nurse at St-Joseph’s Hospital in Sudbury where she obtained her clinical experience in orthopedic surgical care. She continued gaining clinical expertise at Health Sciences North on the neurosurgery and orthopedic units. She then accepted a clinical teaching contract at the School of Nursing, Laurentian University where she discovered her passion for teaching. This led to more than 10 years teaching for the School of Nursing, specifically as a Skills Laboratory technician as well as a lecturer for various courses (physical assessment, mental health, aging population, NCLEX-RN prep course, etc.). Shannon has a particular passion for simulation-based teaching and mastered her simulation education skills while working at the Health Sciences North Simulation laboratory. She then pursued her education and received a Master of Science in Nursing from Laurentian University and gained more clinical experience while working at Health Sciences North in the Occupational Health & Safety Department. She was then offered a full-time master lecturer position in the undergraduate nursing program at the School of Nursing, Laurentian University where she continues to guide future nurses.
Shannon McGee has two main research interests. Her primary research interest is the impact of the NCLEX-RN examination on French nursing graduates. She is also interested in career plans of nursing graduates, educational and health issues involving Francophone populations of all ages living in Northern and Rural communities. Her research spans different clinical domains and uses a variety of research qualitative methods.
Her main areas of teaching are physical assessment, mental health, nursing skills as well as preparation for the professional exam (NCLEX-RN).
- McGee, S., Larocque, S., Pilon, R. (2023). L’expérience d’un échec à l’examen professionnel infirmier NCLEX-RN des diplômées d’un programme francophone de baccalauréat en sciences infirmières. La Revue de la Diversité de la Recherche en Santé, 6(2). doi: 10.28984/drhj.v6i2.441
- Lafreniere, N., et McGee, S. (2023) Where am I? Discovering Laurentian University, your health and bilingualism. Development of bilingual (french-english) interactive escape room for first year students at Laurentian University. Link. D, E, A
- Aubuchon, L., Giguère, L. & McGee, S. La simulation formative ou quand l’étudiant a le droit de se tromper. Le Bien-être de l'étudiant – Quelles vigilances éthiques dans la relation pédagogique? (JIFESS). France, Sables d'Olonne le 16 et 17 mai 2019.
- McGee-Felton, S., Larocque, S. & Lavoie, A.M. La maladie de cœliaque et l’infertilité. 7e Congrès mondial des infirmières et infirmiers francophones. La profession infirmière engagée vers l’avenir : chercher, innover, soigner. Secrétariat international des infirmières et infirmiers de l’espace francophone (SIDIIEF). France, Bordeaux, Palais des congrès, 3 au 6 juin 2018.
- McGee-Felton, S. & Lavoie, A.M. La sclérose latérale amyotrophique et l’avancement des traitements. Journée de la recherche en sciences de la santé. Canada, Ontario, Sudbury, Université Laurentienne, Campus School of Education, 4 décembre 2014.
- McGee, S., Mahemmetia, P. & Rivais, K. sous la direction d’A.M. Lavoie (PhD), R.
- Joly (MBA) et Y. St-Denis (MScInf.) Expérience des professeurs cliniques qui supervisent les stages des étudiants(es) en milieu de soins. 4e Congrès mondial des infirmières et infirmiers francophones. Le savoir infirmier, promoteur du développement humain. Secrétariat international des infirmières et infirmiers de l’espace francophone (SIDIIEF). Maroc, Marrakech, Palais des congrès, 7 au 11 juin 2009.