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Education (Concurrent B.Ed.)

Fast-track your career in education.

Academic Advisor

Carolyn Crang



Students wishing to transfer into the program must contact the Academic Advisor.

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Delivery Method: On campus
Program Language: English

Students wishing to transfer into the program must contact


Interesting facts:

In order to teach in the publicly-funded school system of Ontario, all prospective teachers must acquire a B.Ed. from an institution of higher learning accredited by the Ontario College of Teachers. This qualification can also provide you with employment opportunities in other provinces and territories, as well as countries around the world. Laurentian’s English School of Education is one of the few institutions in the province that offers a concurrent B.Ed. Our students study for an initial 4-year undergraduate degree and concurrently will take several education courses, workshops and placements in schools across the province. The five years of the concurrent education provides students with an opportunity to experience a variety of educational settings. The range of experiences enables the student to make an informed judgment about whether teaching is a profession they truly wish to pursue. Those students who choose to opt out of the program can still complete their four-year degree.


Program Highlights:

In addition to completing all other program requirements, students in the concurrent education program at Laurentian need to achieve a minimum of a B average in order to qualify for entry into the Professional Year. The English program of the Faculty of Education and Health/Faculté d’éducation et de la santé has an undergraduate advisor and director to assist with academic counselling. High standards and plenty of preparation mean that our professional year candidates are exceptionally well prepared for entry into the teaching profession.

Students in the concurrent education program will complete two undergraduate placements. In the professional year, students will complete two five-week long placements and may request to complete those placements in any location in Ontario. Students in our program are guaranteed visits by faculty advisors/consultants during their initial practicum in May and during their first professional year placement in November. By the end of the program, all students will have completed just under 90 days of practicum which exceeds provincial requirements.

The concurrent education program operates out of an energy-efficient building completed in 2008 that includes purpose-built spaces for science, music, visual arts, methods classes, a round room, a large lecture theatre, as well as two state-of-the-art computer labs. All education classrooms are also equipped with interactive whiteboard technology. The building is also home to our very active student organization (BEDSA). BEDSA organizes a number of events such as the Frosh welcome, January formal, and a “giving tree” for underprivileged children held each December.

Our program has an embedded focus on the history and various teachings of the Indigenous People in Canada: First Nation, Metis, and Inuit People. The English program of the Faculty of Education and Health/Faculté d’éducation et de la santé has developed a series of relationships that allow for practicum placements in northern, remote, and band-run schools. As a result of these partnerships, many of our students have found employment in alternative settings, or in areas outside of Ontario such as Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. A number of our students have found employment through approved recruiting agencies that place certified teachers in the United Kingdom.


Visit the School of Education for more information

Ontario High School Applicants

Applicants require the successful completion of at least six grade 12 4U/M courses with a minimum overall average of 75% and must qualify to obtain their OSSD. Specific grade 12 courses are dependent upon the concurrent program chosen. Please refer to the admission requirements for the Arts, Science, or Human Kinetics program.


Advanced Placement

Applicants who have completed Advanced Placement courses in appropriate subjects with a grade of 4 or higher may receive transfer credits equivalent to a maximum of 12 credits. Applicants must also meet the admission requirements listed above as Advanced Placement courses are not accepted in place of the Grade 12 requirements.


International Baccalaureate

Applicants who have completed the International Baccalaureate are eligible for admission provided they have achieved a minimum score of 28 and have fulfilled the diploma requirements (six subjects, minimum three at the higher level). Applicants may receive transfer credits for higher level courses with grades of 5 or higher. Applicants must submit the International Baccalaureate transcript to the Office of Admissions for evaluation.


Canadian High School Applicants from Outside Ontario

Applicants require the successful completion of their secondary school diploma with the equivalent course requirements as Ontario applicants. Applicants from the Province of Quebec require a minimum of the first year of the Collège d’enseignement général et professionnel (CEGEP) program or grade 12 with a minimum 75% average. Applicants who have completed two or three years of a CEGEP program will be considered for admission with advanced standing.


High School Applicants from the United States of America

Applicants must have completed grade 12 from an accredited secondary school with a minimum overall B average and must include the equivalent subject requirements as applicants from Ontario High Schools, including English.


Applicants from Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology

Applicants who have completed a minimum of one year of college studies with a minimum overall C average may be eligible for admission.  For students who have completed two or three year programs, Laurentian has many articulation agreements designed to enhance student mobility.  For information with respect to articulation agreements, applicants should contact the Office of Admission.


Applicants from other Universities and Colleges

Applicants wishing to be considered for admission must submit official transcripts to the Office of Admissions. Transcripts are assessed for admissibility and possible transfer of credits. 


Applicants from Other Countries

Applicants from other countries wishing to be considered for admission must submit official transcripts and supporting documents to the Office of Admissions. These documents should be submitted in their original language as well as in an official translation into English or French.

Applicants to English language programs who have not completed at least three years of English academic study must also present an English-language proficiency test result (TOEFL, IELTS, CAEL or MELAB) with the required minimum score. Applicants who do not meet the minimum and who are otherwise admissible are offered the opportunity to enrol in Laurentian’s English Academic Preparation (EAP) Program. Please refer to the website of Laurentian International for more details.

Canadian Applicants

If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you must complete your application through the Ontario Universities Application Center (OUAC).

For detailed instructions on the application process, see the How to Apply: Canadian Undergraduate Applicants page.

Apply Now as a Domestic Applicant

International Applicants

If you’re an international applicant, you must fill out the International Application Form.

For detailed instructions on the application process, see the How to Apply: International Students page.

Apply Now as an International Applicant
Note for Current Students

The degree options listed below are for the upcoming academic year, not the current academic year. If you are a current student looking for which courses to take in order to complete your degree options from a previous academic year's curriculum, please consult with an academic advisor.

The program is offered at the Junior-Intermediate division.

Students must follow these regulations in order to meet graduation requirements, for their undergraduate, non-professional program..


The Bachelor of Education degree is offered in conjunction with:

                Bachelor of Arts (4 year programs)

                Bachelor of Science (4 year programs)

                Bachelor of Physical and Health Education programs

                Bachelor of Social Work*


Students should consult the academic advisor of their concurrent program to ensure the requirements of their undergraduate degree are fulfilled. Students must follow these regulations in order to meet graduation requirements for the BA, BSc, BPHE or BSW.  For questions specifically about the B.Ed., students should meet with academic advisors from the School of Education.

Promotion to Professional Year will require successful completion of undergraduate pre-practicum placements, a successful Initial Placement after graduation from the undergraduate degree, and a minimum 5.5 cumulative GPA (70%) on both Education and non-Education credits. All students must complete 3 undergraduate credits in an indigenous-related course (such as EDUC 1046 Indigenous Ways of Learning, INDG 1116 E Foundations of Aboriginal Peoplehood, etc.).

NB: Successful completion of the practicum component is required for successful completion of the program.


B.A (Hons) / B.Ed.; B.Sc. (Hons) / B.Ed.; BPHE/B.Ed.;  B.S.W./B.Ed.

B.Ed. students must register in the following courses as part of their BA, BSc, BSW or BPHE degree. Students should refer to their concurrent program for remaining course requirements. Students can complete their two degrees in 5 years.


First Year

EDUC 0111EL     Workshops Year 1

EDUC 1016EL     Introduction to Teaching & Learning

EDUC 1024EL     Social and Legal Issues In Education


Second Year

EDUC 0222EL     Workshops Year 2

EDUC 2024EL     Initial Practicum Placement A (observation)

EDUC 2006EL     Education & Schooling

EDUC 3026EL     Math Content for Teachers


Third Year

EDUC 0333EL     Workshops Year 3

EDUC 3024EL     Initial Practicum Placement B (observation - Co-Teaching/Planning)

EDUC 0330EL     Safety and Discipline

EDUC 3006EL     Educational Psychology/Special Education


Fourth Year

EDUC 0444EL     Workshops Year 4

EDUC 3014EL     Initial Practicum Preparation

***EDUC 4996EL     Religious Studies in Catholic Schools (Optional, but highly recommended if candidate wishes to teach in Roman Catholic system)


Education electives:  (may be counted towards BA, BSc, BSW or BPHE requirements)

EDUC 1046EL     Indigenous Ways of Learning (elective)

EDUC 3096EL     Education and Schooling: The Historical and Social Context of Ontario Catholic Schools (cycled) (elective)




Junior-Intermediate students must complete 18 credits in an eligible teachable subject prior to entering the Professional Year of the program. 

EDUC 3114EL     Initial Practicum  (to be completed in the spring prior to Year 5 start)


EDUC 0555EL     Workshops Year 5

EDUC 0410EL      Professional Year Practicum Preparation 1

EDUC 0420EL      Professional Year Practicum Preparation 2

EDUC 4279EL      Current Topics in Education

EDUC 4207EL     Language I (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4214EL     Music (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4239EL     Professional Year Special Education/Mental Health (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4241EL     Health & Phys. Ed. (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4242EL     Mathematics (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4246EL     Instructional Strategies I (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4244EL     Dance (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4254EL     Drama (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4261EL     Social Studies, History/Geography (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4262EL     Science & Technology (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 426EL     Visual Arts (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4271EL     Professional Year Practicum I (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4272EL     Professional Year Practicum 2 (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4276EL     Instructional Strategies II (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4286EL     Language II (Junior/Intermediate)

EDUC 4XXX – Intermediate teachable subject


Intermediate Teachable Subjects

Teachables are available in the following subjects (students need 18 credits in the discipline at the undergraduate level to qualify)

  • EDUC 4106EL     Intermediate English
  • EDUC 4186EL     Intermediate French
  • EDUC 4126EL     Intermediate History
  • EDUC 4116EL     Intermediate Geography
  • EDUC 4206EL     Intermediate Science
  • EDUC 4136EL     Intermediate FNMI Studies
  • EDUC 4236EL     Intermediate Mathematics
  • EDUC 4146EL     Intermediate Religious Studies
  • EDUC 4176EL or EDUC 4166EL     Intermediate Music (instrumental, vocal)
  • EDUC 4216EL     Intermediate Health and Physical Education


Program regulations

1. Concurrent Education students may attempt only 3 professional year placements, (PYP 1 and PYP 2 and/or a potential replacement/repeat), two of which must be successful.

2. A student who is unsuccessful in the same Faculty of Education, School of Education EDUC course after two attempts will be required to discontinue from the School of Education Concurrent Education program.



Bachelor of Education Degree Requirements PRIOR to the Professional Year of the Program (Revised for September 2023)

Download the PDF version


Important notes for ALL Students:

  • The following requirements are ONLY for the UNDERGRADUATE portion of the Bachelor of Education degree. Once students graduate from their initial degree and meet all requirements, they may proceed to their Professional Year (last year) of the Bachelor of Education degree. The GPA requirement to enter the Professional Year is a 6.0 or a “B”.
  • The Academic Advisor for Concurrent Education can be reached at:
  • Students MUST contact the Academic Advisor for their other initial degree to ask questions or to obtain information about that degree.
  • All education students must complete 3 credits in Indigenous content during their initial undergrad degree (EDUC 1046 OR 3 credits from:
  • Courses that begin with a “0” are one-time workshops that occur throughout the year. The schedule for these workshops will be shared with students as soon as it is available.
  • ALL students will complete 2 (TWO) degrees, the “Initial” degree (BA, BSc, BHK, BSW, ISWK), PLUS a Bachelor of Education (BEd.).
  • All Education Students are completing TWO Degrees. This means that students are required to complete 120 credits of their initial undergraduate degree plus 60 credits in their Education degree (20 credits prior to entering the Professional Year and 40 credits in the Professional Year)
  • EDUC 3034, 1.5 credits, 15 days in a school is the only undergraduate practicum. Moving forward, all students will take this course towards 1.5 credits of undergrad practicum.
  • Education students need a total of 18 credits in a teachable subject in their initial degree, which include: English, French, Math, Science, Health and Physical Education, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Indigenous Studies, and Music. Education students must declare their intermediate teachable subject no later than December in the final year of the initial degree.
  • Students are required to check their Laurentian Gmail DAILY.
  • For all other inquiries, email


Students register for courses in their initial undergraduate degree, PLUS the following Education courses:


  • EDUC 1016 EL Introduction to Teaching and Learning (3 cr)
  • EDUC 1024 EL Social & Legal Issues (1.5cr)
  • EDUC 0010 EL Orientation to Teaching (workshop) (0cr)
  • EDUC 0110 EL Ontario College of Teachers Colloquium (workshop) (0cr)
  • EDUC 0020 EL Preparation for Second Year Bachelor of Education (workshop) (0cr)
  • Optional:
    • SCEN 1006 EL Integrated Science I (3cr) (Counts towards Scientific Literacy Credits)
    • SCEN 1007 EL Integrated Science II (3cr) (Counts towards Scientific Literacy Credits)



  • EDUC 2006 EL Education and Schooling (3cr)
  • EDUC 0320 EL Introduction to Federations (workshop) (0cr)
  • EDUC 0030 EL Preparation for Third Year Bachelor of Education (workshop) (0cr)
  • EDUC 0210 EL Safe Classroom (workshop) (0cr)
  • Optional:
    • EDUC 1046 EL Indigenous Ways of Learning (3cr) (Counts towards Indigenous Content Credits)



  • EDUC 3006 EL Educational Psychology / Special Education (3cr) (Students cannot take both PSYC 3405 and EDUC 3006; EDUC 3006 is mandatory)
  • EDUC 3026 EL Math Content review (3cr). (Students who have successfully taken at least one university MATH course are NOT required to take EDUC 3026. Instead, they MUST take EDUC 1046 and email the Registrar, indicating that EDUC 1046 is taken as an EDUC course, NOT an elective course for them)
  • EDUC 3034 EL Initial Practicum Placement A (Observation—Co-Teaching/Planning) (15 days in a school during 3rd year, 1.5 credits) Will be counted toward the required 80 days of practicum by the OCT.
  • EDUC 0330 EL Safety and Discipline (workshop) (0cr)
  • EDUC 0040 EL Preparation for Fourth Year Bachelor of Education (workshop) (0cr)



  • EDUC 3014 EL Initial Practicum Preparation (2cr) offered in Winter session only
  • EDUC 0500 EL Preparation for Fifth Year Bachelor of Education (workshop) (0cr)
  • EDUC 0310 EL Ministry of Education Colloquium (workshop) (0cr)
  • EDUC 0340 EL Collective Bargaining (1 credit with the completion of all workshops)



  • EDUC 3114 EL Initial Practicum Placement B (2cr) in May after completion of 4th year — Students are REQUIRED to register for this course in the spring session AFTER their 4th year, AND in the year when they plan to graduate from their initial undergraduate program and enter the Professional Year in the Education program in the fall.


EDUC-1046EL - Indigenous Ways of Learning EDUC-1024EL - Social and Legal Issues EDUC-0110EL - Ontario College of Teachers Colloquium EDUC-0010EL - Orientation to Teaching EDUC-1016EL - Introduction to Teaching and Learning EDUC-0020EL - Preparation for Second Year B.Ed. EDUC-0190EL - Pre-Practicum Placement I EDUC-3026EL - Mathematical Content Review for Teachers EDUC-0320EL - Introduction to the Federations EDUC-0210EL - Safe Classrooms EDUC-2006EL - Education and Schooling EDUC-0030EL - Preparation for Third Year B.Ed. EDUC-0290EL - Pre-Practicum Placement 2 EDUC-3006EL - Educational Psychology/Special Education EDUC-3096EL - Ed. & Schooling in RC Schools EDUC-0330EL - Safety and Discipline EDUC-3026EL - Mathematical Content Review for Teachers EDUC-3034EL - Initial Practicum Placement A EDUC-0040EL - Preparation for Fourth Year B.Ed. EDUC-0310EL - Ministry of Education Colloquium EDUC-0340EL - Collective Bargaining EDUC-3014EL - Initial Practicum Preparation EDUC-3114EL - Initial Practicum EDUC-0390EL - Pre-Practicum Placement 3 EDUC-0410EL - PYP I Prep EDUC-0420EL - PYP II Prep EDUC-4107EL - Language I (Primary/Junior) EDUC-4119EL - Music (The Arts - Primary/Junior) EDUC-4139EL - Special Education/Mental Health (primary /Junior) EDUC-4141EL - Health and Physical Education (Primary/Junior) EDUC-4142EL - Mathematics (Primary/Junior) EDUC-4149EL - Dance (The Arts-Primary/Junior) EDUC-4151EL - Instructiona Strategies - Part 1 (Primary/Junior) EDUC-4152EL - Early Childhood Special Topics (Primary Junior) EDUC-4157EL - Science and Technology (Primary/Junior) EDUC-4159EL - Drama (The Arts - Primary/Junior)
EDUC-4161EL - Social Studies (primary/Junior) EDUC-4169EL - Visual Art (The Arts - Primary/Junior) EDUC-4171EL - Practicum I (primary/Junior) EDUC-4172EL - Practicum II (primary/Junior) EDUC-4174EL - Instructional Strategies - Part 2 (primary/Junior) EDUC-4184EL - Language II (primary/Junior) EDUC-4207EL - Language I (Junior/Intermediate) EDUC-4219EL - Music (The Arts - Junior/Intermediate) EDUC-4239EL - Special Education/Mental Health (Junior/Intermediate) EDUC-4241EL - Health and Physical Education (Junior/ Intermediate) EDUC-4246EL - Instructional Strategies - Part 1 (Junior/Intermediate) EDUC-4249EL - Dance (The Arts - Junior/Intermediate) EDUC-4259EL - Drama (The Arts - Junior/Intermediate) EDUC-4261EL - Social Studies, History & Geography (junior/Intermediate) EDUC-4262EL - Science and Technology (junior/Intermediate) EDUC-4269EL - Visual Arts (The Arts - Junior/ Intermediate) EDUC-4271EL - Practicum I (junior/Intermediate) EDUC-4272EL - Practicum II (junior/Intermediate) EDUC-4274EL - Instructional Strategies - Part 2 (junior/Intermediate) EDUC-4284EL - Language II (junior/Intermediate) EDUC-4106EL - Intermediate English EDUC-4116EL - Intermediate Geography EDUC-4126EL - Intermediate History EDUC-4136EL - Intermediate Native Studies EDUC-4146EL - Intermediate Religious Education EDUC-4166EL - Intermediate Music Option (a): Vocal EDUC-4176EL - Intermediate Music Option (b): Instrumental EDUC-4186EL - Intermediate French Second Language Teachable EDUC-4206EL - Intermediate Science-General EDUC-4216EL - Intermediate Health and Physical Education EDUC-4236EL - Intermediate Mathematics EDUC-4996EL - Religious Studies in Catholic Schools EDUC-4179EL - Current topics in Education (Primary/Junior) EDUC-4279EL - Current Topics in Education (Junior/ Intermediate) EDUC-0500EL - Preparation for 5th Yr. B.Ed.

List of Faculty Members

Sessional Faculty

Shirley McKnight

Todd Horn

Rebecca Gauthier

Edgar Robinson

Don Blackwell

Ryan Lafraniere

Kristina Rivard-Gobbo

David McKnight

Jan Heppner

Terry Fallat

Jennifer Branconnier

Cheryl Geoghegan

Emily Caruso-Parnell

Michael Jensen

Miriam Cusson

Theresa Whitmell

Artina Voz

Diane Krouse

Marc Savard

Sheridawn Maloney

Michele Henschel



Carolyn Crang

Carolyn Crang

School of Education
Patrice Milewski

Patrice Milewski

Faculty of Education and Health
Nahid Golafshani

Nahid Golafshani

School of Education
Jeffrey Wood

Jeffrey Wood

Faculty of Education and Health
Yovita Gwekwerere

Yovita Gwekwerere

School of Education