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Become a valued member of the healthcare team as you build a career in nursing.

English BScN Collaborative College Partnerships

Laurentian University has been in a formal collaborative partnership with Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology, Northern College, and Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology for over two decades. The year 2025 will mark the final graduating class for the Collaborative BScN program with Cambrian and Sault College.

Upon admission to the Collaborative program at Northern College, students may complete the entire English BScN program in Timmins, Ontario. 


Academic Advisor

Dr. Phyllis Montgomery, BScN Program Coordinator

Telephone: (705) 673-6569 EXT. 3818


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By land area, Greater Sudbury is the largest city in Ontario and as such, the great outdoors beckon with its vast expanse of lakes and waterways, varied terrain, forests and comprehensive network of trails.
Delivery Method: On campus
Program Language: English

Program Highlights:

  • Successful completion of four years of full-time study leads to a BScN.
  • Students have clinical placements beginning in the first year.
  • Respecting the University's tri-cultural mandate, the English BScN program designates at least 10 seats each year for First Nations, Métis, or Inuit students.


The English BScN program is structured in accordance with the following 10 elements:

  1. Academic and Practice Excellence
  2. Knowledge Development and Application
  3. Professional Relationships with Local and Regional Partners
  4. Liberal Education
  5. Wellness and Safety
  6. Diverse Practical Learning Opportunities
  7. Student-centeredness and Support
  8. Cultural Diversity and Sensitivity
  9. Adequacy of Resources
  10. Readiness for Practice

Upon BScN program completion, students have achieved the following eight program goals: 

  1. Be prepared to meet the Canadian Nurses Association and College of Nurses of Ontario’s entry-to-practice competencies and standards. 
  2. Practice nursing with a professional and ethical caring perspective. 
  3. Practice in accordance with the values and principles of primary health care. The values are social justice and equity. The principles are health promotion, accessibility, appropriate technology, public participation, and inter-sectoral collaboration. 
  4. Be prepared to practice nursing at an entry-level within a variety of contexts and with diverse populations, integrating cultural competence and cultural safety. 
  5. Engage in self-directed professional practice. 
  6. Make professional decisions guided by evidence-informed nursing knowledge using multiple ways of thinking including clinical reasoning and critical thinking. 
  7. Work collaboratively with the client and others, interprofessionally and intraprofessionally, to address and respond to emerging healthcare needs. 
  8. Be prepared to contribute to and influence nursing and health care at a professional, political, and societal level by anticipating and responding to the evolving needs of society


Visit the School of Nursing for more information

All students must demonstrate the capacity to meet the College of Nurses Requisite Skills and Abilities for Nursing Practice in Ontario

Ontario High School Applicants

Program Prerequisites:

  • 1 grade 12 English U/M course; 1 grade 12 U/M Math; 1 grade 12 U Biology; 1 grade 12 U Chemistry; 2 other grade 12 U/M courses
  • A minimum overall average of 75% in the 6 best grade 12 U/M courses


Additional information for applicants who have completed Advanced Placement courses.

Additional information for applicants who have completed the International Baccalaureate.


Applicants from outside an Ontario High School 

International Students

  • Note: A required document for entry into the clinical placement setting is a co-op work permit. This permit must be uploaded to a secure portal before the first day of the Fall semester.

Canadian High School Applicants from outside Ontario

Applicants from Colleges

  • Note: Student requests for a transfer from a BScN program are reviewed by an English BScN Program Committee in early May.

Applicants from other Universities

Mature Students

  • Note: Mature students without a post-secondary degree are ineligible for the English BScN program.

Once accepted into the English BScN Program and following registration in a Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring course, all students are required to upload a set of documents to a secure portal by a specific deadline in order to be eligible for the clinical placement component of the course. 

Canadian Applicants

If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you must complete your application through the Ontario Universities Application Center (OUAC).

For detailed instructions on the application process, see the How to Apply: Canadian Undergraduate Applicants page.

Apply Now as a Domestic Applicant

International Applicants

If you’re an international applicant, you must fill out the International Application Form.

For detailed instructions on the application process, see the How to Apply: International Students page.

Apply Now as an International Applicant
Note for Current Students

The degree options listed below are for the upcoming academic year, not the current academic year. If you are a current student looking for which courses to take in order to complete your degree options from a previous academic year's curriculum, please consult with an academic advisor.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Starting on or after Sept. 2015)

Students must follow these regulations in order to meet graduation requirements.

Total - 124 credits

Year 1 (32 cr)
Semester I
   NURS 1004 Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring I (4 cr)
   NURS 1056 Professional Growth I (3 cr)
   NURS 1206 Relational Practice I (3 cr)
   BIOL 2105 Human Anatomy and Physiology (6 cr)
   Elective (3 cr)
Semester II
   NURS 1007 Health and Healing I (3 cr)
   NURS 1094 Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring II (4 cr)
   NURS 1207 Relational Practice II (3 cr)
   BIOL 2105 Human Anatomy and Physiology (cont)
   Elective (3 cr)

All first year required courses must be successfully completed before being enrolled in second year courses.
All students must successfully complete BIOL 2105 before enrolling in BIOL 2036 and CHMI 2220.

Year 2 (32 cr)
Semester I
   NURS 2084 Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring III (4 cr)
   NURS 2006 Health and Healing II (3 cr)
   BIOL 2036 Microbiology for the Health Sciences (3cr)
   CHMI 2220 Clinical Chemistry (6 cr)
   Elective (3 cr)
Semester II
   NURS 2144 Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring IV (7 cr)
   NURS 2057 Professional Growth II (3 cr)
   NURS 2107 Health and Healing III (3 cr)
   CHMI 2220 (cont)
All second year required courses must be successfully completed before being enrolled in third year courses.

Year 3 (32 cr)
Semester I
   NURS 3005 Health and Healing IV (6 cr)
   NURS 3084 Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring V (4 cr)
   NURS 3056 Professional Growth III (3 cr)
   NURS 3406 Nursing Inquiry and Praxis I (3 cr)
   NURS 3206 Relational Practice III (3 cr)
Semester II
   NURS 3005 (cont)
   NURS 3066 Professional Growth IV (3 cr)
   NURS 3094 Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring VI (4 cr)
   NURS 3416 Nursing Inquiry and Praxis II (3 cr)
   Elective (3 cr)
All third year required courses must be successfully completed before being enrolled in fourth year courses.

Year 4 (28 cr)
Semester I
   NURS 4056 Professional Growth V (3 cr)
   NURS 4084 Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring VII (4 cr)
   NURS 4206 Relational Practice IV (3 cr)
   NURS 4416 Nursing Inquiry and Praxis III (3 cr)
   Elective (3 cr)
Semester II
   NURS 4057 Professional Growth VI (3 cr)
   NURS 4094 Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring VIII (9 cr)



Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Starting prior to Sept. 2015)

First Year
   NURS 1004E        Self and Family Health
   NURS 1007E        Family Experience of a Family Health Challenge
   NURS 1056E        Introduction to Professional Growth
   NURS 1094E        Nursing Practice I
   NURS 1206E        Self and Others I: Personal Discovery
   NURS 1207E        Self and Others II: Interpersonal Relationships and Awareness
   BIOL 2105E         Human Anatomy and Physiology
   6 elective credits

Second Year
   NURS 2006E        Healing I: Episodic Health Challenges
   NURS 2057E        Professional Growth II: The Nursing Profession
   NURS 2084E        Nursing Practice II
   NURS 2107E        Pathophysiology: A Nursing Perspective
   NURS 2144E        Nursing Practice III: Complex Health Challenges
   BIOL 2026E         Introduction to Microbiology
   CHMI 2220E        Clinical Chemistry
   3 elective credits

Third Year
   NURS 3005E        Health III: Primary Care and Health Promotion
   NURS 3056E        Professional Growth III: Teaching/Learning in Professional Nursing Practice
   NURS 3066E        Professional Growth IV: Empowerment
   NURS 3084E        Nursing Practice IV
   NURS 3094E        Nursing Practice V
   NURS 3206E        Self and Others III: Helping Relationships
   NURS 3406E        Nursing Inquiry
   NURS 3416E        Nursing Research I
   3 elective credits

Fourth Year
   NURS 4056E        Professional Growth V: Nurses Influencing Change
   NURS 4057E        Professional Growth VI
   NURS 4084E        Nursing Practice VI
   NURS 4094E        Nursing Practice VII
   NURS 4206E        Self and Others IV: Group Process
   NURS 4416E        Nursing Research II
   3 elective credits

Note:    The minimum grade is C for all required NURS courses, as well as BIOL-2105, BIOL-2026, and CHMI-2220.

Program regulations for the BScN degree
Students transferring from other university nursing programs complete a minimum of 2 year fulltime residency at Laurentian University to obtain a BScN degree at Laurentian University.

To be in good academic standing and progress in the BScN program, a student must:
1) Meet all conditions of admission (dependent on criteria for year of admission into program);
2) Achieve a minimum of C in each required nursing and science course, after no more than two attempts per course;
3) Achieve an overall average GPA of 3.5 (60%);
4) Demonstrate satisfactory clinical and laboratory performance in courses where clinical experience is required. Failure to demonstrate satisfactory performance in these areas constitutes a failure in the course regardless of numerical grade; therefore all aspects of the course must be repeated;

5) Complete all course evaluation components;
6) Demonstrates safe, ethical, and professional practice as outlined by Laurentian University School of Nursing Code of Conduct, professional nursing regulatory bodies’ code of ethics and competencies and host clinical agencies. A student may be deemed unsafe in a practice course and may be removed from a practice course for this reason.

(*For students admitted Fall 2012 and prior, the following will apply: Not fail more than 3 credits in any one year or in any sequence of 30 credits.)

Program of Study
To register in any course, a student must meet all pre-requisites. Prior to entry into the clinical component of any Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring course, prerequisite Mandatory.

Documentation must be submitted to the School of Nursing Clinical Placement Coordinator by the established date. The Required Documentation form describes each document. If a student does not meet this clinical requirement, the student is ineligible to register in the Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring course and will be withdrawn from that course by the Registrar.

A student who fails a nursing practice course and/or who has been absent from the BScN  program or from a nursing practice course for one semester or more will be required to take

NURS 2074 - Nursing Practice Re-Entry Lab, and must be successful in this course in order to continue in any subsequent nursing practice course.

A student is subject to a one year probationary period for failure to meet any of the above criteria under Academic Standing.
If a student meets the conditions of Academic Standing, and does not have any other failures, the student will be released from academic probation after successful completion of a minimum of twenty-four (24) credits, as per LU’s standards.

Withdrawal from the Program
A student is required to withdraw from the School of Nursing if while on probation, he or she:
1) Does not satisfy all conditions after one probationary year and does not attain good academic standing (refer again to Academic Standing criteria).
2) Fails to obtain the minimum academic grade and satisfactory clinical and lab performance where appropriate in any required course on a second attempt.
A student who is required to withdraw may petition the Senate Committee on Academic Regulations and Awards (ARA) for readmission after one calendar year.

Such an appeal should have a recommendation from the director of the school before being considered by the committee.

Students in good academic standing who choose to discontinue their studies at the end of the first or any other year, with successful completion of that year, may apply for readmission with advanced standing. Cases are considered on an individual basis.

Additional Costs

In addition to the regular tuition and general fees, students in the School of Nursing are required to purchase learning resources (e.g. textbooks, laboratory kits, etc.) and required uniforms. All expenses (e.g. travel, parking, accommodations, clinical make-up time) related to clinical placements are the responsibility of the student.


Attendance and preparation are mandatory for all program components including classes, laboratories, and clinical. Communication with the professor is mandatory for consideration of extenuating circumstances for absences and for academic counseling regarding progress in the course. These circumstances will be evaluated on an individual basis. The method for monitoring attendance is at the discretion of the course professor(s). Substantiating documentation may be required for absences.

Degree Requirements for Students Enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) Degree Program
The BScN program prepares individuals for nursing practice with health promotion and professional caring perspectives in a variety of settings with diverse populations. Students develop professional independence, self-directedness and critical thinking. Graduates are self-reflective, self-evaluative, responsible, accountable, and make clinical judgments based on the best evidence. They create and influence the future of nursing practice at a political, social and professional level by responding to and anticipating the changing needs of society. Furthermore, they are prepared to meet entry level professional practice requirements as identified by the College of Nurses of Ontario.

To graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, a student must meet all stated degree requirements:
1) Complete all NURS courses including clinical requirements where appropriate with a C minimum grade in each
2) Complete all required Science courses with a minimum grade of C in each
3) Achieve a minimum overall average GPA of 3.5 (60%);(only courses approved by Laurentian University are included in the calculation of averages).
4) Complete all NURS courses for the BScN degree within 7 years of the first nursing course
(**For students admitted Fall 2012 and prior, the following will apply: Complete all NURS courses for the BScN degree within 8 years of the first nursing course).


Palliative and End of Life Care - Statement of Professional Learning (offered online)

The program of study consists of six 1-credit modules at the undergraduate level. Students in the third year of the nursing program at Laurentian University and its collaborative partners, who have completed Year II, will be eligible to complete this Statement of Professional Learning, as they have the necessary foundation in nursing practice including knowledge of pharmacology and pathophysiology. Students need to have completed both NURS 2084 and NURS 2144, or equivalent.

NURS 3508E     Philosophy of Palliative and End of Life

NURS 3518E     Pain and Symptom Management I

NURS 3528E     Pain and Symptom Management II

NURS 3538E     Ethics and Legalities in Palliative and End of Life Care

NURS 3548E     End of Life Care

NURS 3558E     End of Life Care Practicum


Cardiac Care on the Web - Statement of Professional Learning (offered online)

Cardiac Care on the Web is for Registered Nurses interested in Cardiac Care. This is an opportunity for Registered Nurses and third year nursing students to achieve specialty training,

and prepare for accreditation opportunities. This experience facilitates independent learning. Cardiac Care on the Web is a series of online courses made up of 12 stand-alone one-credit courses.  

NURS-2308E     The Philosophy of Cardiac Care on the Web

NURS-2318E     Nursing Health Assessment of the Cardiac Client

NURS-2338E     Epidemiology in Cardiac Care

NURS-2348E     Diagnostic Tools

NURS-2358E     Pharmacology in Cardiac Care

NURS-2368E     Haemodynamics

NURS-2378E     Care of the Client with Heart Disease

NURS-2388E     Care of the Client with Arrhythmia

NURS-2398E     Care of the Client Requiring Interventions

NURS-2408E     Care of the Client with Chronic Cardiac Problems

NURS-2418E  Putting It All Together: Part 1 

NURS-2428E  Putting It All Together: Part 2 

  • After successfully completing six modules, students are eligible to apply for a Statement of Professional Learning.
  • After successfully completing twelve modules, students are eligible to apply again for a Statement of Professional Learning.




NURS-1004EL - Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring I NURS-1007EL - Health and Healing I Challenge NURS-1056EL - Professional Growth I NURS-1094EL - Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring II NURS-1206EL - Relational Practice I NURS-1207EL - Relational Practice II Relationships and Awareness NURS-2006EL - Health and Healing II NURS-2057EL - Professional Growth II NURS-2074EL - Nursing Practice Reentry Laboratory NURS-2084EL - Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring III NURS-2107EL - Health and Healing III NURS-2144EL - Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring IV NURS-2276EL - Nursing Healthy Individuals and Families NURS-2286EL - Nursing Health Assessment NURS-2296EL - Community Health Nursing NURS-3005EL - Health and Healing IV NURS-3056EL - Professional Growth III
NURS-3066EL - Professional Growth IV NURS-3084EL - Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring V NURS-3094EL - Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring VI NURS-3206EL - Relational Practice III Relationships NURS-3316EL - Epidemiology and Biostatistics NURS-3317EL - Issues and Directions in Nursing and Health Care NURS-3406EL - Nursing Inquiry and Praxis I NURS-3416EL - Nursing Inquiry and Praxis II NURS-4005EL - The Evolution of Nursing Knowledge NURS-4015EL - Nursing Research NURS-4056EL - Professional Growth V NURS-4057EL - Professional Growth VI NURS-4084EL - Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring VII NURS-4094EL - Nursing Praxis and Professional Caring VIII NURS-4206EL - Relational Practice IV NURS-4416EL - Nursing Inquiry and Praxis III

List of Faculty Members

Note: For a full list of full-time faculty members, please refer to the School of Nursing web page.


Julie Duff Cloutier

Julie Duff Cloutier

School of Nursing
Emily Donato

Emily Donato

School of Nursing
Craig Duncan

Craig Duncan

School of Nursing
Lissa Gagnon

Lissa Gagnon

School of Nursing
Robyn Gorham

Robyn Gorham

School of Nursing
Roberta Heale

Roberta Heale

School of Nursing
Judith Horrigan

Judith Horrigan

School of Nursing
Shirlene Hudyma

Shirlene Hudyma

School of Nursing
Irene Koren

Irene Koren

School of Nursing
Sylvie Larocque

Sylvie Larocque

School of Nursing
Christina McMillan Boyles

Christina McMillan Boyles

School of Nursing
Phyllis Montgomery

Phyllis Montgomery

School of Nursing
Sharolyn Mossey

Sharolyn Mossey

School of Nursing
Lori Rietze

Lori Rietze

School of Nursing
Lisa Giguere

Lisa Giguere

School of Nursing
Nicole Lafreniere

Nicole Lafreniere

School of Nursing
Sylvain Leduc

Sylvain Leduc

School of Nursing
Jeannette Lindenbach

Jeannette Lindenbach

School of Nursing
Kalum Muray

Kalum Muray

School of Nursing
Yvonne St-Denis

Yvonne St-Denis

School of Nursing