Emily Donato
Emily Donato, R.N., B.Sc.N., M.Ed., PhD is an Associate Professor in the Laurentian University School of Nursing and has taught nursing for over 25 years. She has taught in several capacities as a clinical instructor, faculty advisor, and course professor in first, third and fourth year courses in the BScN Program. She has also been in the role of Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Collaborative Coordinator for the Collaborative Nursing Program, Curriculum Lead, and Director of the School of Nursing. She currently teaches in the MScN program and supervises students in the MScN, and the School of Rural and Northern Health INDH and IRNH programs.
↵- BScN, Laurentian University
- MEd, Ottawa University
- PhD, Rural and Northern Health, Laurentian University
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor
Research interests include: self-directed learning, blended and technology enhanced learning, interprofessional education, and pedagogy to improve teaching and learning in nursing programs.
Northern Interprofessional Collaborative for Health Education (NICHE) Award of Excellence, Innovation, and Leadership in Interprofessional Education (2014)
Taught in BScN Program in years 1, 3 and 4
Currently teaching in MScN Program:
NURS 5126 Health Care Policy and Nursing Practice in Northern, Rural and Remote Environments
NURS 5116 Advancing Social Justice
Donato, E., Green, L., Serwah, I., and Sousa, R. (2018). A Faith Community Nursing Initiative. Diversity of Research in Health Journal, 2. https://pubs.biblio.laurentian.ca/index.php/drhj-rdrs
Shalton, K., Godin, S., Genereux, K., and Donato, E. (2018).The Role of the Nurse: A Comparison of the Canadian and Ghanaian Health Care Systems as Experienced by Undergraduate Nursing Students. Diversity of Research in Health Journal, 2. https://pubs.biblio.laurentian.ca/index.php/drhj-rdrs
Briglio, J., Heale, R., Beites, Crestina & Donato, E. (2017). Development of Local Guidelines for the Management of Intrahepatic Cholestasis in Pregnancy: A Delphi Study. Diversity of Research in Health Journal, 1. https://pubs.biblio.laurentian.ca/index.php/drhj-rdrs
Donato, E. (2016). An evolving rural health conceptual framework. In Sheppard, G., & Tremblay, L., (Eds). Diversity in Research - La diversité dans la recherche – Nooch Gegoo Ndagkendma-daa 2015. Sudbury: Laurentian University. ISBN 978-0-88667-091-7 (PDF). https://zone.biblio.laurentian.ca/dspace/handle/10219/2570
Donato, E., Lightfoot, N., Carter, L., & MacEwan, L. (2016). Interprofessional education in Canadian nursing programs and implications for continuing education. Journal of Professional, Continuing and Online Education,1 (1). https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/jpcoe/index.php/jpcoe/issue/view/1
Donato, E. (2015, November). The importance of interprofessional collaboration in health care in rural and northern settings. Northern Policy Institute (Issue Brief No. 4). http://www.northernpolicy.ca/upload/documents/publications/briefing-notes/briefing-note-interprofessional-care-in-.pdf
Donato, E. & MacDonald, J. (2015, June). Access to care for all Northern Ontarians as a means to optimizing health. Northern Policy Institute (Issue Brief No. 3). https://northernpolicy.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/paper-health-policy-3-english-15-03-01.pdf
Donato, E., Gorham, R. & Hudyma, S. (2012). Nurse practitioner education in a blended learning environment. International Journal of Nurse Practitioner Educators, Fall Issue, 1(3). http://libjournal.uncg.edu/index.php/ijnpe/article/view/539
Farren-Corbin, E., Hudyma, S., Donato, E., Gorham, R., D’Amico, D., Barbarito, C.Twomey, C., & Harder, N. (2012). Health and physical assessment in nursing, laboratory manual, Canadian edition. Pearson Education: Canada.
Donato, E., Hudyma, S., Carter, L., & Schroeder, C. (2010). The evolution of Web CT in a baccalaureate nursing program: An Alice in wonderland reflection. Journal of Distance Education, 24, (3).http://www.jofde.ca/index.php/jde/article/view/702/1163
Raphael, D., Rukholm, E., Brown, I., Hill-Bailey, P., & Donato, E. (1996). The quality of life profile--adolescent version: background, description, and initial validation. The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 19(5), 366–375. http://doi.org/10.1016/S1054-139X(96)00080-8