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Ontario Supporting Geoscience Research

Ontario Supporting Geoscience Research

Initiative to Help Stimulate Mineral Development in Northern Ontario

Ontario is supporting a groundbreaking research proposal that will help lead to future mining innovations and create jobs in the North.

The province's Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) is investing $5 million over seven years to support Laurentian University in its proposal to form a research consortium to better understand how and where base and precious metal deposits formed. This research could lead to improved success in finding ore bodies for future mining development.

Since 2003, Ontario has invested more than $1 billion through the NOHFC to more than 7,463 projects, leveraging more than $3.97 billion in direct economic activity and creating or sustaining over 28,100 jobs in Northern Ontario.

Investing in research and innovation is part of the government's economic plan to build Ontario up and deliver on its number-one priority to grow the economy and create jobs. The four-part plan includes helping more people get and create the jobs of the future by expanding access to high-quality college and university education. The plan is making the largest infrastructure investment in hospitals, schools, roads, bridges and transit in Ontario's history and is investing in a low-carbon economy driven by innovative, high-growth, export-oriented businesses. The plan is also helping working Ontarians achieve a more secure retirement.


“The ground-breaking innovation at Laurentian University and in Sudbury's renowned mineral sector ‎are key to maintaining Ontario's reputation as a leading mining jurisdiction. Continuing to invest in research and innovation initiatives like this one in Sudbury will help to grow the economy and create jobs across all of Ontario’s Northern communities.”

-Glenn Thibeault MPP for Sudbury


“Ontario’s capacity to compete globally in the mining sector depends on how well we can harness our research and innovation strengths. Laurentian University’s research consortium supports Ontario’s renewed Mineral Development Strategy, which is providing a blueprint to ensure Ontario remains a global leader in mineral development for years to come.”

-Michael Gravelle Minister of Northern Development and Mines and Chair of the NOHFC


“Laurentian University is proposing to lead a consortium of Canadian researchers from academia and Canadian and international research centres, government and industry to make Canada a world leader in metal endowment research to enable new mining opportunities.”

-Dr. Rui Wang Vice President, Research, Laurentian University


Quick Facts

  • Since 2003, the NOHFC has invested $211 million in 1,210 projects that have helped create or retain more than 3,800 jobs in the Sudbury area.

  • Investments in strategic, applied research projects are an important part of the Ontario government’s Growth Plan for Northern Ontario [pdf].

  • Ontario is on track to balance the budget next year, in 2017-18, which will also continue to lower the province’s debt-to-GDP ratio.

  • Laurentian University ranks #1 in Canada in National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) funding in Economic Geology and in Applied Geophysics, and #1 in Ontario in Mining and Mineral Processing.

Laurentian celebrates opening of new Executive Learning Centre

Laurentian celebrates opening of new Executive Learning Centre

State-of-the-art facility supported by significant gifts from donors

JUNE 27, 2016 –  A ribbon-cutting ceremony and celebration today marked the official opening of the $3.1M Executive Learning Centre at Laurentian University. 


The state-of-the-art facility, recently constructed on the third floor of the University’s Fraser Building, is a mutli-media connected lecture theatre with a dedicated lounge and five seminar rooms, all equipped with the latest presentation and communication technology. 


The Executive Learning Centre (ELC) will house programs and workshops offered through Laurentian’s Faculty of Management and the Goodman School of Mines. The tiered lecture theatre provides seating for 68 people and is also equipped to connect distance learners to classroom technology. The ELC is the new location of all regular meetings of the University’s Board of Governors and Senate.


Significant gifts from key donors have helped fund the creation of the Executive Learning Centre.  These include $250,000 from BMO, $100,000 from Paul Parisotto and $100,000 from, and Don and Jackie Rastall.


“As a proud alumnus of Laurentian University, I am delighted to support this exceptional facility,” said Paul Parisotto (BA Economics, ’83), Chairman of Noront Resources Ltd, president and CEO of Coniston Investment Corp, and a member of the Goodman School of Mines International Advisory Board.  “It will be a focal point for executive education and life-long learning at Laurentian.”


“This remarkable facility is one of the crowning features of our campus transformation, and will be a point of pride for the University and the broader community,” said Dominic Giroux, Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor.  “It would not have been possible without the support of the generous donors who have shared our vision, and we thank them sincerely for their investment.”


The Executive Learning Centre is part of Laurentian’s $63M campus modernization program, an historic investment in student-focussed spaces and facilities. 

Laurentian University secures international accreditation for its business programs

Laurentian University secures international accreditation for its business programs

Laurentian University secured international EPAS accreditation for its on-campus Bachelor of Business Administration program, as well as for its Bachelor of Commerce in Sports Administration.

JUNE 22, 2016 – Laurentian University secured international EPAS accreditation for its on-campus Bachelor of Business Administration program, as well as for its Bachelor of Commerce in Sports Administration, Canada’s only business degree in Sports Administration. As of May 2016, 98 business programs in 72 universities in 33 countries had the EPAS accreditation, mostly in Europe.


EPAS is an international program accreditation system operated by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). It aims to evaluate for accreditation the quality of management programs that have an international perspective and appropriately high quality.


“The international EPAS accreditation of our undergraduate business programs is a significant milestone for the Faculty of Management in light of our commitment to excellence in developing socially responsible leaders for the global business world. It’s a visible assurance of quality for current and future students, alumni and employers. As a bilingual university working in a very competitive higher education environment, it was important for us to be globally recognized for the excellence of our programs,” explained Dr. Stephen Havlovic, Dean of the Faculty of Management.


This decision followed a three-year process which culminated in a Peer Review Team visit in March by world-acclaimed business education leaders from Morocco, the United Kingdom and France. It involved an in-depth review of the two programs through an intensive comparative evaluation of 25 university-level standards and 56 program-level standards.


“We are very proud of the success of Laurentian’s Faculty of Management in securing EPAS accreditation, which really sets it apart from other business schools worldwide. This accreditation process was an exceptional opportunity for self-reflection, benchmarking and continuous improvement. Students are the first beneficiaries of this new international accreditation,” commented alumnus Tom Blake, Chairman of Sprout Wellness Solutions and Chair of the Dean’s External Advisory Council.


The Faculty of Management serves 1,921 students including 213 at the graduate level. Enrolment has increased by 16% in the last three years alone. Laurentian’s Bachelor of Business Administration is offered on campus in English and in French and on-line in English, for full-time and part-time students. Students can choose from a wide-range of program options including accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, human resources management, international management, marketing, and operations management. Co-op and internship opportunities are also available.


“Achieving international accreditation for the Faculty of Management was a desired outcome in the University’s 2012-2017 Strategic Plan. I am very proud of our colleagues who have worked tirelessly over the past three years to achieve this global recognition. With brand new classrooms, a new state-of-the-art Executive Learning Centre, a new departmental structure, new undergraduate and graduate program offerings, new faculty hires and now with this new prestigious international accreditation, the best is yet to come for the Faculty of Management,” concluded President and Vice-Chancellor Dominic Giroux.

Laurentian University Balances Budget for Sixth Consecutive Year

Laurentian University Balances Budget for Sixth Consecutive Year

Laurentian University Board of Governors approved the University’s 2016-2017 operating budget

The Laurentian University Board of Governors today approved the University’s 2016-2017 operating budget of $150.5 million, an increase of $2.7 million or 1.8% over last year.

New investments will support international accreditation in the Faculty of Management, the expansion of the School of Architecture, graduate programs, bilingual engineering programs, enhancements to Research Services, and to the University’s web presence and digital strategy.

More faculty members were recruited, including four new research chairs in Earth Sciences, Franco-Ontarian History, Indigenous Health, and Bio-Mining, Bio-Remediation and Science Communication.

The University is completing major capital projects including the new School of Architecture, improvements to labs in the Faculty of Health and to student areas in the Alphonse-Raymond Building, an Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre and one-stop student services. Since 2011, Laurentian will have completed $153 million in capital investments.

“We are making strategic investments that will keep us on a steady course in the years ahead,” said Vice-President, Administration Carol McAulay. “We have worked to create room for future success, while being mindful of demographic trends of the university-age population.”

Ontario universities are preparing for a projected decrease of 9% in the 20- to 24-year old population by 2023. Over the same period, Ontario’s 25- to 44-year old population is expected to increase by 10%. Faced with this shifting demography, Laurentian has been adapting its program offering and enhanced its focus on student retention.

“There is no substitute for excellence. For a fifth consecutive year, we have the highest post-graduation employment rates among Ontario universities. The Faculty of Management secured international accreditations this week. Students from our new School of Architecture are already winning global competitions, as they did last month in Norway. Our average entry grade has risen from 79% to 82% since 2009, and the number of students entering Laurentian with an average of more than 85% has nearly doubled. Our Tri-Council funding has increased by 22% since 2009, while it has been stagnant nationally. With this approved budget, we have made a number of difficult choices in order to achieve the important outcomes articulated in our 2012-2017 Strategic Plan”, concluded Dominic Giroux, President and Vice-Chancellor.

Other budget highlights:

·    Investments up 4% in academic areas, 1.5% in academic supports and 1.4% in non-academic areas

·    Seven additional faculty positions

·    Non-salary budget of the award-winning Bharti School of Engineering will double

·    $335,000 more in Research Services to help advance the 2012-17 Strategic Research Plan

·    $238,000 more to enhance web presence and digital strategy

·    $187,000 more in Graduate Studies to support graduate expansion

New school of academic innovation in Northern Ontario

New school of academic innovation in Northern Ontario

Laurentian University and CSPGNO strengthen French language services and continuum of studies

June 14, 2016 – Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l’Ontario (CSPGNO) and Laurentian University today announced the creation of a school of academic innovation which will be housed at École publique Jeanne-Sauvé in the city of Greater Sudbury.


Beginning September 2016, this school of academic innovation will be a focal point where Laurentian University professors and students will engage in activities aimed at:

  1. pursuing various research initiatives proposed by Laurentian and CSPGNO;
  2. facilitating the training of Laurentian students and CSPGNO staff;
  3. establishing intervention projects carried out on site at École publique Jeanne-Sauvé;
  4. disseminating results of various research projects and studies within the educational community.


The school of academic innovation will benefit from a wealth of expertise provided by Laurentian University professors and students in the following areas: physical activity, education, speech-language pathology, nursing and social work. 



“This new collaboration between Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l’Ontario and Laurentian University improves the services offered to our students and raises their awareness of the possibilities they have to pursue their postsecondary education in French.”

Marc Gauthier, Director of Education, Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l’Ontario   


“The establishment of this new school of academic innovation allows students in many programs offered in French at Laurentian University to acquire additional community experience which enriches their training and also increases their collaborative and inter-disciplinary skills.”

Dominic Giroux, President and Vice-Chancellor, Laurentian University


Laurentian strengthens Indigenous education leadership through the expansion of course offerings

Laurentian strengthens Indigenous education leadership through the expansion of course offerings

Effective September 2017, requirements for a Bachelor of Arts will include six credits of courses with Indigenous content.

May 26, 2016 – Laurentian University has announced new requirements that will transform the structure and the content of its Bachelor of Arts programs.  Effective September 2017, requirements for a Bachelor of Arts will include six credits of courses with Indigenous content to promote understanding of the histories, cultures and realities of Indigenous peoples in Canada.


“Laurentian University is at the heart of Indigenous education in northern Ontario and embraces its role in the reconciliation process,” said Dr. Sheila Coté-Meek, Associate Vice President, Academic and Indigenous Programs. “The University is a culturally responsive, welcoming institution for Indigenous students but also one where doors are opened to Indigenous thought and culture for students and faculty from all backgrounds.”


Laurentian has been working to strengthen Indigenous education leadership by updating academic programs to reflect Indigenous history and realities, and foster meaningful inter-cultural engagement between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students.  “We now offer over 100 courses with more than 50% indigenous content and additional courses are in development,” said Dr. Coté-Meek.


The University’s Faculty of Arts is one of the strongest in Canada with respect to its critical mass of tenured or tenure-track Indigenous faculty members.  Laurentian has also recently broke ground on an Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre that is a physical embodiment of its commitment to Indigenous education. The Centre will provide the space for scholars, students and community members to engage in research endeavours in social sciences and humanities, and in innovative capacity building to support Indigenous communities. Consistent with the Calls for Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, it will become a platform “to advance understanding of reconciliation.”


“We are proud of the tremendous work done within the Faculty of Arts to bring indigenous content into its programs and courses,” said Robert Kerr, Vice-President Academic and Provost.  “The new requirement approved by Senate means that more students who graduate from Laurentian will have a good understanding of Indigenous history and culture.”

Six distinguished Canadians to receive Honorary Doctorates

Six distinguished Canadians to receive Honorary Doctorates

Chief Justice of Canada, Chief Executive of Anglo American among recipients

MAY 26, 2016 – Six distinguished Canadians from the fields of law, mining, engineering, journalism, education and social activism will be awarded Honorary Doctorates by Laurentian University at Spring 2016 Convocation ceremonies in Sudbury and Barrie.


Among the recipients of Honorary Doctorates this Convocation season are the Chief Justice of Canada, the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin (May 31, 10:00 a.m.) and Suzanne Tessier, the first woman to graduate from Laurentian University’s School of Engineering. 


“It is a privilege for us to pay tribute to these outstanding Canadians who have led the way in their respective fields,” said Laurentian University Chancellor Steve Paikin.  “Each of them has inspired and enlightened so many others, and we are proud to celebrate them.”


The full list of Honorary Doctorate recipients follows:

The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, P.C (May 31, 10 am, Sudbury, ON)

Born and raised in Pincher Creek, AB, The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin is the 17th and current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. Appointed on January 7, 2000, she is the first woman to hold this position and is the longest serving Chief Justice in Canadian history. The Chief Justice also chairs the Canadian Judicial Council, the Advisory Council of the Order of Canada and the Board of Governors of the National Judicial Institute.


Mark Cutifani (June 1, 2:30 pm, Sudbury, ON)

A champion for workplace safety in mining, Mark Cutifani is the current Chief Executive of Anglo American, one of the world’s largest mining companies. He is also a member of the Board and Group Management Committee, a non-executive director of Anglo American Platinum, Chair of Anglo American South Africa and Chair of De Beers. Mr. Cutifani is the former COO for Inco and Vale’s global nickel business.


Suzanne Tessier  (June 1, 7:00 pm, Sudbury, ON)

Sudbury-born Suzanne Tessier was the first woman to graduate from Laurentian University’s School of Engineering (B.Eng ’79) and currently serves on the Advisory Board of Laurentian’s Bharti School of Engineering. One of her great passions has been encouraging girls and women to consider science and engineering as career choices, and mentoring new women engineers in the mining industry. She was elected to the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers Board of Directors in 2014.


André Picard (June 2, 10:00 am, Sudbury, ON)

As a public health journalist for The Globe and Mail, André Picard’s work has shone a light on health policy in Canada. Considered one of the country’s leading voices on health policy, his work includes articles on the treatment of thalidomide survivors and on the death toll of asbestos. He is a best-selling author and the recipient of the Michener Award for Meritorious Public Service Journalism, the Canadian Policy Research Award and the Atkinson Fellowship for Public Policy Research. 


Dr. Charles E Pascal (June 2, 2:30 pm, Sudbury, ON)

Dr. Charles Pascal is a Canadian educator with expertise in early and higher education, public policy and leadership development. In 2007, he was appointed Ontario’s Special Advisor on Early Learning. In June 2009, he released his seminal report With Our Best Future in Mind: Implementing Early Learning in Ontario, which has informed policy and practice across and outside of Canada.  Dr. Pascal also serves as Chair of the Ontario Council of Regents for the province’s colleges of applied arts and technology and has held several Ontario Deputy Minister positions including the Premier’s Council on Health, Well-Being and Social Justice.


Joseph Roberts (June 23, 2:00 pm, Barrie, ON)

Joseph Roberts is a social activist, author, motivational speaker and CEO. Born and raised in Barrie, Mr. Roberts overcame personal struggles with addiction, poverty and homelessness.  He created a foundation dedicated to youth drug prevention after entering an alcohol and drug intensive treatment program.  As a motivational speaker, Mr. Roberts has reached thousands of young people.  He is currently leading a campaign to end homelessness among youth.  He was named to the Maclean’s Magazine’s Honour Roll in 2003 and has won several awards for his public service.

Laurentian Architecture team celebrates first place win in Bergen International Wood Festival in Norway

Laurentian Architecture team celebrates first place win in Bergen International Wood Festival in Norway

The Bergen International Wood Festival is a biennial global competition focussing on the use of wood for its constructive, structural and tactile qualities.

MAY 18, 2016 - Laurentian University is extremely proud of students and faculty from the School of Architecture who have won the gold medal in an international competition in Bergen, Norway.


The Bergen International Wood Festival is a biennial global competition focussing on the use of wood for its constructive, structural and tactile qualities. This year, 20 teams of designers, architects, artists and students from around the world competed by building installations in a Bergen park with the theme of ‘Green Transition’.  The installations will remain on display for one year, to be enjoyed by the city.


Two teams from Laurentian Architecture included: Matt Hunter, Marie Jankovich, Marina Schwellnus, Derrick Pilon, Angela Perdue and Henry Dyck.  Derrick, Angela and Henry placed first in the competition with their hexagonal design that adapted to the site.  More than 100 hexagons were constructed with an adaptable jig.


The Scandinavia study trip and International Wood Festival teams were led by Laurentian Architecture professor Dr. Tammy Gaber.  The teams were joined by Laurentian Architecture professor Randy Kober for the week-long competition. 


“This study trip to Scandinavia and this wood design competition are incredible opportunities for teaching design. The success of our week in Bergen was in the collaboration of our students, their work ethic in a new environment and our conversations about wood design with artists, architects, carpenters and students from around the world,” said Dr. Gaber. “The prize is exciting, and as the youngest participants, reinforces the hope and opportunities latent in all design questions. I am extremely proud of them and ecstatic to have led this.”


Prior to arriving in Norway, Laurentian teams spent a few days in Iceland to study key buildings and sites with Dr. Gaber. The group will continue on to visit key building sites in the country and then Finland.

Marketing Professor Luc Lagrandeur wins the Enactus Faculty Advisor of the Year 2016 National Award

Marketing Professor Luc Lagrandeur wins the Enactus Faculty Advisor of the Year 2016 National Award

Toronto - The Enactus-Laurentian Student Team was recognized with the SPIRIT award; previously, it received three impact awards at the regional competition in March for projects conducted among First Nations, including Moose Factory and Moosonee.

CROSH moves forward in safety and health with $1.2M in new funding

CROSH moves forward in safety and health with $1.2M in new funding

Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health at Laurentian to create Mobile Lab

APRIL 29,  2016 – The Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at Laurentian University today celebrates the launch of two ground-breaking new initiatives, thanks to research awards that total more than $1.2M in new funding.


CROSH has been awarded $550,000 toward purchasing and equipping a Mobile Laboratory, a 32-ft custom-built trailer that will support ongoing research in occupational safety and health.  The mobile lab, or M-CROSH, will bring researchers to communities and workers who are typically excluded from occupational research.  M-CROSH and its portable equipment will enable field research in numerous areas, including musculo-skeletal disorders, mobile equipment ergonomics, vibration, air quality, fatigue management, and mental health. 


“With this mobile lab, workers across the north will be able to contribute directly to important research in occupational health and safety,” said Leo Gerard, International President, USW and Chair of the CROSH Advisory Board.  “This innovative approach brings the research facility right to the workers, in their communities and on their jobsites, and gives them the opportunity to play an active role in improving workplaces.”


CROSH has also received close to $200,000 toward the construction of its Workplace Simulator, which will allow researchers to replicate the environment and conditions of almost any northern Ontario workplace.  The simulator, W-SIM, integrates a robotic motion platform to simulate vibration, an environmental chamber that controls temperature and humidity, and a virtual reality eye-tracker to simulate a worker’s surroundings. 


Both the Workplace Simulator and the Mobile Laboratory are unique pieces of infrastructure, believed to be the first of their kind anywhere in Canada.


“These new tools will truly solidify our position in the forefront of research in occupational safety and health,” said CROSH Research Chair, Dr. Tammy Eger.  “With these investments, along with the funds dedicated to supporting and expanding our research capacity, we will be able to address critical issues in health and safety in Ontario workplaces.”


Funders of the latest CROSH initiatives include

  • Ontario Ministry of Labour, $500,000 (M-CROSH) and $492,000 (Research Capacity grant)
  • Canada Foundation for Innovation $143,000 (W-SIM)
  • Goodman School of Mines $50,000 (M-CROSH) and $50,000 (W-SIM)


“We congratulate CROSH and we gratefully acknowledge the funders whose support has been so crucial to our ambitious research program,” said Dr. Rui Wang, Vice-President Research at Laurentian University.  “These investments demonstrate a high degree of confidence in CROSH and in Laurentian University in its mandate to lead the field in Occupational Safety and Health.” 
