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Laurentian Online for Credit Programs and Courses
Laurentian Online offers the largest selection of bilingual (English and French) distance education programs in Canada.
Envision the possibilities.
Laurentian Online offers 26 degree program options and nearly 400 courses in an asynchronous online format. Our offerings provide the flexibility to complete a full program of study or complement on-campus study.
Laurentian Online provides:
- Online degree programs and courses
- College-to-online degree pathways
- Admission opportunities three times a year
- Courses are created by faculty members and national research experts, undergo rigorous peer review processes, and hold the same learning outcomes as on- campus courses.
The following undergraduate degree programs are available fully online or through distance education. Click on the program title, followed by "Program Details" and "Degree Options" for more information on specific degree requirements.
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Criminology (3-year Concentration)
- Equity, Diversity and Human Rights (3-year Concentration, 4-year Major)
- Gerontology (3-year Concentration, 4-year Major, 4-year Specialization)
- History (3-year Concentration, 4-year Major)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (4-year Major, only with subject areas available completely online)
- Psychology (3-year Concentration, 4-year Major, and 4-year Honours Specialization with non-thesis)
- Sociology (3-year Concentration)
You may also complete a General BA (3-year) with two (2) minors. For further information regarding minors please see below.
Other undergraduate degree programs:
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) (4-year)
- Bachelor of Forensic Identification Degree (3-year, may require on-site practicum attendance)
Offered exclusively to Forensic Identification Officers - Bachelor of Indigenous Social Work (4-year)
- Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Science (3-year)*
- offering continuations in:
- BIOLOGY (BIOL 1000; BIOL 1700; BIOL 2011; BIOL 2110; BIOL 2701; BIOL 2757; BIOL 2806)
- CHEMISTRY (CHMI 1031; CHMI 1032; CHMI 2031; CHMI 2041; CHMI 2220; CHMI 3031)
- GEOLOGY (GEOL 1021; GEOL 1022; GEOL 2021; GEOL 2022; GEOL 2046; GEOL 3312; GEOL 3811)
- PHYSICS (PHYS 1211; PHYS 1212; PHYS 1905; PHYS 2606; PHYS 2616; PHYS 3306; PHYS 3616)
- offering continuations in:
*The 3-year online degree is a terminal degree which does not allow you to transfer directly into the 4-year Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Science. The 4-year degree is only available on-campus and requires 1st and 2nd year courses that are not covered by the 3-year online degree. Interested in the 4-year degree? Refer to the on-campus page here for more information
- Cardiac Care on the Web
- Fingerprint Detection and Analysis*
- Fire Scene Management and Investigation*
Offered exclusively to Fire Investigators
*These for credit professional development opportunities require on-site practicums
Important Information
How much time should I spend on one class every week?
A three credit course is offered over one semester. You should set aside 15 - 20 hours a week to read, work on assignments, do research, participate in online discussions, watch videos, and study for tests.
How do I access my online/distance education course?
Laurentian Online uses the learning management system Desire2Learn (D2L). You will have access to your course(s) on the first day of term.
Are textbooks included?
All the material for your online course(s) except for required textbook(s) can be found online. You may order the required text(s) and case packages from the online Bookstore.
Are there weekly class times?
Laurentian Online courses are geared towards asynchronous learning. Meaning there are no scheduled weekly class meetings, however course professors may chose to schedule a videoconference once or more during the semester.
Do I have a specific time frame in which I must complete a course?
You must complete a course within its assigned academic semester.
How many semesters are offered each year?
Courses are delivered in four terms annually: fall (F), fall/winter (FW), winter (W) and spring (SP). You can consult the Important Dates calendar to learn the “start” and “end” date of each semester. https://laurentian.ca/important-dates-0
Will I have to come on campus?
You will not be required to come on campus to complete an online/distance course.
Will I have to write a final exam?
Your course may contain a final in person exam. Note that every effort will be made to provide an examination location that is within 100 km for students residing in Canada. However, you will be required to find an invigilator for your invigilated exam if:
- You are located more than 100km from one of our listed test centres; or
- You are registered with Accessibility Services and writing outside of Sudbury; or
- You are writing your exam outside of Canada
If you selected an exam centre, the exam location address, room information and allowable examination room materials will be provided to you seven days prior to the examination period.
Can online students apply for financial assistance?
Yes, Online students can apply for financial assistance. Grants, awards, bursaries, and loans are available to part-time and full-time students who qualify.
What services are available to online learners?
There are many services available to online learners. Online learners can benefit from Accessibility Services, Academic Advising, Library, Counseling, Indigenous Student Affairs as well as many more.
How much is tuition?
Based on several factors, your university fees consist of tuition, incidental and administrative fees. The Fees and Financing section of our website will provide you with the information to help you organize and prepare your finances.
How do I pay my fees?
You can use one of the following methods to pay your tuition fees:
Internet banking
Telephone banking
Interac® debit card
In person at the bank
Paying your tuition fees online is the easiest and fastest way. You can pay your tuition fees online if your financial institution is on the following list: CIBC Bank, Bank of Montreal, National Bank, Royal Bank, Scotiabank, Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD), Caisses Desjardins, Credit Union.
The only way to pay your fees by credit card would be through a third-party service provider. For further information regarding payment methods: https://laurentian.ca/fees-financing/payment-options#how-to-pay
What do I need to know about Online Learning?
In an online course, everything you need is found on the D2L Brightspace platform except for your textbooks and/or select reading packages which you will need to purchase from the Laurentian Bookstore. The benefits of online courses are that they are more interactive and contain built-in communication features such as the discussion board. You can therefore connect with other students and your instructor easily.
All Laurentian Online courses are completed via a learning management system. Depending on the course, you may be required to work independently or with a group. Working online does have its challenges, but it also comes with many benefits. The majority of the Laurentian Online courses are delivered in an asynchronous format, meaning students have the flexibility to read, do coursework, and go online at their convenience rather than be at a specific place at a designated time. Assignments however will have set deadline dates throughout the semester.
Interested in our Programs?
Questions to ask yourself in order to become a successful online learner
Do I have the time and support required to successfully complete my online distance education course?
Do I have the support of my family and employer?
Do I have 15-20 hours a week to read, work on assignments, do research, participate in online discussions, watch videos, and study for tests?
Do I have a designated space that I intend to do my coursework and readings throughout my course(s)?
Can I arrange time off on weekends or evenings to attend my final exam or work on a major assignment?