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Peer Wellness Program

Because Your Wellness Matters to Us

 The Peer Wellness program has been created to support the overall emotional health and wellbeing of students by providing access to Peer Wellness Specialists. The Peer Wellness Specialists promote mental health awareness by organizing events on campus, and also offer general support tailored to the unique needs of students. The Peer Wellness program is for students by students.  


The Peer Wellness Specialists provide supportive listening and offer you support to address personal issues and general wellness concerns that may be interfering with your success and wellbeing as a student. In some cases, you may want or require more specialized, intensive, or longer-term support (i.e., to treat mental health disorders, substance abuse, etc.). The Peer Wellness Specialist can assist you in locating more specialized or more appropriate resources on campus or off-campus.


Meet the Peer Wellness Specialists

Olivia Broomer

Headshot of Olivia Broomer

Hey everyone! My name is Liv and I am completing my final semester of the Indigenous Social Work program. I am a highly social person who loves nature and pizza. I keep a pretty packed schedule but always save room for my personal wellness and focus on achieving balance. My teachings and knowledge come from a plethora of people I have met on my life’s journey and I would be more than happy to share with you the things I have learned throughout my degree. 

Book an appointment

There are a few ways that you can book an appointment with a Peer Wellness Specialist. You can book your appointment on, by emailing or by dropping in our office on the first floor of the Arts Building, Room A-120A.

Same-Day Individual Support

If you are experiencing a situation where you need support or guidance, our peers will be available for drop-ins Monday to Friday, between the hours of 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm in our office on the first floor of the Arts Building, Room A120A. 


Your meeting with a Peer Wellness Specialist is a confidential service.  

Upcoming Events

Peer Wellness Program

Monday to Friday – 9 am to 4:30 pm, Arts Building A-120A