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Top 5 Things to Do Over the Holidays

Well, it looks like we’ve made it! Exam season is officially over and in my opinion, it’s time to celebrate. Here is my list of the top 5 things to do over the holidays – I personally am trying check everything off.


Number One: Do Nothing

Firsts thing’s first: after a month packed with energy drinks, little sleep and too many study notes, your body and mind are likely pretty stressed. The best thing to do? Do nothing. Take a day or two out of the holiday fun to catch up on your favourite Netflix shows, social media, news, etc., without any agenda or obligations.

A person lying down on a couch with headphones on their head

Sweet relaxation. Photo via shuttershock.


Number Two: Enjoy the Christmas lights

The second best thing to do over the holidays? In my opinion, it’s enjoying the Christmas lights! While you can go to the movies, go shopping, or do any number of relaxing things which are available year-round, Christmas lights are only up for one month, and can actually be incredibly beautiful if you take the time to enjoy them.

A house decorated with Christmas lights


Number Three: Play snow-sports

Even though winter is here in Canada for the better part of the year, we’re often too busy to take a day to enjoy some snow sports. Whether you’re into snowboarding, skiing, or tobagonning, snow sports are a great way to get some fresh air, physical activity, and enjoy winter in general.

People tobagonning


Number Four: Watch Christmas classics

What better way to relax than to watch Christmas classics while drinking glass after glass of (non-alcoholic) eggnog? My favourites include Elf, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Jack Frost, and of course, Home Alone.


Number Five: Do Some Holiday Baking

Nothing says the holidays like baking – baking which can also double as a cheap and relatively easy gift for a loved one.

Cookies decorated for Christmas


And there you have it! If you have any suggestions for your top 5 things to do during the break, tweet me at @KaylaRPerry and I’ll be sure to give you and your suggestion a shoutout!