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Language Learning

Dedicated to promoting full access, participation and success for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students.

Getting Started With Anishinaabemowin


Boozhoo. Hello.
Aaniish ezhnikaazyin? What's your name?
_____ ndi-zhnikaas. My name is _____.
Aapiish enjibaayin? Where are you from?
_____ ndoo-njibaa. I'm from _____.
Aanii! Aaniish naa? Hi! How are you?/How are things?
Mii go aanwi. Not too bad./Things are well.
Mii sa nishing. That's good.
Giin dash? And you?
Gmaa go. So-so.
Ga-waabmin. I'll see you.
Ga-waabminim. I'll see you (plural).
Miigwech./Gchi-miigwech. Thank you./Thank you very much.


eskoonwit student aachkin'gan room mzin'igan paper, book
eknoomaagenh teacher waasechgan window pabwin chair
skoon-gamik school shkwaandem door doopwin table
zhibiigaans pencil        


skoonwi he/she goes to school, is at school, studies gaasknaabaagwe he/she is thirsty
gindaasa he/she reads, counts giikiibngoshi he/she is sleepy
bmase he/she walks, is walking nbaa he/she is sleeping
zhi'biige he/she writes nakii he/she works, is working [at a job]
ndagkenjge he/she investigates, researches maajtaa he/she starts [doing something]
bkade he/she is hungry giizhiitaa he/she is finished [doing something]
gkinoo'maage he/she is teaching, teaches naawkwe-wiisni he/she eats lunch
nmadbi he/she is sitting dgoshin he/she arrives
biindge he/she enters, is welcome maajaa he/she leaves


Indigenous Student Affairs

Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre, first floor of the R.D. Parker building