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Monograph Series

The Human Sciences Monograph Series is a Canadian bilingual publication which stresses the interconnections between theory, practice, and pedagogy in the studies conducted in Humanities and Social Sciences.  It provides scholars working across these fields with an accessible way to share their thinking and thus foster a healthy conversation about the implications of the day-to-day work they do within the Humanities and Social Sciences in the contemporary university.

We invite submissions (in English, French, or both) for publication in either of two formats :  Monographs or Edited collections. The manuscript must be sent as an E-Mail attachment in a Word or WordPerfect for Windows format, and by mail as a hard copy. Images, tables, graphic, etc. must be in seperate files. The manuscript must indicate the place in the text where the insersion of the object should happen, by indicating the name/number of the object. The manuscript undergoes a peer review process. Once the manuscript is accepted, the auther or the editor will receive a letter informing him/her of the result of the peer review process. At that point, the author or the editor have to look for funds to cover the cost of the book production.

Volumes Published

The essays and workshop reports collected in this volume aim to support a move towardWriting Across the Curriculum which is slowly making itself felt in English Canada. The also hope to generate within French Canada a consideration of Langue Intégrée aux Programmes as a fruitful and necessary pedagogy for the increasingly plural community we inhabit.

Schryer, Catherine F., Laurence Steven & Renée Corbeil (sous la direction de)
Towards Writing Across the Curriculum / Vers langue intégrée aux programmes.Sudbury : Human Sciences Monograph Series 1/ Série monographique en sciences humaines 1, 1994, vi + 231 p.
ISBN: 0-88667-027-6
$ 25.00 CAD.

This volume presents a sociolinguistic and linguistic study of neology in Arabic terminology. It first deals with the question from the point of view of language planning in order to determine the social, political, economical and historical factors and characteristics influencing this linguistic process. it then proceeds with a descriptive and critical study of the Arabic language system based on the current Arabic linguistic theories and the contemporary linguistic theories and an important terminographic corpus.


Reguigui, Ali
La créativité lexicale en terminologie arabe, Sudbury, Série monographique en sciences humaines 2/Human Sciences monograph Series 2, 1994, x + 107 p.
ISBN: 0-88667-028-4
$ 25.00 CAD

One could have believed that the universal notions of humanity and history would someday give way to less ideological concepts… One could also have believed that constructivism would eventually not only reveal the impotence of the empiristic attitude but also awaken research workers to the role, in theorization, of the human being as an agent of modelization rather than as a subjectivity. Neither phenomenon, however, has occurred. For the most part, contemporary social sciences are still manipulating undefined universal categories through which humanity’s evolution is the product of its sole subjectivity and who’s most important epistemological critique still consists in denouncing the subjectivity or personal interest of a theory’s author. 


Laflamme, Simon
Humain objet, humain sujet : initiation à quelques notions de philosophie de l'histoire et d'épistémologie des sciences humaines, Sudbury, Série monographique en sciences humaines 4 / Human Sciences monograph Series 4, 1996, 116 p.
ISBN: 0886670306
$ 25.00 CAD.

Based on a corpus made up of video-cassettes recorded during family gatherings, this study describes the linguistic behaviours of a Franco-Ontarian family from the region of Sudbury, with emphasis on certain phenomena specific to its situation of languages in contact. The use of English loan words raises a particular issue, especially in the case of interjections and phrases. Switching languages, or codeswitching, is attested in our corpus, especially in relation to extrasentencial switching which in addition comprises a high rate of interjections and idiomatic expressions. But it is the choice of languages, in relation to situational or social factors, that is most characteristic of the speakers. These phenomena would prove that Franco-Ontarians constitute an ambilingual community, which is highly adaptable to the linguistic situations in which it exists.


Melanson, Natalie
Choix linguistiques, alternances de langues et emprunts chez les Franco-Ontariens de Sudbury, Sudbury, Série monographique en sciences humaines 3/Human Sciences Monograph Series 3, 1996, 134 p.
ISBN: 0-88667-031-4
$ 25.00 CAD

This book initiates a thought process regarding the mobility of the mining workers of the North by exploiting a variety of sources, including archives from mining companies which are considered to be the richest materials of the book. Not only does the book examine the geographical mobility of the workers, but it also deals with their internal mobility. Notably, mines have provided learning opportunities for a minority of workers, which goes beyond historians' traditional perception of mines as places of confrontation. One of the okey topics of the study discusses companies' hiring policies which have strongly influenced the ethnic composition of the labour force and, consequently, the population of northern Ontario and Quebec as a whole.


Gaudreau, Guy
La mobilité des ouvriers-mineurs du Nord ontarien et québécois, 1900-1939, Sudbury, Série monographique en sciences humaines 5/Human Sciences Monograph Series 5, 1998, xii + 141 p.
ISBN: 0-88667-041-1
$ 25.00 CAD

From the seventies, a change occurred in the work environment. A socio-economic and political context of crisis made it possible to propel the debate on the legitimacy of thetaylorian-fordian company. It is also in this context that new work experiences emerged. Employers, the group of affiliated trade-unions, the State and the intellectuals, all underline the emergence of a “new industrial order”. But how did we come to that? What are the stakes of these changes? This book tries to bring an empirical answer to these questions. 


Bagaoui, Rachid
Culture d'entreprise et compromis patronal-syndical, Série monographique en sciences humaines 7 / Human Sciences monograph Series 7, 1999, xi + 305 p.
ISBN: 0886670489
$ 30.00 CAD

An historic milestone and a summary of the last thirty years of the twentieth century, these position papers on Franco-Ontarian literature reveal the vitality of this body of work and the rigorous criticism applied to it. The deep thought dedicated to it both within and outside the Province focuses not only on particular works, but also on general considerations of agreement and disagreement.  We hope that this book, marking this fertile subject, will stir debates and give birth to other books to advance the convergence and consolidation on Franco-Ontarian discourse.  This will aim at a constant reevaluation of all the literary genres, so they will not only be highlighted, but also accompanied by a criticism which will assure that attention will be paid to it within the Canadian borders, as well as without.


Bouraoui, Hédi (sous la direction de)
La littérature franco-ontarienne : état des lieux, Série monographique en sciences humaines 7/Human Sciences Monograph Series 7, 2000, 280 p.
ISBN: 0-88667-055-1
$ 25.00 CAD

Theoretical analysis is not enough to characterize the process of complex word formation in the field of terminology. General and the speciality languages do not present important qualitative differences as they share the same resources and, to a degree, use the same processes. However,  they are distinguishable at the quantitative level. Dispersion and distribution analysis of language structure is therefore used to highlight each system's properties. This book adopts this analysis this method of analysis and presents an integrated study of the various formal and quantitative aspects of the complex word formation process in Arabic terminology. It covers, in detail, the morphological, morpho-syntactic, semantic and logical characteristics of the Arabic complex words.


Reguigui, Ali
Anatomie des syntagmes terminologiques arabes : analyse formelle et quantitative, Sudbury, Série monographique en sciences humaines 8/Human Sciences Monograph Series 8, 2002, 421 p.
ISBN: 0-88667-058-6
$ 40.00 CAD

The Muse Strikes Back traces the “Ariane’s thread” to guide readers through the labyrinth of Hédi Bouraoui’s dense, highly figurative, “exploding” novels. It focuses on the bridging of gender and genre, of narratology and fascinating series of female protagonists from diverse cultures – “Koï thaï”, the Tunisian Zitouna, the French Francine, the Egyptian Hatchepsut, the part-Tunisian, part-Corsican Héloïse, the Italian Lisa / Palimpseste, even a feminized talking CN Tower – who rebel against the traditional role of Muse (Dante’s Beatrice, Shakespeare’s Dark Lady), who have minds of their own and their own tales to tell. With a bow to the archetypal female artist Scheherazade, Bouraoui’s fiction creates a dialogue between the sexes, as it does between cultures, and between past and present.


Sabiston, Elizabeth
The Muse Strikes Back : Female narratology in the Novels of Hédi Bouraoui, Human Sciences Monograph Series 9/Série monographique en sciences humaines9, 2005, 167 p.
ISBN: 0-88667-059-4
$ 25.00 CAD

Confronted by globalisation, societies must make their social-institutional systems evolve. during this process, countries with centralizing cultures such as France experience many difficulties, as it is shown by the relationship between theFrench State and its commons. The study of representations of the local authority enables us to identify the ideological and cognitive sources directing the political-administrative standards and practices. Hence, we can better understand why decentralization, which allows local autonomy, contravenes a national model of bi-secular institutional rationality.


Roggero, Pascal
Sociologie des représentations du pouvoir local : l'État français et ses communes, Série monographique en sciences humaines 10/HumanSciences Monograph Series 10, 2006, 360 p.
ISBN: 0-88667-068-3
$35.00 CAD 

The twenty-five texts represent the Proceedings of the International Colloquium, "Transculturel-Transpoétique: L'Oeuvre d'Hédi Bouraoui," held at York University, Toronto, May 26-28, 2005.  The collection highlights the principal themes of Hédi Bouraoui during his long career as poet, novelist, literary critic, and academic. It celebrates his vision of a plural identity, particularly Canadian, with all that implies about this world view of cultural diversity embodied by the Canadian Mosaic. A springboard to Peace, tolerance and global understanding of differences, Transculturalism promotes the building of bridges between and among the diverse cultures, religions, races composing Canada, and serves as an ideal model for the world we live in.  This concept requires as well a free, experimental, flexible, dense expression, charged with symbols, which Bouraoui calls Transpoésie, or Transpoetics. In this book a range of international scholars and poets analyze the productivity over the last forty years of this writer whose texts are rooted in all parts of the world, from Africa to Europe, from North America to Asia…. Sometimes he disappears in order to empower with stony speech the pride of Toronto, the CN Tower, thus synthesizing a poetics of the future.  His work invites diverse critical approaches whose symbolic and realistic readings offer a wide spectrum of responses aiming to promote the dialogue of cultures and identities in an increasingly crowded, exploding global village.


Sabiston, Elizabeth et Crosta, Suzanne (sous la direction de)
Perspectives critiques. L'œuvre d'Hédi Bouraoui, Série monographique en sciences humaines 11/Human Sciences Monograph Series 11, 2007, x + 415 p.
ISBN: 978-0-88667-070-2
$40.00 CAD


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