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Human Kinetics (PhD)

Training progressive thinkers and leaders who have advanced understanding and skills to innovate and expand knowledge in the field of Human Kinetics to benefit society.


Innovate and expand knowledge in the field of Human Kinetics to benefit society.

The PhD in Human Kinetics at Laurentian University is designed to train progressive thinkers, leaders and experts who push boundaries and contribute to advancing knowledge in the field for the betterment of society.

Pursue your studies in two unique program streams not found elsewhere in Canada:

  • Occupational Health, Safety and Wellness
  • Multicultural Physical Activity and Sport

These specialized streams are themed around faculty expertise and provide graduates with specialized knowledge related to the challenges of industry in Northern, rural and remote workplaces.

Students will be required to complete three graduate-level courses, pass a comprehensive exam, and conduct independent research which includes writing and defending a dissertation. Through a required independent study course that may include an internship or community-based learning component, students will be encouraged to engage in applied research with community or workplace partners. 

Students will also have the opportunity to develop interdisciplinary research and knowledge dissemination skills through affiliation with research centres including the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health, Centre for Research in Northern and Rural Health, and Multi-Cultural Sport Research Group.

Key Features

A head with a thinking bubble in it.
The Multicultural Sport and Physical Activity stream provides a focus not found elsewhere in Canada.
An open book with a lightbulb on it.
Gain research and applied skills to support ongoing, long-term challenges of diverse workforces and address the challenge of health inequalities and physical activity promotion related to socio-cultural influences.
A dollar sign.
Competitive funding in the form of a combined Graduate Teaching Assistantship/Graduate Fellowship for full-time International or Domestic students who meet a minimum average of 75%.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Human Kinetics PhD program will be in an ideal position to serve northern communities in professional roles in academia, the private sector (consultants; research and development; industry Occupational Health, Safety and Wellness departments) or government (public health units; provincial and national sport governing bodies; workplace safety organizations).

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Program Details

Faculty Members

Supervisory Faculty

One of the most important aspects of graduate training is the timely, clear identification of a Supervisor for each graduate student.  

All applicants must have a potential supervisor before applying. The supervisor can provide guidance on the application process, the proposed program of research and is required to sign the Supplementary Application form to confirm their review of your application and commitment to supervise. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact potential supervisors early to discuss common research interests and potential for supervision.


Jaouad Alem

Jaouad Alem

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Sandra Dorman

Sandra Dorman

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Tammy Eger

Tammy Eger

Office of the Vice-President, Research
Alain Gauthier

Alain Gauthier

Faculty of Education and Health
Sylvain Grenier

Sylvain Grenier

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Georges Kpazai

Georges Kpazai

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Michel Larivière

Michel Larivière

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Kerry McGannon

Kerry McGannon

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Bruce Oddson

Bruce Oddson

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Stephen Ritchie

Stephen Ritchie

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Robert Schinke

Robert Schinke

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Amanda Schweinbenz

Amanda Schweinbenz

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences
Olivier Serresse

Olivier Serresse

Faculty of Education and Health