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Hello Laurentian University!

July 2, 2019


Hello Laurentian University.  

I want to take a moment to introduce myself.  The business card says Dr. Robert Haché, but I prefer to be called Rob.

It has been an incredibly busy few months preparing to step into the role of Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor.  It has felt a bit like a whirlwind, but I have already had the opportunity to meet and engage with dozens of members of Laurentian University including a number of remarkable and vibrant students. I have also had a chance to attend a few community meetings including as a Chamber of Commerce luncheon.

What an incredibly welcoming community!

I continue to be impressed by the number of individuals who are proud to be part of the post secondary education landscape in Sudbury, and who believe Laurentian University is a magnificent place to learn and grow.

I’m often asked, “How will you navigate the transition to President and Vice-Chancellor, and what will be your priority?”

For my first 100 days, I plan to do a lot of active listening. We have a transition plan that will see me hit the ground running with departmental meetings, and one-on-one meetings with members of the entire Laurentian community, as well as many of our external stakeholders. I am looking to hear about challenges and opportunities that are top of mind. 

Among my early priorities will be academic success, transparency in all we do, and fundamentally building on our momentum.  There is much to be proud of.

In my first 100 days we will celebrate the arrival of the fall term. This is a crucial time for Laurentian University students, as a successful orientation week for domestic and international students will better position students for academic excellence.  In particular I look forward to opening the new student centre.

In the coming days and months, I hope that I have the opportunity to meet and engage with all of you. I would love to buy you a coffee at my upcoming “Coffee with the President” event on July 4. I am eager to hear what sets Laurentian University apart from other universities across Canada. I believe there is a tremendous amount of opportunity and potential. I look forward to building on these achievements.

Beyond that, if you want to get in touch with me, just send an email to

I look forward to getting to know each of you.

Merci, Thank You and Chi Miigwetch,
