Brie Edwards
Research Scientist, Northern Lakes Monitoring and Adjunct Professor
Cross-Appointed Faculty, School of Natural Sciences
Member of the Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
LL-128, Vale Living with Lakes Centre, Laurentian University
935 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON
P3E 2C6
t. 705-675-1151 ext. 3860
Research Interests
I am an aquatic scientist and freshwater community ecologist with the Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Branch of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, and my research informs and supports inland waters surveillance, management and protection in Ontario. I am also a cross-appointed faculty member in the School of Natural Sciences at Laurentian University and my research program includes supervision of undergraduate and graduate research projects. My research laboratory is in the Vale Living with Lakes Centre on the shores of Ramsey Lake.
I conduct research on the unique limnological and ecological characteristics of Ontario’s northern lakes and streams, their recovery from historical pollution impacts, and the potential effects of more recent and ongoing environmental changes.
Gohil, K., Keller, W(B.), Yan, N.D., Gunn, J.M., and B.A. Edwards (in prep) Novel zooplankton community compositions in lakes that have recovered from acidification in Sudbury, Ontario, Freshwater Science.
Jones, F.C., Plewes, R., Murison, L., MacDougall, M.J., Sinclair, S., Davies, C., Bailey, J.L., Edwards, B.A., and J.M. Gunn (in prep) Community thresholds and reference conditions: a case study of lakes and streams in Muskoka, Canada. Freshwater Science.
Jones, F.C., Schaefer, P., Rusak, J.A., Edwards, B.A., and J.M. Gunn (in revision) Declining amphipod abundance is linked to low and declining calcium concentrations in the lakes of the south Precambrian Shield. Canadian Journal for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Tipping, E., Keller, W.(B.), Edwards, B.A., and S.Lofts (accepted) Derivation of toxicity parameters from field data: analysis of lake zooplankton species responses to metals and acidity. Aquatic Toxicology.
Dawson, J.C., Guzzo, M.M., Gunn, J.M., Emilson, E.J., McCann, K.M., and B.A. Edwards. 2024. Stable isotope analysis provides novel insights for measuring lake ecosystem recovery following acidification. Canadian Journal for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 81(7): 904-918,
Sorichetti, R.J., Raby, M., Holeton, C., Benoit, N., Carson, L., DeSellas, A., Diep, N., Edwards, B.A., et al. 2022. Chloride trends in Ontario’s surface and groundwaters. Journal of Great Lakes Research 48: 512-525,
Dey, C., Rego, A.I., … Edwards, B.A., … et al (74 authors total). 2021. Research priorities for the management of freshwater fish habitat in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 78: 1744–1754,
Simmatis, B., Paterson, A.M., Edwards, B.A., and J. Smol. 2021. Linking changes in sedimentary Cladocera assemblages to limnological variables in 67 Sudbury (Ontario, Canada) lakes reflecting various degrees of metal smelter impacts. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Southee, F.M., Edwards, B.A., Chetkiewicz, C.-L., and C. O’Connor. 2021. Freshwater conservation planning in the far north of Ontario, Canada: identifying priority watersheds for the conservation of fish biodiversity in an intact boreal landscape. FACETS
Hall, L.J., Emilson, E.J.S., Edwards, B.A., Watmough, S.A. 2021. Patterns and trends in lake concentrations of dissolved organic carbon in a landscape recovering from environmental degradation and widespread acidification. Science of the Total Environment
Meyer-Jacob, C., Labaj, A.L., Paterson, A.M., Edwards, B.A., Keller, W. (B.), Cumming, B.F., and J.P. Smol. 2020. Re-browning of Sudbury (Ontario, Canada) lakes now approaches pre-acid deposition lake-water dissolved organic carbon levels. Science of the Total Environment
Keller, W. (B.), J. Heneberry, and B.A. Edwards. 2019. Recovery of acidified Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, lakes: a multi-decade synthesis and update. Environmental Reviews
Edwards, B.A., Southee, F.M., and J.L. McDermid. 2016. Using climate and a minimum set of local characteristics to predict the future distributions of freshwater fish in Ontario, Canada, at the lake scale. Global Ecology and Conservation 8: 71-84
Edwards, B.A., Jackson, D.A., and K.M. Somers. 2016. Effects of declining calcium availability on the survival, growth, and calcium content of freshwater crayfish (Orconectes virilis). Freshwater Biology 61: 914-922
Edwards, B.A., Jackson, D.A., and K.M. Somers. 2015. Evaluating the effect of lake calcium concentration on the acquisition of carapace calcium by freshwater crayfish. Hydrobiologia 744: 91-100
Edwards, B.A., Jackson, D.A., and K.M. Somers. 2014. Linking temporal changes in crayfish communities to environmental changes in Boreal Shield lakes in south-central Ontario. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 71(1): 21-30
Edwards, B.A., Lewis, V.R.E., Rodd, F.H., and D.A. Jackson . 2013. Interactive effects of calcium decline and predation risk on the potential northward range expansion of the rusty crayfish, Orconectes rusticus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91(5): 328-337
Scott, C.E., Alofs, K.M., and B.A. Edwards. 2011. Putting dark diversity in the spotlight. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26(6): 263-264,
Edwards, B.A., Jackson, D.A., and K.M. Somers. 2009. Multispecies crayfish declines in lakes: implications for species distributions and richness. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28(3): 719-732