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Phillips Thurston

Phillips Thurston

Sessional Member(ca)
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Architecture
Part-Time Staff
Harquail School of Earth Sciences
Science, Engineering and Architecture

On The Web


Stratigraphic patterns of Archean greenstone belts and their relationship to traace element geochemistry of the volcanic units. Trace element geochemistry of iron formation and cherts in the greenstone belt environm;environment. The place of mineralization with respect to the tectonic architecture of Archean crust. Why are particular deposit types associated with the margins vs. the centers fo tectonic blocks. The place of gold deposits with respect to greenstone belt architecture. The use of trace element mapping of sulfides in Archean gold deposits to decipher the element associations, and the number of mineralizing events associated with gold deposits.


GEOL 4016 EL (Precambrian Geology); GEOL 4506EL (Tectonics, Petrogenesis and Metallogeny)
