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Lea Tufford

Lea Tufford

Full Professor, School of Social Work
School of Social Work
Faculty of Education and Health


Lea Tufford is a Full Professor in the School of Social Work. She received her PhD from the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work in 2012. She obtained her Master’s in Counselling Psychology from Liberty University. Lea has a Bachelor of Education from the University of Windsor, a Master of Arts in French literature from McMaster University, and a Bachelor of Arts in English and French literature also from McMaster University.

Lea was the 2011 recipient of the Society of Social Work Research (SSWR) Doctoral Fellows Award. Her dissertation research focused on the mandatory reporting of child maltreatment within social work and is featured in her book, Child Abuse and Neglect in Canada: A Guide for Mandatory Reporters (2019) published by Oxford University Press. Lea has direct practice experience as a psychotherapist with individuals, couples, families, and groups in community mental health, Employee Assistance Programs, and private practice.

Lea has taught social work at the undergraduate and graduate level in the areas of interviewing skills, ethics, assessment, substance use, neuroscience, child abuse and neglect, theoretical foundations of practice, and clinical work with individuals, couples, families, and groups. 




Social Work Education (Simulation-based Teaching, Critical Social Work, Social Justice, Trauma-informed, Field Education, Embodied Practice)

Child Abuse and Neglect (Decision-making, Critical Race, Intersectionality, Mandatory Reporting, Legislation, Public Perceptions)

Eco-social Work (Critical and Social Justice Explorations, Approach to Clinical Practice)

Contemplative Practices (Mindfulness, Reflection, Compassion)



Survey Research (Likert-scale, Panel, Qualitative)

Qualitative Research (Individual Interview, Focus Group, Thematic Analysis, Content Analysis)

Mixed-Methods Research

Simulation-based Research (Standardized Clients, Objective Structured Clinical Examination, Holistic Competence)





Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council                                2022

Insight Grant

Tufford, L. (PI)

Dylan, A., & Baldwin, C. (Co-Investigators)

Preparing for Social Work Practice: Developing a

Model of Holistic Competence for Field Instruction

$150,372 CAD


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council                                 2018

Insight Grant

Tufford, L.(PI)

Lee, B., Bogo, M., & Wenghofer, E. (Co-Investigators)

Evaluating Decision-making and Relationship

Competence when Reporting Suspected

Child Abuse and Neglect

$120,824 CAD


Laurentian University Research Fund                                                     2017

Tufford, L. (PI)

Katz, E. (Co-Investigator)

Exploring Tools to Strengthen the Professional Development of

Students Studying Social Work: A Mixed Methods Study

Incorporating Mindfulness Training into Course Work

$4,997.64 CAD


Laurentian University Research Fund                                                     2015

Tufford, L.(PI)

Yorke, J., Bogo, M., and Katz, E. (Co-Investigators)

Evaluating Bachelor of Social Work Students Using the

Objective Structured Clinical Examination

$4,806.25 CAD


Human Resources Research Institute                                                      2015

Tufford, L.(PI)

Smallboy, B. (Collaborator)

The HR Needs of Aboriginal People in Northern Ontario

– Barriers and Solutions

$33,800 CAD




Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council                                 2024

Insight Development Grant

Boynton, H. (PI)

Margolin, I., Vis, J., Dylan, A., Tufford, L., Godley, J.,

& Tarshis, S. (Co-investigators)

Johnston, P. (Collaborator) 

Social Workers’ Experiences of Children and their

Spirituality in Counselling in Canada

$63,120 CAD


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council                                 2024

Knowledge Synthesis Grant

Wu, H. (PI)

Breen, K., Tufford, L., Parzniewski, S., & Ru, S.


Exploring Non-Economic Losses of Climate Refugees:

A Systematic Review

$29,999 CAD


Harriet McCain Student Research Internship                                          2022

Dylan, A. (PI)

Tufford, L. (Co-Investigator)

Eco-social Work Direct-Practice Model

Development Project

$2,000 CAD


Royal Bank of Canada Applied Social Work Research                        2022

Katz, E. (PI)

Tufford, L.(Co-Investigator)

Developing a Model for Teaching the

Competency of Reflection

$10,000 CAD


Laurentian University Research Fund                                                     2015

Lightfoot, N. (PI)

Tufford et al. (Co-Investigators)

Who Cares? The Impact of Mining-Related Lung Cancer

on Caregivers in Sudbury

$4,985.84 CAD





SWRK 5076 - Reading Seminar I 

SWRK 5077 - Reading Seminar II

If you are interested in doing an independent reading seminar please send me an email.

SWRK 6004 - Thesis

SWRK 6024 - Advanced Practicum

If you are interested in having me as your first or second reader for your thesis or advanced practicum please send me an email.

SWRK 5086 - Selected Methods of Direct Intervention

SWRK 5016 - Advanced Social Work Practice I



SWLF 1006 - Introduction to Social Welfare

SWRK 2315 - Basic Intervention Skills in Social Work Practice

SWRK 3727 - Social Work Practice with Groups

SWRK 4436 - Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families

SWRK 4915 - Integration Seminars for Social Work Practice

SWLF 3806 - Child Abuse and Neglect

SWLF 3736 - Critical Perspectives on Disability

Field Instructor (3rd and 4th year research placements)

Faculty Consultant (3rd and 4th year placements)


BOOKS (N = 1)

1. Tufford, L. (2020). Child abuse and neglect in Canada: A guide for mandatory reporters. Oxford University Press.


​1. Tufford, L., & Dylan, A. (Eds.). (in-press). Trauma-informed Care in social work education: Implications for students, educators, field, and pedagogy. Routledge.


6. Parzniewski, S., Tufford, L., Ru, S., Breen, K., & Wu, H. (in-press). Integrating environmental justice and sustainability into social work education and professional training: Case studies of pedagogical initiatives from Central and Eastern Canada. World Sustainability Series. North American and European Perspectives on Sustainability in Higher Education. Springer.

5. Tufford, L., & Dylan, A. (in-press). Introduction. In L. Tufford & A. Dylan (Eds.), Trauma-informed Care in social work education: Implications for students, educators, field, and pedagogy. Routledge.

4. Tufford, L., & Dylan, A. (in-press). Implications for students, educators, field, and pedagogy. In L. Tufford & A. Dylan (Eds.), Trauma-informed Care in social work education: Implications for students, educators, field, and pedagogy. Routledge.

3. Dylan, A., Tufford, L., & Katz, E. (in-press). Trauma-informed approaches in embodied social work. In L. Tufford & A. Dylan (Eds.), Trauma-informed Care in social work education: Implications for students, educators, field, and pedagogy. Routledge.

2. Tufford, L., Tarshis, S., & Dylan, A. (in-press). Trauma-informed Simulation-based Learning: Considerations for Students and Standardized Clients. In L. Tufford & A. Dylan (Eds.), Trauma-informed Care in social work education: Implications for students, educators, field, and pedagogy. Routledge.

1. Dylan, A., Cammaert, J., & Tufford, L. (2024). Nutritional social work: An avenue for teaching about sustainability in social work education. In S. Hillock (Ed.), Greening social work education: Caring sustainability. University of Toronto Press.

​ ​ ​


2. Featherston, R., Barlow, J., Song, Y., Haysom, Z., Loy, B., Tufford, L., & Shlonsky, A. (2024). Mindfulness‐enhanced parenting programmes for improving the psychosocial outcomes of children (0 to 18 years) and their parents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1. Art. No.: CD012445.

1. Shlonsky, A., Dennis, J. A., Devine, B., Tufford, L., Barlow, J., Bjørndal, A. (2016). Mindfulness-based parenting programmes for improving psychosocial outcomes in children from birth to age 18 and their parents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 11, Art. No.: CD012445.


(Student Contributions are Underscored) 

40. Tufford, L., Lee, B., Bogo, M., & Wenghofer, E. (accepted). Development and evaluation of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination when reporting child abuse and neglect. Journal for the Society of Social Work and Research.

39. Dylan, A., Gunderson, S., & Tufford, L. (online). An online Mindful Self-Compassion group offered during COVID-19: Reflections on group work elements. Social Work with Groups.

38. Tufford, L., Gauthier, L., Ologan, E., Bogo, M., Katz, E., & McKee, E. (2024). What motivates social workers to become field instructors: Perspectives from Canada. Transformative Social Work, 2(1), 1-15.

37. Tufford, L., Gauthier, L., Bogo, M., Katz, E., McKee, E., & Jenney, A. (2024). Towards understanding the training needs of Canadian field instructors. Field Educator, 14(1), 1-27.

36. Tufford, L., Gauthier, L., & Katz, E. (2024). The social work case scenario: Perspectives from BSW students. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 27-28(1), 172-185..

35. Tufford, L., Thieu, V., Zhao, R., & Jenney, A. (2024). Undergrad and over 30: Perceptions of mature students in a Bachelor of Social Work program. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 44(1), 30-48.

34. Tufford, L., Lee, B., Thieu, V., & Zhao, R. (2023). Emotional regulation in peer-to-peer role-play in Canadian social work education: The contribution from standardized clients in medicine. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 43(5), 627-643.

33. Katz, E., Kirvan, A., Tufford, L., & Bogo, M. (2022). Evaluating an embodied mindfulness approach to teach reflective practice to MSW students: A mixed methods case study. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 43(4), 943-955.

32. Tufford, L., Lee, B., Thieu, V., & Zhao, R. (2022). Field instructors’ perspectives on educating social work students in the mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect. Field Educator, 12(2), 1-31.

31. Plante, W., Tufford, L., & Shute, T. (2022). Interventions with survivors of interpersonal violence: Addressing the role of shame. Clinical Social Work Journal, 50, 183-193.

30. Tufford, L., Thieu, V., & Zhao, R. (2022). How graduating BSW students manage uncertainty in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 42(4), 354-370.

29. Tufford, L., Gauthier, L., Katz, E., & Jenney, A. (2022). Towards understanding the client and observer in the peer-to-peer role-play. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 41(6), 1387-1404.

28. Tufford, L., Katz, E., Boyer, L., & Etherington, C. (2021). Impact of adding mindfulness practices to a Bachelor of Social Work direct practice course. Contemporary Educational Research Journal, 11(2), 29-42.

27. Tufford, L., Katz, E., Etherington, C., & Gauthier, L. (2021). Simulation as vicarious learning in the BSW classroom. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 41(3), 257-274.

26. Tufford, L., Lee, B., Bogo, M., Wenghofer, E., Etherington, C., Thieu, V., & Zhao, R. (2021). Decision‑making and relationship competence when reporting suspected physical abuse and child neglect: An Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation. Clinical Social Work Journal, 49, 256-270.

25. Tufford, L.,& Lee, B. (2020). Relationship repair strategies when reporting child abuse and neglect. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 37, 235-249.

24. Tufford, L.,Katz, E., & Etherington, C. (2019). BSW student perspectives on the utility of brief, classroom-based mindfulness practices. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 89(3-4), 220-237.

23. Tufford, L., Evans, C., & Katz, E. (2019). BSW students and interviewing: Physiological, psychological, and pedagogical perspectives from Canada. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 38(8), 1010-1024.

22. Lightfoot, N., MacEwan, L., Tufford, L., Holness, D. L., Mayer, C., Kramer, D. M. (2019). Who cares? The impact of suspected mining-related lung cancer on caregivers. Current Oncology, 26(4), e494-e502.

21. Tufford, L.,Bogo, M., Katz, E., Lee, B., & Ramjattan, R. (2019). Reporting suspected child maltreatment: Educating social work students in decision-making and maintaining the relationship. Journal of Social Work Education, 55(3), 579-595.

20. Tufford, L., & Lee, B. (2019). Decision-making factors in the mandatory reporting of child maltreatment. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 2, 233-244.

19. Tufford, L., & Morton, T. (2018). Social work perspectives of the Children’s Aid Society. Critical Social Work, 19(1), 86-102.

18. Tufford, L., Asakura, K., & Bogo, M. (2018). Simulation versus role-play: Perspectives of BSW students. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 23, 249-267.

17Tufford, L., Bogo, M., & Katz, E. (2017). Examining metacompetence in graduating BSW students. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 22(1), 93-110.

16. Tufford, L.(2016). Reporting suspected child maltreatment: Managing the emotional and relational aftermath. Journal of Family Social Work, 19(2), 100-112.

15. Tufford, L., Bogo, M., & Asakura, K. (2015). How do social workers respond to potential child neglect? Social Work Education: The International Journal, 34(2), 229-243.

14. Tufford, L.(2014). Repairing alliance ruptures in the mandatory reporting of child maltreatment: Perspectives from social work. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 95(2), 115–121.

13. Katz, E., Tufford, L.,Bogo, M., & Regehr, C. (2014). Illuminating students’ pre-practicum conceptual and emotional states: Implications for field education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 34, 96-108.

12. Mishna, F., Tufford, L., Cook, C., & Bogo, M. (2013). Research Note—A pilot cyber counseling course in a graduate social work program. Journal of Social Work Education, 49, 515-524.

11. Bogo, M., Katz, E., Regehr, C., Logie, C., Mylopoulos, M., & Tufford, L. (2013). Toward understanding meta-competence: An analysis of students’ reflection on their simulated interviews. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 32(2), 259-273.

10. Shera, W., Muskat, B., Delay, D., Quinn, A., & Tufford, L. (2013). Using the AASWG Group Work Practice Standards to assess the outcomes of a ‘Social Work Practice with Groups’ course. Social Work with Groups, 36(2-3), 174-190.

9. Bogo, M., Regehr, C., Katz, E., Logie, C., Tufford, L., & Litvack, A. (2012). Evaluating an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) adapted for social work. Research on Social Work Practice, 22(4), 428-436.

8. Williams, C. & Tufford, L. (2012). Professional competencies for promoting recovery. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 75(2), 189-200.

7. Tufford, L., & Newman, P. (2012). Bracketing in qualitative research. Qualitative Social Work, 11(1), 80-96.

6. Tufford, L., Newman, P. A., Brennan, D. J., Craig, S. L., & Woodford, M. (2012). Conducting research with lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: Navigating research ethics board reviews. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 24(3), 221-240.

5. Bogo, M., Paterson, J., Tufford, L.,& King, R. (2011). Supporting front-line practitioners’ professional development and job satisfaction in mental health and addiction. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 25, 209-214.

4. Bogo, M., Paterson, J., Tufford, L., & King, R (2011). Interprofessional clinical supervision in health and addiction: Toward identifying common elements. The Clinical Supervisor, 30(1), 124-140.

3. Tufford, L., (2011). Helping couples through the crisis of infertility. Psychologica, 33(1), 24-30. 

2. Tufford, L., Mishna, F., & Black, T. (2010). Mandatory reporting and child exposure to domestic violence: Issues regarding the therapeutic alliance with couples. Clinical Social Work Journal, 38(4), 426-434.

1. Tufford, L. (2009). Healing the pain of infertility through poetry. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 22(1), 1-9.