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International Opportunities

Exchange Students Testimonial


Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics(China)

Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics (China)

Overview of the partnership

Under the agreement signed in 2012 and the renewed agreement signed in 2016, each year up to 100 students will begin their first year of study at ZUFE. They will then enrol in the six weeks LU-ZUFE Dual Degrees Summer Bridging Program (Part 1) offered by Laurentian English Language Institute in Hangzhou. After they finish their second year of study in Hangzhou, they will enrol in the two weeks Summer Bridging Program (Part 2) in our Sudbury campus two weeks before the class start from September. After successful completion of the 33 credits during 12 months period in Sudbury, these students will return to ZUFE in Hangzhou to complete the remainder of their degree requirements. With this dual degree program, they will receive two bachelor degrees, one from each institution.

About ZUFE

Located in Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province in China, ZUFE has a focus on Economics and Management. It has also successfully branched into programs such as Literature, Art, Law, Science, and Engineering. It is an outstanding university with a growing reputation in China and abroad.

ZUFE has three campuses totalling 388 acres, all of which have excellent teaching and research facilities. The campuses all have tree-lined roadways, gardens and parklands. At present, ZUFE has a physical, educational department, an independent college, a continuing educational college, and 14 different Schools. It has 45 bachelor and 38 master programs in total. ZUFE has over 1,300 staff members, including 818 full-time professors and instructors, to serve a total of 20,000 full-time students. ZUFE’s School of Accounting serves 3,000 students and is the top school of its kind in Zhejiang (a province with a population of 55 million).

A group of people standing A group of people standing in front of ZUFE building


Current LU-ZUFE Dual Degree Agreements

Since 2012, we have signed two renew agreements, the current agreements valid until Dec 31, 2025. We are expecting 24 ZUFE students to come to Laurentian in Fall 2020.

In 2016, First Laurentian Convocation in China - President Blog -

In 2020, First Virtual Convocation in China - Click here

People walking A student speech on graduation day

A group of people holding a certificate

Graduating class picture taken outside


Promoting students exchange in Asia and the Pacific



Laurentian University is also a member of the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP). This means that Laurentian students can complete their exchange through ISEP at one of their 300 partner institutions in more than 50 countries. ISEP is a non-profit educational community dedicated to helping students overcome barriers to studying abroad. 

*There are additional application, placement, and processing fees for ISEP exchanges. 

✈ ISEP website
✈ Apply and pay with ISEP online. 
✈ Additional application and processing fees.