Pride @ LU
An organization for MOGII (Marginalized Orientations, Gender Identities, and Intersex) students, staff, and faculty members at the university. Located on the second floor of the Parker Building in room P221, Pride aims to raise awareness and visibility and provide role-modeling for students.
Spiritual Life Services
A multidenominational program that helps students with personal and religious concerns during the school year through religious and faith counselling, fellowship among students and faculty, regular religious services and a variety of special events.
Women’s Centre
Promoting women’s equality and a positive environment for women on campus. The centre has a resource library and a separate lounge. There are volunteers on hand with whom you can talk confidentially, for on-and off-campus referrals. Our people also organize events to raise awareness of women’s issues.
Indigenous Student Affairs
The Indigenous Student Affairs team strives to ensure a positive learning environment in a manner consistent with the Indigenous worldview. It is our intention to increase accessibility and retention, as well as enhance the academic experience of students of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit ancestry at Laurentian University. We nurture a learning environment that supports the academic, spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit student body by respecting and supporting the voices and spirit of our community at Laurentian University.
Equity, Diversity and Human Rights
The Equity, Diversity and Human Rights Office (EDHRO) is a resource for all members of the Laurentian University community, including students, staff, and faculty. We assist with matters of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual violence and bullying. We do not advocate for either party in a dispute, but take an impartial and objective approach towards resolving matters between parties.