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Celine Larivière

Celine Larivière

B-235, B.F. Avery Physical Education Centre


Céline Larivière (PhD, RKin) is a Laurentian Alumnus (BEPS,1992, MSc Biology 1994).  She has a long-standing interest in the area of exercise science and human physiology.  She pursued doctoral studies in Physiology at the University of Ottawa between 1994 and 1999 then completed post-doctoral training for a period of two years at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.  She began her career at Laurentian University in 2002 as an Assistant Professor in the School of Human Kinetics.  During this time she developed a research program in the area of muscle cell biology.  More recently, she has collaborated on research projects focusing on occupational health and safety and related to the recently regulated health care profession of Kinesiology in the province of Ontario. She intends to further develop these research areas in the coming years.  Her teaching expertise is in the area of human physiology though she has enjoyed the opportunity to teach courses in human growth and development, sport injury management as well as exercise science and wellness. Over the years, she has had the privilege to mentor numerous undergraduate and graduate students many of whom have gone on to pursue successful careers in rehabilitation sciences. medicine and research.  She has held administrative positions at Laurentian University including Vice-dean Francophone Affairs of the Faculty of Professional Schools (2003-2005), Interim Director of Research (2011), Director of the School of Human Kinetics (2012-2017) and Interim Dean of the Faculty Health (2017-2019). Outside the university, she was a member of the Executive committee for the Canadian Council of University Physical Education and Kinesiology Administrators (CCUPEKA) and served on the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario's University Liaison committee.  She looks forward to making contributions to Laurentian University as Dean of the Faculty of Health between 2019 and 2024.


  • Registered Kinesiologist, College of Kinesiologists of Ontario
  • Ph.D. Physiology - University of Ottawa
  • M.Sc. Biology - Laurentian University
  • B.E.P.S. - Laurentian University

Academic Appointments

Associate Professor, Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Laurentian University

Adjunct Professor, Huntington University, Department of Gerontology 


Early in my career at Laurentian, my research focused on skeletal muscle physiology, particularly on the role of large structural proteins belonging to the plakin family.  In 2011, I began undertaking applied research in the fields of occupational health safety and physical activity and exercise science. In particular, I was co-investigator on a project focusing on the determinants of fatigue in forest firefighters and I am collaborator on a project titled "Mining Mental Health which is an innovative project  bringing together, researchers, a mining union and a major mining company.  In terms of my applied research in the area of exercise science, I am involved as a co- investigator in a study to determine the effectiveness of a pre-surgery exercise program for individuals who are candidates for joint replacement of the hip or knee.   Lastly, I intend to pursue research designed to further define and explore the profession of Kinesiologists within the health care sector and to study the workplace health and safety issues impacting Kinesiologists in clinical practice in Ontario and beyond. 


  Presidential Advisory Committee on the Status of Women Award_May, 2015


Courses taught throughout my career:

Science de l'exercice, mieux-être et santé

Performance humaine I (Physiologie)


Croissance physique et développement de l'humain



  • Gagnon, D.D., Perrier, L., Dorman, S. C., Oddson, B., Larivière, C., and Serresse, O. 2019. Ambient temperature influences metabolic substrate oxidation curves during running and cycling in healthy men. European Journal of Sport Science - DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2019.1612949
  • Thorpe, M., Tremblay, L., Larivière, C.  and Chebbi, B. 2018. The relationship between gross motor skills, psychosocial adjustement and peer victimization in school-aged children. Diversity of Research in Health Journal, 2: 66-87, ISSN 2561-1666 DOI 10.28984/drhj.v2i0.240
  • Jeevanantham, D., Rajendran, V., Tremblay, L., Larivière, C., and Knight, A. 2018. Evidence-based guidelines for physiotherapy management of patients with multiple myeloma: study protocol. Systematic Reviews, 7(118):1-8.
  • McGillis, Z., Dorman, S.D., Robertson, A., Larivière, M., Leduc, C., Eger, T., Oddson, B., and Larivière, C. 2017. Sleep patterns amongst Ontario wildland firefighters over a low-hazard fire season. J. Occup Environ Med, 59(12): 1188-1196.
  • Wayne, N., Ataman, R., Fischer, S., Smith, L., Larivière, C., Thomas, S., Sutherland, C., Srbely, J., and Santa Mina, D. 2017. Developing a Research Agenda for the Profession of Kinesiology: A Modified Delphi Study. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 2(10): 51-56.
  • Robertson, A.H.,  Larivière, C., Leduc, C., McGillis, Z. Eger, T., Godwin, A. Larivière, M.,  and Dorman, S.D. 2017. Novel tools in determining the physiological demands and nutritional practices of Ontario FireRangers during fire deployments. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169390. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169390.
  • Mercier, S., Larivière, C., Khurana, S., Tai, T.C. and Venkataraman, K. 2016. Exercise and antioxidant intake in aging normotensive and hypertensive individuals. Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 2 (1): 010 (6 pages).
  • +remblay, L, Thorpe, M., Daoust, M. Larivière, C., Chebbi, B., Thériault, V. 2016. Description and features of a new computerized gross motor skills measurement test. Journal of Technologies and Human Usability, 2(3), 31-49.
  • Blouin, P., Serresse, O., Dorman, S.C., and Larivière, C. 2016. Expression profile of plakin crosslinking proteins in short-term denervated mouse hindlimb skeletal muscle. Cell Health and Cytoskeleton, 8: 37-46
  • Goggins, K, Godwin, A., Larivière, C. and Eger, T. 2016. Study of the biodynamic response of the foot to vibration exposure. Occupational Ergonomics, 13: 53-66. 
  • Ozuemba B., Masilamani, T.J., Loiselle, J.J., Koenderink, B., Vanderbeck, K.A., Knee, J., Larivière, C. and Sutherland, L.C.  2016. Co- and post-transcriptional regulation of Rbm5 and Rbm10 in mouse cells as evidenced by tissue-specific, developmental and disease-associated variation of splice variant and protein expression levels. Gene, 580: 26-36.
  • Thirkill, LJ, Dinnes, CA, Urajnik, D., Gauthier, AP, Larivière, C., Laurence, M. and Dorman, SC. 2016. The Impact of Kindergarten Scheduling on Physical Activity and Classroom Behaviour. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 3(3): 269-279.