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Advice from a Fourth-Year Student

by Jack Laushway

As you read this blog, you might think “What gives you the authority to tell others how to live their life?” Well, I do not have any authority or professional experience. It’s been a roller coaster ride for these past four years and I feel like I’ve been through it all. I think I can use my experiences to help others throughout their university experience and entire life.

No matter which year of university you are in, these tips should provide helpful advice. This advice also goes beyond education, try to incorporate these important lessons into as much of your everyday lives as possible.

In this first part (of two) I’ll share my golden rule and my first 25 tips. Stay tuned for the next 25 soon!

Golden Rule: Take Care of Yourself. 

This is the most important advice I could give. It is crucial that you take time to do things that are meaningful to you and bring you joy. Indulge in life but make sure you are looking out for yourself. You’ll be surprised by how many people you can turn to when you are in need of someone to listen to you. Monitor your well-being as mental health means everything.


#1: Make New Friends

It is important for everyone to find a new friend group in university. This doesn’t mean you should ignore your old friends group chat, but it is time to find new friends and learn more about yourself. You’ll be shocked by how much you have in common and some of the things they might make you interested in.


#2: Take time for a Weekly Family Call

This is something that I never did, but I wish I had. It is always good to check in with your parents and talk about what you have been up to. Even if you find your parents annoying or embarrassing, they will greatly appreciate your effort.


#3: Make Healthy Food Choices

Eating healthy is a lot easier than most think. It is mostly about surrounding yourself with healthy food options, and stop purchasing junk food. Don’t know a lot of recipes? Try MyFridgeFood. This app allows you to select all the ingredients you have in your fridge and based on your supplies, will create a list of all the recipes you can make (there are even settings for vegetarians, diabetics, and those on a low fat diet). 


#4: Form positive first impressions

You don’t know how important someone can be to you at first glance. Make good impressions and form connections with everyone you meet. Classmates and peers can go a long way to help you in the long run.


#5: Plan Out a Weekly Budget

You will have less financial stress if you plan out a weekly budget for spending. Even if you don’t spend any less, you’ll feel as though you have greater control over your expenses. If you don’t know how to manage your spending, try Kakeibo.


#6: Participate in Class

Tuition is expensive so make sure you are making the most out of your education. This will also make the class go by faster and form a good impression on your professors. Also, some classes will reward you with grades for participation!


#7: Take time to speak to your professors

They are there to help you. In my experience, they enjoy helping out their students and will go the extra mile to help you succeed. In some cases, I’ve even had professors be more generous towards my grading because they were pleased with how I was putting in the effort and speaking with them on how I could improve.


#8: Loosen up

Relax. Exams can be a stressful time, but it’s important to do your best and not spend time worrying. Failing a test won’t be the end of the world. Except for rare life-and-death matters, nothing is as important as it first seems.


#9: Take charge of your attitude

Ultimately, you decide what happens to you. If you work your tail off, good things will happen and you will succeed. But you need to put in the effort and build that mindset.


#10: Become an early bird

Start waking up at 6 a.m. It will take time getting used to it, but you won’t believe how much more time and energy you’ll have once you prioritize tasks. It is still hard for me to crawl out of bed, but once you make that little leap, everything else comes easy.


#11: Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out

Shovel a stranger’s driveway or pay for the next person in line’s coffee. The goal is to create joy for others, but you will also feel good while doing it.


#12: Get some exercise

Doing cardio at least four times a week will really help your energy levels and take a significant amount of stress off your back. It doesn’t matter how athletic you are, as long as you push yourself it will feel great. It’s essential to mental health as well.


#13: Go to an event every week, even if none of your friends come

Become independent and go do things that interest you, even if no one else comes with you. That way you’ll be happier, become more confident, and make new friends.


#14: Do little things that make you happy

Sing in the shower, dance by yourself. These things seem silly but will bring you great joy to let loose and be yourself.


#15: Make friends with people who make you a better person

Have friendships with those who motivate you, encourage you, and will support you no matter what. They will make you more well-rounded and confident. Your friends should be a good influence not negative.


#16: Always be grateful

Thank the cooks, professors, and bus drivers who provide for you. Even the little things can go along way.


#17: Give up your seat to someone else on the bus

It doesn’t matter if they need to sit down or not, a simple deed like that might really make their day.


#18: Pay attention in class

Good note-taking can be the difference maker between passing an exam or not. Everyone learns differently but you should always take notes that will help you learn the material.


#19: Try not to take ‘bird courses’ with electives

Take a subject that interests you or a course that will challenge you to work hard and learn something new. You won’t regret it. Ultimately, the goal of school is to LEARN.


#20: Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know

Even though there are going to be negative things happening in your life, always put on a smile and be enthusiastic about everything. Your happiness will brush off on others and spread joy.


#21: Be accepting of others

In university, you will meet people of all different backgrounds and interests. Learn to embrace other people’s cultures and be accepting to everyone. What you might find strange could be something that is very important to them.


#22: Take advantage of all your opportunities

There are plenty of learning experiences outside the classroom that can benefit you. You should also take the time to do part-time work and volunteer. Laurentian is a relatively small school and there are plenty of great opportunities that are out there if you look for them.


#23: Always accept help

Don’t argue with someone who is offering their help. They might feel as though they need to help you. Just let them have that.


#24: Don’t wait until you hit rock bottom before you get help

Everyone can benefit from speaking to someone, so don’t hesitate to address your concerns and get help at the early stages.


#25: Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them

Even just calling your grandma to tell her that you love her, it will make her week. A little effort can go a long way.