Forensic Identification
The Bachelor of Forensic Identification is offered exclusively to Forensic Identification Officers. Courses are offered by e-learning and practicums.
Application Information
This program is exclusively for Canadian police officers and civilian members of Canadian police services who have successfully completed the basic Forensic Identification training at either the Ontario Police College or the Canadian Police College.
Important Note: To apply for the Forensic Identification program, you must complete the Part-Time OUAC Application. You cannot apply for this program with the OUAC Undergraduate Application. Do not follow the instructions in the How To Apply section on this page.
2017 Bachelor of Forensic Identification graduate students
Academic Advisor
James Watterson
Telephone: 705-675-1151 X: 4349
Office: F-325, Science II Building

Each course is approximately $700.00, which includes the $60 digital learning fee for the e-learning courses copyright charges. The practicums are the same fee.
Advanced standing of 12 credits for the Basic Constable Training Program and 30 credits for the Forensic Identification Diploma will be awarded. Further, until the 2019 Winter Term of this agreement, Advanced Forensic Identification courses will receive 3 credits for each completed course to a maximum of 18 credits. Students with a two-year college diploma with a least a C+ will receive 12 credits and students with a three-year college degree with at least a C+ will receive 18 credits. Students with university credentials will receive up to 18 credits.
The maximum number of credits that can be granted in advanced standing is 60 credits. Students who do not have the requisite 60 credits for advanced standing but are qualified to enter the Bachelor of Forensic Identification degree can complete the credit shortfall through any recognized university level course.
Application Form and Admissions Questions
The completed application form and transcript can be mailed or electronically sent to:
Roxanne Remillard
Admissions Officer
Office of Admissions
Laurentian University
935 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON
P3E 2C6
Admission inquiries are directed to Roxanne Remillard at 705 675-1151 ext. 3491
The Bachelor of Forensic Identification degree is 90 credits. Advanced standing is achieved in the following four ways. [I.e. credit for studies done in police service]
Basic Constable Training or Cadet Training Program earns you advanced standing of 12 credits.
Your Forensic Identification training gives you a minimum advanced standing of 30 credits.
Additional Forensic Identification courses beyond your initial Forensic Identification certification can give you a maximum of 18 credits.
Any college diplomas or university-level courses can also count to a maximum of 18 credits.
Important Note: The maximum number of advanced standing credits you can receive is 60 credits. You are guaranteed a minimum of 42 credits in advanced standing for the training you have done in police services.
Ontario Police College Graduates
In addition to the application form, OPC graduates are to provide a transcript that includes forensic identification courses completed beyond the diploma. These could help achieve Advanced Standing from the 18 credits needed for the degree beyond the 42 credits automatically received.
Canadian Police College Graduates
In addition to the application form, CPC graduates are to provide a letter of attestation that certifies the completion of the forensic identification training. Please assure the letter of attestation includes any forensic identification courses taken beyond the basic certification. These count towards the 18 credits needed beyond the guaranteed credits.
Statement of Professional Learning in Fire Scene Management and Investigation
Admission for Fire Investigators employed by the Office of the Fire Marshal and members of the fire services who have completed the Ontario Fire College Fire Investigation basic course and are recommended by their Fire Chief.
Statement of Professional Learning in Fingerprint Detection and Analysis
Admission to the Bachelor of Forensic Identification Program; Any officer who has completed the diploma in forensic identification at either the Ontario Police College or the Canadian Police College can take the three courses and receive the Statement. The statement is intended to give recognition to the officers who complete the three courses in Fingerprinting.
Canadian Applicants
If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you must complete your application through the Ontario Universities Application Center (OUAC).
For detailed instructions on the application process, see the How to Apply: Canadian Undergraduate Applicants page.
Apply Now as a Domestic Applicant
International Applicants
If you’re an international applicant, you must fill out the International Application Form.
For detailed instructions on the application process, see the How to Apply: International Students page.
Apply Now as an International Applicant
The degree options listed below are for the upcoming academic year, not the current academic year. If you are a current student looking for which courses to take in order to complete your degree options from a previous academic year's curriculum, please consult with an academic advisor.
Bachelor of Forensic Identification (90 credits)
42 credits of advanced standing with completion of Basic Constable Training Program (12 credits) and of the Forensic Identification Diploma (30 credits)
30 FOID credits*
18 elective credits (may be FOID or any other discipline)*
*Bachelor of Forensic Identification students cannot take FOID 1306EL or FOID 1006EL for credit towards the BFI.
Statement of Professional Learning in Fingerprint Detection and Analysis
Required Courses (9 credits):
FOID 2206EL Detection, Development and Photography of Fingerprint Evidence
FOID 3026EL Diagnosis, Sequential Fingerprint Processing and Photography of Crime Scenes and Exhibit
FOID 3066EL Digital Optimization of Impression Evidence
Note : The courses must be taken in the sequence of FOID 2206, FOID 3026 and FOID 3066
Admisions have been suspended for the following:
Statement of Professional Learning in Fire Scene Management and Investigation
Required courses (12 credits):
FOID 1306EL Scientific Inquiry and Fire Scene Management
FOID 2306EL The Law and Fire Scene Management
FOID 3036EL Fire Scene Investigation
FOID 3136EL Fire Scene Practicum
Note: The courses must be taken in the proper sequence.
Download a copy of the Course List below:
Introduction to Scientific Inquiry and Crime Scene Investigation
Scientifc Inquiry and Fire Scene Management
Essentials of Tire Impression
Detection, Development and Photography Of Fingerprint Evidence
The Law and Fire Scene Management
Introduction to DNA
Evidence and Ethics for the Expert Witne
Principles of Toxicology and Drug chemistry for forensic identification
Forensic Aspects of Firearms and Tool Mark Evidence
Evidentiary Protocols and Report Interpretation for Firearms
Concepts in Human Decomposition
Forensic Recovery of Human Remains Practicum
Forensic Applications of DNA
Diagnosis, Sequential Fingerprint Processing and Photography of Crime Scenes and Exhibits Practicum
Evidence and Testimony for Forensic Officers Practicum
Directed Research for Forensic Identification
Fire Scene Investigation
Essentials of Footwear Impression Evidence
Bullet Impact Damage Assessment Practicum
Human Skeletal Anatomy Practicum
Fire Scene Practicum
The Law and Fire Scene Management
Footwear Evidence Practicum
Footwear Evidence Practicum
List of Faculty Members
Sessional Faculty
Dean Dalhstrom
Brian Dalrymple
Richard Denive
Lesley Hammer
Greg Olson
Christopher Williams
Adjunct Professors
306-539-2264 |
705-835-0227 |
907-242-0229 |
705-677-7681 |