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Architecture (M.Arch.)

Laurentian University's Master’s degree in Architecture is unique in Canada.

The McEwen School of Architecture offers a unique curriculum based upon four related subjects:

  1. Design Studio
  2. Culture (including histories, material culture)
  3. Technology (including ecology, sustainability, structures)
  4. Professional Practice (including work-terms for credit)

The spine of every architecture program is the Design Studio, which will follow an intended sequence that is drawn from building in a Northern Canadian context:

Master of Architecture (MArch)

  • Year 5: Craft, Community & Indigenous Design (choice of graduate studio)
  • Year 6: Thesis Research and Design (individual design)

Academic Advisor

Steven Beites, Graduate Coordinator

Telephone: 705-675-1151 ext. 7263


Office: McEwen School of Architecture, Telegraph Building, Office TE-212

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Laurentian University aerial view
By land area, Greater Sudbury is the largest city in Ontario and as such, the great outdoors beckon with its vast expanse of lakes and waterways, varied terrain, forests and comprehensive network of trails.
Delivery Method: On campus
Program Language: English

The McEwen School of Architecture is now officially the 12th accredited architecture school in Canada! Learn more ».



Visit the McEwen School of Architecture for more information

Applicants for Direct Entry into 2-year M.Arch Program 


Due to accreditation requirements, all applicants seeking direct entry into the 2-year M.Arch Program must have a pre-professional architecture degree (i.e. BAS, BES, BEDS, etc.). Pre-professional architecture programs are those whose curriculum is designed to meet accreditation requirements established and cyclically reviewed by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) or foreign equivalent.  


[Note: Applicants who have a 4-year degree in architecture or a closely related field such as Environmental Design from a non-pre-professional program (i.e. the curriculum is not cyclically reviewed by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) or foreign equivalent), will be considered for acceptance into an Architecture Qualifying Year, including comprehensive design studio and other suggested courses. See the ‘Architecture Qualifying Year’ section below.] 


Deadline to apply: February 1st each year (please enquire at regarding rolling deadlines). If this date falls on a weekend, then the application is due on the following business day.


Application Process


Step 1. Click here to submit the online application. Once students have applied, they will receive instructions (typically within 48 hours) from the Office of Admissions leading them to the MyLaurentian portal. Students can access the portal at; sign-in credentials will be provided in the correspondence received from the Office of Admissions upon successful completion of an application.


The following are required for consideration: 


An overall GPA of at least 70% (min. Laurentian University GPA 5.5) is required to be admitted into the M.Arch. program.

  • Three (3) references (to begin the process at click on

"Reference Submission" on the left-hand navigation menu – you will need to send the electronic form provided on the portal to your referees)  

  • A current curriculum-vitae/resume (to be uploaded via MyLaurentian)

  • A 1-2 page letter expressing what area(s) of design you wish to focus upon for graduate work including any particular professors you may want to work with (to be uploaded via MyLaurentian). Please note that M.Arch Thesis advisors are assigned after entry into the program.


A) For those who hold or will hold a BAS and are continuing to the M.Arch after the program at Laurentian, you must also submit:

  • A Design Portfolio showing your creative and design skills, technical knowledge, and relevant professional experience. Due to the pandemic, portfolios must be submitted electronically via the platform Issuu.

  • We ask that you:

    • Send the link of your online portfolio to

    • Embed the link in the letter of interest requested above.


B) For those applying to the M.Arch program from outside of the BAS program (including those applying for the Architecture Qualifying Year), you must also submit :

  • Official transcripts, indicating your previous pre-professional architecture degree* (or previous undergraduate degree if applying to the Architecture Qualifying Year). 

  • A Design Portfolio showing your creative and design skills, technical knowledge and relevant professional experience. For each project in your portfolio please note the following:

    • If it was completed for school (what studio level), extra-curricular or during employment

    • Which climate and what location it was designed for

    • If it was completed individually or as part of a team/group; if the project was a team/group effort note your specific contribution (note the analogue and/or digital tools used (eg. Drawing mediums, computer software etc.)


Due to the pandemic, portfolios must be submitted electronically via the platform Issuu. (Remember to send the link of your online portfolio to and also embed the link in the letter of interest requested above).


*Please note that official transcripts or World Education Services (WES) course-by-course (for institutions attended outside of North America) must come directly to the Office of Admissions from the previous post-secondary institution by requesting at the time of your application or by contacting the institution's Registrar's Office.


Step 2. Once the LU Office of Admissions receives all information and the application is deemed complete, the application will be forwarded to the School. A McEwen School of Architecture Graduate Admissions Committee will meet to review all applications. 


Step 3. The McEwen School of Architecture Graduate Admissions Committee will review all applications on file and decide the suitability of each applicant. The committee will then make a recommendation to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies at Laurentian University. The Graduate Studies Office will verify the dossier and if satisfactory, the Dean of Graduate Studies will forward the recommendation to the Office of Admissions at Laurentian University for admission.  


Step 4: If approved for admission, the LU Office of Admissions will send the student an Offer of Admission via MyLaurentian. Applicants wishing to accept the offer of admission must indicate their response on MyLaurentian within 3 weeks of receiving the offer. Once the student has accepted the offer, a transition to the registration process occurs.  


Note: Should the applicant wish to defer their offer, a letter must be written to the Director of the McEwen School of Architecture explaining the reasons for the request. If the request for deferral is accepted, it will be valid for one year only. The applicant would be required to re-apply in any year following the one-year deferral. Requests should be submitted to


Architecture Qualifying Year 


Applicants who have a 4-year degree in architecture (or a closely related field such as Environmental Design) from a non-pre-professional program (i.e. curriculum is not reviewed by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) or its international equivalent), will be considered for acceptance into an Architecture Qualifying Year, including comprehensive design studio and other suggested courses. The Architecture Qualifying Year is designed to allow applicants to obtain the professional M.Arch degree over a 3 year period while ensuring that accreditation requirements are met. Acceptance into the graduate program is contingent on the student maintaining good academic standing during the Qualifying Year.  


Similarly, in some cases, international students with limited or no experience in cold climate construction and building envelope design, and/or students who have not demonstrated sufficient comprehensive design experience, and/or students who are not deemed to have the requisite digital proficiencies to succeed in the M.Arch program will also be recommended to the Architecture Qualifying Year.  All applicants should be applying directly to the Masters of Architecture program outlined above and will be considered on an individual basis by the unit for either the M.Arch. program or the Qualifying Year. 


*Note: In some cases, depending on the quality of the portfolio and academic transcript, students may instead receive advanced standing into the third year of the BAS program. If so, and upon successful completion of 60 undergraduate credits at the university, the student will receive a Bachelor of Architectural Studies degree and would be eligible to apply directly to the M.Arch program.


Students who maintain Good Academic Standing during the Qualifying Year will need to provide a “Letter of Intent to Continue into the M.Arch. Program” to the Graduate Coordinator before the February 1st application deadline, but will not need to reapply.  


To apply for acceptance into the Architecture Qualifying Year, applicants must follow the instructions above. In the letter of intent, applicants should clearly state that they are applying for the Architecture Qualifying Year.  



1. Check your program requirements

You can find your program requirements on this page, under admission requirements. For some Graduate programs you will need to secure a supervisor as part of your application process. You can find if you need to contact a supervisor on the how to apply to graduate programs page.

2. Complete your Application

Once you have reviewed your program requirements you can apply through the graduate application portal. This will take you to an external site, hosted by OUAC. Within 48 business hours of submitting your application you will receive an email with further instructions.

Apply Now

3. Setup your myLaurentian account and upload your documentation

Once your application has been received by Laurentian University, you will receive an email that contains information on accessing your myLaurentian Portal where you will continue the application process. To activate your account, visit the myLaurentian Portal and click the yellow bar "New to Laurentian".

Please note that the submission of items on the “My Checklist” is solely the obligation of the applicant. Please review this list carefully in order to complete your application.

Learn more on our how to apply to graduate programs page.

Detailed How To Apply
Note for Current Students

The degree options listed below are for the upcoming academic year, not the current academic year. If you are a current student looking for which courses to take in order to complete your degree options from a previous academic year's curriculum, please consult with an academic advisor.

Students must follow these regulations while in the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Master of Architecture


Year 1  FALL

ARCH 5906E     Architectural Practice

ARCH 5006E     Architectural Theory

ARCH 5505E/F     Craft and Technology Design Studio / Architecture et artisanat

     (OR)  ARCH 5515E/F     Community Design Studio / Édifice communautaire

     (OR)  ARCH 5525E/F     Indigenous Design Studio / Conception autochtone



ARCH 5915E/F     Co-Operative Term 3 / Enseignement coopératif 

ARCH 5925E/F     Co-Operative Term 4 / Enseignement coopératif 4


Year 2 FALL

ARCH 5306E     Making 1

ARCH 5086E     Material Culture(s)

ARCH 5555E/F     Design Research Studio 1 / Thèse I



ARCH 5326E     Making 2

ARCH 5569E     Design Research Studio 2




Master of Architecture (Professional Degree)                                                     


ARCH-5505EL - Craft and Technology Design Studio ARCH-5515EL - Community Design Studio ARCH-5525EL - Indigenous Design Studio ARCH-5306EL - Making 1 ARCH-5326EL - Making 2 ARCH-5086EL - Material Culture(s) ARCH-5565EL - Thesis Studio 2 ARCH-5006EL - Architectural Theory
ARCH-5316EL - Faculty Research Seminar ARCH-5555EL - Design Research Studio 1 ARCH-5925EL - Co-Operative 4 ARCH-5915EL - Co-Operative Term 3 - Co-Operative Term 3 - Co-Operative Term 3 - Co-Operative Term 3