Stéphane Perrouty
I’m a structural and economic geologist with over 15 years of experience in Precambrian gold systems. I completed a PhD in France at the University of Toulouse (Sept 2008 – June 2012), and subsequently held positions at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France (post-doctoral fellow, July 2012 – March 2013), University of Western Ontario, Canada (post-doctoral research associate, April 2013 – Dec 2017), and Laurentian University (assistant professor Jan 2018 – June 2022; associate professor since July 2022).
Post-Doctoral Research Associate (2013-2017) - University of Western Ontario, Canada
Post-Doctoral Fellow (2012-2013) - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France
B.Sc. (2006), M.Sc. (2008), PhD (2012) - University of Toulouse, France
My research primarily focuses on Precambrian gold deposits in Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic greenstones belts of Canada, South America and West Africa. I investigate how crustal growth and global tectonic changes impacted the formation of gold systems throughout Earth’s history, and test new techniques to enhance mineral exploration in Precambrian terranes. To this end, I use multi-scale (crust, mineral camp, deposit) and multi-disciplinary (structural geology, mineralogy, mineral chemistry, geochemistry, geochronology, petrophysics, geophysics) approaches. I’m currently involved in large scale research collaborations (NSERC Alliance Grants, Amira Global Exploration Initiatives, Metal Earth) and several smaller projects (NSERC Discovery Grant, Industry Projects).
Current HQP
Michael Tedeschi, PDF/RA, Tectono-stratigraphy of the Guiana Shield, Guyana and Suriname, since 2021
Tramaine James, PhD candidate, Gold metallogeny of Guyana, since 2023
Théo Lombard, PhD candidate, Mineral exploration footprints of crustal-scale deformation zones in Neoarchean greenstone belts, Canada, since 2021
Lianna Vice, PhD candidate & OGS Precambrian Geologist, Precambrian geology and metallogeny of the northeastern Michipicoten greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada, since 2022 (part-time)
Fleurange Parent, MSc, Integrating phase equilibria modeling with garnet and monazite geochronology in the English River and Thunder Lake metasedimentary groups, NW Ontario, Canada, since 2023
Nia Gauthier, MSc, Lithostratigraphic transect of the Winnipeg River "pinkstone belt", NW Ontario, Canada: cyclic magmatism and crustal reworking throughout a billion years of Archean craton evolution, since 2023
Sean Mundreon, MSc & Exploration Geologist, Refining hydrothermal alteration footprints using hyperspectral imaging, since 2021 (part-time)
Past HQP:
Paige Pilote, BSc, 2023-2024, Characterization of magmatic-hydrothermal alteration, mineralogy, and geochemistry at the 4.6 Moz Au, 24.3 Moz Ag, Springpole prospect, Ontario
Cole Waller, BSc, 2023-2024, Mineral chemistry of micas in the Ghost Lake pegmatitic granites, Ontario
Dr. Rebecca Montsion, PhD in co-tutelle with the University of Western Australia, 2018-2022, Factors contributing to metal endowment in the western Wabigoon and Abitibi subprovinces: a mineral prospectivity modelling approach for Archean greenstone belts
Kassandra Sofonio, Applied MSc, 2020-2022, Massive sulfide geometry and paragenesis, Fenelon gold deposit, Québec
Marc-André Pelletier, Applied MSc, 2020-2022, 3D structural modelling of the Fenelon gold deposit, Québec
Limin Xu, MSc (co-supervisor), 2019-2021, A fluid-flow modelling approach for predictive mapping of orogenic gold mineralization in the Malartic camp, Québec, Canada
Eliott Théas, MSc UQAM (co-supervisor), 2018-2021,Structural and geological study of the Odyssey prospect, Malartic camp, Québec, Canada
Dr. Ben Frieman, PDF, 2018-2021, Volcano-stratigraphy of the western Wabigoon subprovince, Ontario, Canada
Lauren Norenberg, BSc Queen’s University (co-supervisor), 2019-2020, Structural controls of gold mineralization at the Van Horne prospect, Dryden, Ontario
Jordan Peterzon, BSc, BSc Queen’s University (co-supervisor), 2019-2020, Alteration geochemistry and paragenesis of gold mineralization at the Van Horne prospect, Dryden, Ontario
Kendra Zammit, MSc, 2018-2020, Structural evolution and orogenic gold metallogeny of the western Wabigoon subprovince, Ontario
Brandon Smith, BSc, 2018-2019, 3D fault network in the western Wabigoon subprovince: implications for orogenic gold prospectivity, Ontario
Katharina Holt, BSc Queen’s University (co-supervisor), 2018-2019, Kinematic history of the Manitou-Dinorwic Deformation Zone, and implications for mineral exploration in the western Wabigoon subprovince, Ontario
Neera Sundaralingam, BSc University of Western Ontario (co-supervisor), 2015-2016, Vein pyrite composition as a potential vector for defining the Canadian Malartic Footprint, Québec
Natalie Blacklock, BSc Queen’s University (co-supervisor), 2014-2015, Vein characterization using structural controls and petrographic analysis at Cartier Zone, Canadian Malartic Footprint, Québec
2022 - William Harvey Gross Medal of the Mineral Deposits Division (MDD) of the Geological Association of Canada (GAC)
(The William Harvey Gross Medal is bestowed annually by the Mineral Deposits Division to an early career geoscientist who has made a significant contribution to the field of economic geology in a Canadian context)
GEOL 2237 EL - Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks
GEOL 3056 EL - Computer Applications in Earth Sciences
GEOL 4016 & 5906 EL - Precambrian Geology / Topics in Precambrian Geology
GEOL 4026 EL - Field Geology III - Geology of the Abitibi Gold Belt
Research Papers:
36) *Development and application of feature engineered geological layers for ranking magmatic, volcanogenic, and orogenic system components in Archean greenstone belts, Rebecca M. Montsion, Stéphane Perrouty, Mark D. Lindsay, Mark W. Jessell, Ross L. Sherlock, 2024, Geoscience Frontiers, in press,
35) A Random Forest approach to predict geology from geophysics in the Pontiac subprovince, Canada, Mehrdad Darijani, Colin G. Farquharson, Stéphane Perrouty, 2022, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, in press,
34) Structural geology of the Cadillac Group along the Malartic segment of the Larder Lake Cadillac Deformation zone, Quebec, and implications for gold mineralization, Brendon Samson, Bruno Lafrance, Xiaohui Zhou, Michael A. Hamilton, Benoît Quesnel, Christophe Scheffer, Georges Beaudoin, Stéphane Perrouty, 2022, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, in press,
33) *Structural and geochronological constraints on orogenic gold mineralization in the western Wabigoon subprovince, Canada, Kendra Zammit, Stéphane Perrouty, Ben M. Frieman, Jeffrey H. Marsh, Katharina A. Holt, 2022, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, in press,
32) *Mapping structural complexity using geophysics: a new geostatistical approach applied to greenstone belts of the southern Superior Province, Rebecca M. Montsion, Stéphane Perrouty, Mark D. Lindsay, Mark W. Jessell, Ben M. Frieman, Ross L. Sherlock, 2021, Tectonophysics, 812,
31) *Geological compilation for the western Wabigoon and southern Abitibi subprovinces of the Superior Province, Ontario, Canada, Rebecca M. Montsion, Stéphane Perrouty, Ben M. Frieman, 2021, Data in Brief, 37,
30) The nature of the southern West African craton lithosphere inferred from its electrical resistivity, Florian Le Pape, Alan G. Jones A, Mark W. Jessell, Colin Hogg, Luc Siebenaller, Stéphane Perrouty, Abdoulaye Touré, Pascal Ouiya, Goran Boren, 2021, Precambrian Research, 358,
29) Paleoproterozoic gold events in the southern West African Craton: review and synopsis, Masurel Q, Eglinger A, Thébaud N, Allibone A, André-Mayer AS, McFarlane H, Miller J, Jessell M, Aillères L, Vanderhaeghe O, Salvi S, Baratoux L, Perrouty S, Begg G, Fougerouse D, Hayman P, Wane O, Tshibubudze A, Parra-Avila L, Kouamélan A, Ofori Amponsah P, 2021, Mineralium Deposita,
28) Metallogeny of the Neoarchean Malartic gold mining camp, Québec, Canada, (invited), Stéphane De Souza, Stéphane Perrouty, Benoît Dubé, Patrick Mercier-Langevin, Robert L. Linnen, Gema R. Olivo, 2020, Society of Economic Geology, Special Publication 23, 29-52, Geology of the World’s Major Gold Deposits and Provinces,
27) The use of lithogeochemistry in delineating hydrothermal fluid pathways and vectoring gold mineralization in the Malartic district, Québec, Nicolas Gaillard, Anthony E. Williams-Jones, James R. Clark, Stefano Salvi, Stéphane Perrouty, Robert L. Linnen, Gema R. Olivo, Ore Geology Reviews, 2020, 120,
26) Whole-rock δ18O and δ2H footprint of the Canadian Malartic gold deposit, Pontiac Subprovince, Québec, Canada, Thomas Raskevicius, Georges Beaudoin, Kurt T. Kyser, Stéphane Perrouty, Nicolas Gaillard, Mineralium Deposita, 2019, 55, 991-1008,
25) Using hyperspectral imaging to vector towards mineralization at the Canadian Malartic gold deposit, Québec, Canada, Philip Lypaczewski, Benoit Rivard, Nicolas Gaillard, Stéphane Perrouty, Nicolas Piette-Lauzière, Charles L. Bérubé, Robert L. Linnen, Ore Geology Reviews, 2019, 111,
24) Geophysical inversion contributions to mineral exploration: lessons from the Footprints project, Marc A. Vallée, William A. Morris, Stéphane Perrouty, Robert G. Lee, Ken Wasyliuk, Julia J. King, Kevin Ansdell, Reza Mir, Pejman Shamsipour, Colin G. Farquharson, Michel Chouteau, Randolph J. Enkin, Richard S. Smith, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2019, 56, 5, 525-543,
23) Le projet Metal Earth: une initiative de recherche en exploration minérale en 4D, Mathieu L, Lafrance B, Sherlock R, Gibson H, Ayer J, Thurston P, Daigneault R, Bédard P, Gaboury D, Naghizadeh M, Perrouty S, Feltrin L, Smith R, Beaudoin G, Hamilton M, Hannigton M, Pearson G, Géologues, 2019, 201, 54-59,
22) The timing and extent of prograde metamorphism in the Pontiac subprovince, Superior Craton: implications for Archean geodynamics and gold mineralization, Nicolas Piette-Lauzière, Carl Guilmette, Audrey Bouvier, Stéphane Perrouty, Pierre Pilote, Nicolas Gaillard, Philip Lypaczewski, Robert L. Linnen, Gema R. Olivo, Precambrian Research, 2019, 320, 111-136,
21) Identification of structurally complex gold-mineralized zones using airborne EM and ground IP in the Canadian Malartic district, Québec, Canada, Reza Mir, Stéphane Perrouty, Thibaut Astic, Charles L. Bérubé Richard S. Smith, Geophysics, 2019, 84, 2, 1-15,
20) Mineralogical and textural controls on spectral induced polarization signatures of the Canadian Malartic gold deposit: applications to mineral exploration, Charles L. Bérubé, Gema R. Olivo, Michel Chouteau, Stéphane Perrouty, Geophysics, 2019, 84, 2, B135-B151,
19) *Expanding the size of multi-parameter metasomatic footprints in gold exploration: utilization of mafic dykes in the Canadian Malartic district, Québec, Canada, Stéphane Perrouty, Robert L. Linnen, Michael C. Lesher, Gema R. Olivo, Stephen J. Piercey, Nicolas Gaillard, James R. Clark, Randolph J. Enkin, Mineralium Deposita, 2019, 54, 5, 761-786,
18) New U-Pb baddeleyite ages of mafic dyke swarms of the West African and Amazonian Cratons: implication for their configuration in supercontinents through time, Baratoux L, Soderlund U, Ernst R, De Roever E, Jessell M, Kamo S, Naba S, Perrouty S, Metelka V, Yatte D, Grenholm M, Diallo D, Ndiaye P, Dioh E, Cournède C, Benoit M, Baratoux D, Youbi N, Bendaoud A, Book Chapter, IDC-7, Dyke Swarms of the World - A Modern Perspective, Springer, 2018, 263-314,
17) Predicting rock type and detecting hydrothermal alteration using machine learning and petrophysical properties of the Canadian Malartic ore and host rocks, Pontiac Subprovince, Québec, Canada, Charles L. Berube, Gema R. Olivo, Michel Chouteau, Stéphane Perrouty, Pejman Shamsipour, Randolph J. Enkin, William A. Morris, Leonardo Feltrin, Raphaël Thiémonge, Ore Geology Reviews, 2018, 96, 130-145,
16) Mica composition as a vector to gold mineralization: deciphering hydrothermal and metamorphic effects in the Malartic district, Québec, Nicolas Gaillard, Anthony E. Williams-Jones, James R. Clark, Philip Lypaczewski, Stefano Salvi, Stéphane Perrouty, Nicolas Piette-Lauzière, Carl Guilmette, Robert L. Linnen, Ore Geology Reviews, 2018, 95, 789-820,
15) Crustal structure of southern Burkina Faso inferred from magnetotelluric, gravity and magnetic data, Florian Le Pape, Alan G. Jones A, Mark W. Jessell, Stéphane Perrouty, Luis A. Gallardo, Lenka Baratoux, Colin Hogg, Luc Siebenaller, Abdoulaye Touré, Pascal Ouiya, Goran Boren, Precambrian Research, 2017, 261-272,
14) Integrated multi-parameter exploration footprints of the Canadian Malartic disseminated Au, McArthur River-Millennium unconformity U, and Highland Valley porphyry Cu Deposits: preliminary results from the NSERC-CMIC Mineral Exploration Footprints Research Network, Lesher M, Hannington M, Galley A, Ansdell K, Astic T, Banerjee N, Beauchamp S, Beaudoin G, Bertelli M, Bérubé C, Beyer S, Blacklock N, Byrne K, Cheng L.-Z, Chouinard R, Chouteau M, Clark J, D'Angelo M, Darijani M, Devine M, Dupuis C, El Goumi N, Enkin R, Farquharson C, Fayol N, Feltrin L, Feng J, Gaillard N, Gleeson S, Gouiza M, Grenon C, Guffey S, Guilmette C, Guo K, Hart C, Hattori K, Hollings P, Joyce N, Kamal D, King J, Kyser K, Layton-Matthews D, Lee R, Lesage G, Leybourne M, Linnen R, Lypaczewski P, McGaughey J, Mitchinson D, Milkereit B, Mir R, Morris W, Oldenburg D, Olivo G, Perrouty S, Piercey S, Piette-Lauzière N, Raskevicius T, Reman A, Rivard B, Ross M, Samson I, Scott S, Shamsipour P, Shi D, Smith R, Sundaralingam N, Taves R, Taylor C, Valentino M, Vallée M, Wasyliuk K, Williams-Jones A, Winterburn P, Exploration '17, 2017, Toronto, ON, 23 p.,
13) *Structural setting for Canadian Malartic style of golf mineralization in the Pontiac Subprovince, south of the Cadillac Larder Lake Deformation Zone, Québec, Canada, Stéphane Perrouty, Nicolas Gaillard, Nicolas Piette-Lauzière, Reza Mir, Marc Bardoux, Gema R. Olivo, Robert L. Linnen, Charles L. Bérubé, Philip Lypaczewski, Carl Guilmette, Leonardo Feltrin, William A. Morris, Ore Geology Reviews, 2017, 84, 185-201,
12) The integration of physical rock properties, mineralogy and geochemistry for the exploration of large zinc silicate deposits: A case study of the Vazante zinc deposits, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Alexandra J. McGladrey, Gema R. Olivo, Adalene Moreira Silva, Gustavo Diniz Oliveira, Basilio Botura Neto, Stéphane Perrouty, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2017, 136, 400-416,
11) *Geological Setting of the Wassa Gold Deposit, SW Ghana, Stéphane Perrouty, Mark W. Jessell, Yan Bourassa, John Miller, Daniel Apau, Luis A. Parra-Avila, Élodie Le Mignot, Germán Velásquez, Jérome Ganne, Luc Siebenaller, Lenka Baratoux, Laurent Aillères, Anne-Sylvie André-Mayer, Didier Béziat, Stefano Salvi, Ore Geology Review, 2016, 78, 687-691, Special Issue: African Minerals Monograph,
10) *The Wassa deposit: a poly-deformed orogenic gold system in southwest Ghana - Implications for regional exploration, Stéphane Perrouty, Mark W. Jessell, John Miller, Yan Bourassa, Daniel Apau, Luc Siebenaller, Germán Velásquez, Lenka Baratoux, Laurent Aillères, Didier Béziat, Stefano Salvi, Journal of African Earth Science, 2015, 112, 536-547, Special Issue on West Africa,
9) Age constraints of the Wassa and Benso mesothermal gold deposits, Ashanti Belt, Ghana, West Africa, Luis A. Parra-Avila, Yan Bourassa, John Miller, Stéphane Perrouty, Marco L. Fiorentini, T. Campbell McCuaig, Journal of African Earth Science, 2015, 112, 524-535, Special Issue on West Africa,
8) An updated map of West African mafic dykes, Mark W. Jessell, Julien Santoul, Lenka Baratoux, Nassrrdine Youbi, Richard Ernst, Vaclav Metelka, John Miller, Stéphane Perrouty, Journal of African Earth Science, 2015, 112, 440-450, Special Issue on West Africa,
7) *Geometry of two glacial valleys in northern Pyrenees estimated using gravity data, Stéphane Perrouty, Bérangé Moussirou, Joseph Martinod, Sylvain Bonvalot, Sébastien Carretier, Germinal Gabalda, Bernard Monod, Gérard Hérail, Vincent Regard, Dominique Rémy, Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 2015, 347, 13-23,
6) *3D modeling of the Ashanti Belt, southwest Ghana: Evidence for a litho-stratigraphic control on gold occurrences within the Birimian Sefwi Group, Stéphane Perrouty, Mark D. Lindsay, Mark W. Jessell, Laurent Aillères, Roland Martin, Yan Bourassa, Ore Geology Review, 2014, 63, 252-264,
5) Inversion and geodiversity: searching model space for the answers, Mark D. Lindsay, Stéphane Perrouty, Mark W. Jessell, Laurent Aillères, Mathematical Geosciences, 2014, 46, 8, Special Issue on Three-Dimensional Structural Modeling, 971-1010,
4) Gravity inversion using wavelet-based compression on parallel hybrid CPU/GPU systems: application to southwest Ghana, Roland Martin, Vadim Monteiller, Dimitri Komatitsch, Stéphane Perrouty, Mark W. Jessell, Sylvain Bonvalot, Mark D. Lindsay, Geophysical Journal International, 2013, 195, 1594-1619,
3) Making the link between geological and geophysical uncertainty: geodiversity in the Ashanti Greenstone Belt, Mark D. Lindsay, Stéphane Perrouty, Mark W. Jessell, Laurent Aillères, Geophysical Journal International, 2013, 195, 903-922,
2) Geodiversity: exploration of 3D geological model space, Mark D. Lindsay, Mark W. Jessell, Laurent Ailleres, Stéphane Perrouty, Eric de Kemp, Peter Betts, Tectonophysics, 2013, 594, 27-37,
1) *Revised Eburnean geodynamic evolution of the gold-rich southern Ashanti Belt, Ghana, with new field and geophysical evidence of pre-Tarkwaian deformations, Stéphane Perrouty, Laurent Aillères, Mark W. Jessell, Lenka Baratoux, Yan Bourassa, Brenton Crawford, Precambrian Research, 2012, 204-205, 12-39,
Research Reports:
13) *Preliminary geology of Riggs and Glasgow townships, Michipicoten greenstone belt, northeastern Ontario, Lianna E.D. Vice, Stéphane Perrouty, Simon G. Pelletier, Ontario Geological Survey, 2023, OFR6405, 10 p.
12) *Introduction to a geochronological and structural study of supracrustal assemblages in the northeastern Michipicoten greenstone belt, Lianna E.D. Vice, Stéphane Perrouty, Lise Robichaud, Ontario Geological Survey, 2022, OFR6390, 8 p.
11) *Preliminary constraints on the structural and stratigraphic relationship between the western Wabigoon and Marmion subprovinces, Ben M. Frieman, Stéphane Perrouty, Ontario Geological Survey, 2019, OFR6360, 42, 8 p.
10) *Mapping of an intrusion-related system within the Boyer Lake Group in the western Wabigoon subprovince, Ontario, David Downie, Ben M. Frieman, Stéphane Perrouty, Ontario Geological Survey, 2019, OFR6360, 41, 6 p.
9) *Investigation of the emplacement history and internal structure of the Revell batholith in the western Wabigoon subprovince, Amokelani Mavundza, Stéphane Perrouty, Ben M. Frieman, Ontario Geological Survey, 2019, OFR6360, 40, 5 p.
8) *Preliminary results from structural investigations of the Manitou–Dinorwic Deformation Zone at Upper Manitou Lake, western Wabigoon subprovince, Kendra Zammit, Ben M. Frieman, Stéphane Perrouty, Ontario Geological Survey, 2019, OFR6360, 39, 6 p.
7) *Field constraints on geophysical investigations of regional fold structure in the western Wabigoon subprovince, Rebecca M. Montsion, Stéphane Perrouty, Ben M. Frieman, Ontario Geological Survey, 2019, OFR6360, 38, 13 p.
6) *Preliminary structural and stratigraphic investigations along the Metal Earth Dryden–Stormy Lake transect, Ben M. Frieman, Stéphane Perrouty, Ontario Geological Survey, 2018, OFR6350, 37, 9 p.
5) *Preliminary regional interpretation and sampling for modelling and prospectivity analysis of the western Wabigoon subprovince, Rebecca M. Montsion, Stéphane Perrouty, Ben M. Frieman, Ontario Geological Survey, 2018, OFR6350, 36, 7 p.
4) *Preliminary results from detailed geological mapping of the Lost Lake area in the western Wabigoon subprovince, David Downie, Ben M. Frieman, Stéphane Perrouty, Ontario Geological Survey, 2018, OFR6350, 35, 6 p.
3) *Preliminary observations from structural mapping of regional deformation zones in the Dryden–Stormy Lake area of the western Wabigoon subprovince, Kendra Zammit, Ben M. Frieman, Stéphane Perrouty, Ontario Geological Survey, 2018, OFR6350, 34, 5 p.
2) *Integrated multi-parameter footprint of the Canadian Malartic gold deposit, Stéphane Perrouty, Robert L. Linnen, Gema R. Olivo, and the Au-Site Team, Au Site Final Report, Laurentian University, 2018, 330 p.
1) *Footprint of Canadian Malartic deposit, Stéphane Perrouty, Robert L. Linnen, Gema R. Olivo, and the Au-Site Team, Au Site Mid-Project Report, University of Western Ontario, 2015, 74 p.
Field Guidebooks:
5) *Discovering the Abitibi gold belt: a geological guidebook, Stéphane Perrouty, Ross L. Sherlock, Jack M. Simmons, 2023, GAC MAC SGA – Sudbury, Ontario Geological Survey, Guidebook, OFR 6392, 55 p.
4) *South-American Exploration Initiative, Field Visit to the Orogenic Au Omai and the Porphyry-like Au-Cu(-Ag) Toroparu Mineral Systems, Michael Tedeschi, Tramaine James, Stéphane Perrouty, 2022, XII Inter-Guiana Geological Conference, Guidebook, 10 p.
3) *CFREF METAL EARTH, Dryden-Stormy area, Stratigraphic and structural characteristics of the western Wabigoon subprovince, Canada, 19 industry and academic participants, Guidebook *Frieman et al., 15 p.
2) *NSERC-CMIC Mineral Exploration Footprints, Au Site Field Workshop at the Canadian Malartic deposit, Canada, 33 industry and academic participants, Guidebook Perrouty et al., 26 p.
1) *NSERC-CMIC Mineral Exploration Footprints, Au Site Field Workshop at the Canadian Malartic deposit, Canada, 25 industry and academic participants, Guidebook Perrouty et al., 13 p.