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Professor Emeritus
L-713, R.D. Parker Building


My academic background in eighteenth-century British literature took me to Laurentian University, and the gift of listening to and learning from Indigenous colleagues there led to an evolving focus on the parallel world of “Canada” in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The academic study of writing and land and law led to a focus on the Indigenous-colonial textual encounter, and my current work grew from a collaborative investigation of Indigenous writing and networks of literacies before 1870 in what is now known as Canada, with Alan Corbiere (CRC History, York University) and Thomas Peace (History, Huron University College Western). I am now living on/continuing my research on land covered by the Toronto Purchase Treaty No. 13 (1805-2010) and the Williams Treaties (1923-2018). Mii go wi ezhi-kidang.


  • B.A. English, University of Waterloo 
  • M.A. English, University of Toronto
  • Ph.D. English, University of Toronto

Academic Appointments

July 5, 2021.         Professor Emerita, Laurentian University

July 1, 2011 - Jan 1, 2021    Associate Professor, Department of English, Laurentian University

July 1, 2004          Assistant Professor, Department of English, Laurentian University

2001-2004            Lecturer, Department of English, University of Toronto


Current research

Compilation of a bibliographic digital database, Voices of Ancestors, of C19 Indigenous creators and their texts (manuscript and published works) in collaboration with The People and the Text project led by Deanna Reder, Professor Indigenous Studies, Simon Fraser University; and the digital humanities platform Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory directed by Susan Brown, School of English and Theatre Studies and Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Collaborative Digital Scholarship, University of Guelph. The database provides a mapping of the extent and scope of Indigenous writing emerging from spaces reaching from all three coasts of Canada to below the southern border in the period prior to the creation of the nation state of Canada.

A study of translation work of C19 Indigenous catechists and teachers in Rupert's Land for a collection of work on Indigenous history of the book studies

2021 - 2025  Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) “Indigenous Approaches to the Western Literary and Visual Canon” New Frontiers-Exploration, PI Lauren Beck, CRC in Intercultural Encounter, Mount Allison University

2018-20  Laurentian University Research Fund (LURF) “Taking up the Pen-and-Ink Work: Indigenous Texts in Canada before 1867"

2015-18  Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) “Indigenous Writing and Literacy Networks in Eighteenth-  and Early Nineteenth-Century Canada” (PI), with Alan Corbiere (History, York University) and Thomas Peace (History, Huron University College Western)



The Hardships of the English Laws in Relation to Wives (London, 1735) by Sarah Chapone, Routledge/Taylor and Francis, 2018.

Engendering Legitimacy: Law, Property, and Early Eighteenth-Century Fiction. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2006.

Other Writing

Entries for The Convent: or, The History of Julia (1767), The Nunnery; or, The History of Miss Sophia Howard (1767), Fatal Friendship (1770), The Nun; Or, The Adventures of the Marchioness of Beauville (1770), Edelfrida, A Novel (1792), The Sprite of the Nunnery; A Tale, From the Spanish (1796), The Shrove-Tide Child; Or, The Son of a Monk (1797) for The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820, edited by April London. Cambridge University Press, in press.

"Reading Tipacimowin and the Receding Archive." In Afterlives of Indigenous Archives: Essays in Honor of The Occom Circle. Edited by Ivy Schweitzer and Gordon Henry, 156-71. Dartmouth College Press, 2019.

“Further Reflections upon Marriage; Mary Astell and Sarah Chapone,” in Feminist Interpretations of Mary Astell, University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 2016.

“Property and Law.” The Encyclopedia of British Literature 1660-1789. Day, Gary and Jack Lynch (eds.) Blackwell Publishing, 2015. DOI:10.1111/b.9781444330205.2015.x

“Brooke, Frances.” The Encyclopedia of British Literature 1660-1789. Day, Gary and Jack Lynch (eds.) Blackwell Publishing, 2015. DOI:10.1111/b.9781444330205.2015.x

Selected Presentations

"Auditing the Archive: Reading, Recounting, Reassessing," Indigenous Studies Literary Association, Toornto ON, May 2023

"Old Texts, New Narratives, and The Self-Determining Archive," NAISA Regional Conference, May 2022 (online)

"Bibliographical Borderlands and the Place of the Text," Canadian BIbliographical Society of Canada/La Societe bibliographique du Canada, May, 2022 (online)

"Material Remains: Indigenous Voices from Rupert's Land," Canadian Society of Church History, May, 2022 (online)

"Nineteenth-Century Anishinaabe Writers," Manitoulin Island Summer Historical Institute, M'Chigeeng First Nation, August 2019

"Subscribing to Print Culture: Indigenous Writers and The Christian Guardian," History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP), Amherst, MA, July 2019

"Preserving (not Reserving) the Paper Talk Left Behind," Maamwizing Conference, Laurentian University, Nov 2018

"'Your Humble Servt': Sakachuwescum/Henry Budd's Letters from The Pas 1841-1851," Indigenous Literary Studies Association, FIrst Nations University of Canada, Regina SK May 2018

"John Norton/Teyoninhokarawen, his Journal, and the Gospel of John," Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Toronto, ON, Oct.2017

"The Work of John Tanner: Narrative and Interpretation," ACCUTE, Toronto, May 2017

"The Textual Properties in the Thames Valley: The Petitions of Sarah Ainse," Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Kingston, ON Oct. 2016






The Hardships of the English Laws in Relation to Wives (London, 1735) by Sarah Chapone, Routledge/Taylor and Francis, 2018.

Engendering Legitimacy: Law, Property, and Early Eighteenth-Century Fiction. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2006.


Other Writing

"Translating the Word in Rupert's Land," chapter for a collection on Indigenous history of the book studies, in press.

Entries for The Convent: or, The History of Julia (1767), The Nunnery; or, The History of Miss Sophia Howard (1767), Fatal Friendship (1770), The Nun; Or, The Adventures of the Marchioness of Beauville (1770), Edelfrida, A Novel (1792), The Sprite of the Nunnery; A Tale, From the Spanish (1796), The Shrove-Tide Child; Or, The Son of a Monk (1797) for The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820, edited by April London. Cambridge University Press, in press.

"Reading Tipacimowin and the Receding Archive." In Afterlives of Indigenous Archives: Essays in Honor of The Occom Circle. Edited by Ivy Schweitzer and Gordon Henry, 156-71. Dartmouth College Press, 2019.

“Further Reflections upon Marriage; Mary Astell and Sarah Chapone,” in Feminist Interpretations of Mary Astell, University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 2016.

“Property and Law.” The Encyclopedia of British Literature 1660-1789. Day, Gary and Jack Lynch (eds.) Blackwell Publishing, 2015. DOI:10.1111/b.9781444330205.2015.x

“Brooke, Frances.” The Encyclopedia of British Literature 1660-1789. Day, Gary and Jack Lynch (eds.) Blackwell Publishing, 2015. DOI:10.1111/b.9781444330205.2015.x

Recent Book Reviews

Rev. of Geremy Carnes, The Papist Represented: Literature and the English Catholic Community, 1688-1791, University of Delaware P, 2017, in Eighteenth Century Fiction, vol. 32, no. 4, 2020, pp. 649-652.

Rev. of Anne Quema, Power and Legitimacy: Law, Culture, and Literature. U of Toronto P, 2015, in The University of Toronto Quarterly, vol. 86, no. 3, 2017, pp. 235-236, doi.10.3138/utq.86.3.235

Selected Presentations

"Auditing the Archive: Reading, Recounting, Reassessing," Indigenous Studies Literary Association, Toornto ON, May 2023

"Old Texts, New Narratives, and The Self-Determining Archive," NAISA Regional Conference, May 2022 (online)

"Bibliographical Borderlands and the Place of the Text," Canadian BIbliographical Society of Canada/La Societe bibliographique du Canada, May, 2022 (online)

"Material Remains: Indigenous Voices from Rupert's Land," Canadian Society of Church History, May, 2022 (online)

"Nineteenth-Century Anishinaabe Writers," Manitoulin Island Summer Historical Institute, M'Chigeeng First Nation, August 2019

"Subscribing to Print Culture: Indigenous Writers and The Christian Guardian," History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP), Amherst, MA, July 2019

"Preserving (not Reserving) the Paper Talk Left Behind," Maamwizing Conference, Laurentian University, Nov 2018

"'Your Humble Servt': Sakachuwescum/Henry Budd's Letters from The Pas 1841-1851," Indigenous Literary Studies Association, FIrst Nations University of Canada, Regina SK May 2018

"John Norton/Teyoninhokarawen, his Journal, and the Gospel of John," Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Toronto, ON, Oct.2017

"The Work of John Tanner: Narrative and Interpretation," ACCUTE, Toronto, May 2017

"The Textual Properties in the Thames Valley: The Petitions of Sarah Ainse," Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Kingston, ON Oct. 2016