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Patrice Milewski

Patrice Milewski

Full Professor, School of Education
School of Education
Faculty of Education and Health
303i, Education Building


Completed doctoral studies in the Department of Sociology and Equity Studies at OISE/University of Toronto in 2003.  Current research interests are focused on applying Foucauldian methods of historical inquiry to the domains of schooling and pedagogy. 


  • B.A. York University
  • B.Ed. University of Toronto
  • M.Ed. University of Toronto
  • Ed.D. University of Toronto

Academic Appointments

Cross-appointed to Department of Sociology for five year term effective July 1, 2013


Current research is focused on new ways of conceptualizing and presenting the educational past through applying Foucauldian methods of historical inquiry to the domains of schooling and pedagogy.



Courses Taught

EDUC 2006 EL Education and Schooling

EDUC 4005 EL Instructional Strategies

EDUC 4186 EL Junior/Intermediate French Teachable

SOCI 2296 EL Sociology of Educational Issues

SOCI 3296 EL Sociology of Education


Edited Book

Burke, S. Z. & Milewski, P. (Eds.). (2012). Schooling in Transition: Readings in Canadian History of Education. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Chapter(s) in edited book

Burke, S. Z. & Milewski, P. (2012). Schooling in Transition: Writing the History of Canadian Education. In S. Z. Burke and P. Milewski (Eds.), Schooling in Transition: Readings in Canadian History of Education. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Milewski, P. (2012). ‘The Little Gray Book’: Pedagogy, Discourse and Rupture in 1937. In S. Z. Burke and P. Milewski (Eds.), Schooling in Transition: Readings in Canadian History of Education. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Articles in peer reviewed journals

Milewski, P., & Valdes A. (2024). The Ontario Educational Association: transnational networks and curriculum reform in the early Twentieth Century. Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education (60) 6, 1065-1087.

Milewski, P. (2022). Pedagogical knowledge as a distinct object in the history of education: The example of Ontario, Canada. Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education (58) 2, 252–27.

Milewski, P., Ydesen, C., Andreasen, K. E. (2019). Mental Testing and Educational Streaming in Ontario and Denmark inthe Early Twentieth Century: a comparative and transnational perspective. Paedagogica HistoricaInternational Journal of the History of Education (55)3, 371–390.

Milewski, P. (2017). Historicizing health and education: Investigations of the eyesight of school children in the early nineteenth century [Special Issue]. History of Education Review, 46(2), 125-135.

Milewski, P. (2016). Student's experiences of schooling during the Great Depression: the challenges of oral history. History of Education Researcher, 97(May), 4–13.

Milewski, P. (2014). Medico-science and school hygiene: a contribution to the history of the senses in schooling. Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education 50(3), 285–300. DOI:

 Milewski, P. (2012). Perilous Times: an oral history of teachers’ experience with school inspection in the 1930s. History of  Education 41(5), 637–656. DOI:

Milewski, P. (2012). Positivism and Post World War I Elementary School Reform in Ontario. Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education 48(5), 728–743. DOI:          

Milewski, P. (2012). “I paid no attention to it”: An Oral History of Curricular Change in the 1930s [Special Issue/Numéro Spécial]. Historical Studies in Education/Revue d'histoire de l'éducation, 24(1), 112–129.

Milewski, P. (2010). The Scientisation of Schooling in Ontario. 1910-1934. Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education 46(3), 341-355. DOI:

Milewski, P. (2010). Educational Reconstruction Through the Lens of Archaeology. History of Education 39(2), 261–280 .DOI:

Milewski, P. (2008). Teachers’ Institutes in Late Nineteenth Century Ontario.  Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education 44(5), 607–620. DOI:

Milewski, P. (2008). “The Little Gray Book”: Pedagogy, Discourse and Rupture in 1937. History of Education 37(1), 91–111. DOI:

Book Review(s)

Milewski, P. (2023). [Review of the book Hall-Dennis and the Road to Utopia, Education and Modernity in Ontarioby Josh Cole]. University of Toronto Quarterly, 92(3), 349-351.

Non peer reviewed journal articles

Milewski, P. (2017). Autobiographical Reflections. [Special Issue Commenorating 50 years of the History of Education Society UK]. History of Education Researcher 99(May), 29-31.