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Aliki Economides

Aliki Economides

Associate Professor, McEwen School of Architecture
McEwen School of Architecture
Science, Engineering and Architecture


Aliki Economides received interdisciplinary training in architecture, in architectural history and theory, and in the history of science. Her research and teaching focus primarily on three interrelated themes, namely: the roles played by the built and natural environment in the construction of identity; the profound interrelationships between social and spatial inequalities; and the history, theory, and contemporary practice of ornament in architecture. Throughout 2016 Aliki was Scholar-in-Residence at McGill University’s Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montréal (CIRM) where she continues to be an Associate Member. Her research has also been supported by the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Harvard University’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, the Rockefeller Archive Center, the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's New Research Initiative Fund (SSHRC).

Research Interests

  • global history & theory of 19thC – 21stC architecture, landscape architecture, and urbanism
  • identity and race vis-à-vis the built environment
  • social inequalities and/as spatial inequalities
  • ornament, style and the decorative arts, 19thC – 21stC    


Ph.D. History & Theory of Architecture  (Harvard University)

M.A. History of Science  (Harvard University)

M.Arch  (McGill University)

B.Arch  (University of Toronto)

Academic Appointments

2018 -         Assistant Professor, Laurentian University, McEwen School of Architecture

2017           Sessional Lecturer, McGill University, Peter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture

2016-17      Professeure invitée, Université de Montréal, École d'architecture

2016           Sessional Lecturer, Concordia University, Department of Art History

2015-16      Tutrice au projet final [M.Arch Thesis Advisor], Université de Montréal, École d'architecture

On The Web




Research - Creation

Paul Carvalho and Aliki Economides. Une Tour sur la Montagne : l’architecture d’Ernest Cormier et sa vie avec Clorinthe Perron  [A Tower on the Mountain: the architecture of Ernest Cormier and his life with Clorinthe Perron]. Directed by Paul Carvalho. Montréal: Perception Films Inc. for ICI Radio-Canada Télé, 2020. DVD (52 mins).   

The original French version with English subtitles may be viewed on Vimeo:

The original French version is available on Radio-Canada's DocHumanité site:

Selected Public Lectures and Conferences

Ontario Association of Architecture Annual Conference, Sudbury (June 2023)

Continuing Education Session Chair: "MSoA M.Arch Thesis Work: Toward a Healthier Sudbury

Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada (SSAC) Annual Conference, Calgary, AB (June 2023)                           

Session Chair: "Cast in (an undesirable) place: socio-spatail inequalities in the built environment"


Film screening + Round Table discussion "A Tower on the Mountain: Interwar Montréal through the lens of Ernest Cormier’s life and work" [virtual - discussion in French] (February 2023)


Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Annual International Conference [virtual] (April 2021)

Session Chair: “Open Session”

109th Annual Meeting Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) [virtual] (March 2021)

Session Moderator: “Design Process and Methods”

Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires en études montréalaises (CRIEM/CIRM)Université McGill [virtual] (March 2021)

Moderator: “Labo F M-R – Patrimoine”

Third Age Learning - Guelph [virtual] (March 2021)

Invited Lecture: “The Mountain, the Monument, and the Muse”

McEwen School of Architecture Public Lecture Series (January 2020)

Round table discussion panelist: "Canadian Modern Architecture: 1967 to the Present"


Conference of the Universities Art Association of Canada (UAAC), Québec City, QC (October 2019)

Paper (with Kate Morawietz): “Engagements with the Matter of the Berlin Wall”

Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires en études montréalaises (CRIEM/CIRM)Université McGill (June 2019)

Speaker-panelist for: « Conférence-Expérience Émouvoir : Aménager – Expérience et Innovation d’un Quartier »


European Association for Urban History (EAUH) International Conference, Rome, Italy (August 2018) 

Session Chair: ‘Cosmopolitanism, Citizenship, and the City (19th to 21st centuries)’

71st Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH), St Paul, Minnesota, USA (April 2018)

Paper: “Skin, or, the Enveloping Tactics of Architectural Ornament” 


The Wave: Re-imagining the Constitution  | La vague : ré-imaginons la constitution

An interdisciplinary colloquium organized by the College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada that took place simultaneously in Halifax, Montréal, London, Winnipeg, and Vancouver on October 28, 2017.

Moderator for "world café" format conversations on: ‘Citizenship and Cultural Diversity' [in French] 

Colloque sur le patrimoine immobilier judiciaire [Colloquium on Judicial Built Heritage], Montréal (May 2017)

Paper : « Ernest Cormier et l’édifice qui porte son nom »    

85e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas), Montréal (May 2017)

Paper : « L’Autoroute Ville-Marie: entre vision monumentale et exclusion socio-spatiale »

105th College Art Association Annual Conference (CAA), New York (February 2017)

Paper: “The House, the Self, and the ‘Total Work of Art’ ”


13th International Conference of the European Association for Urban History (EAUH), Helsinki, Finland (August 2016)

Paper: “New York City, World Capital”


University of Edinburgh, School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA), Edinburgh, Scotland (October 2015)

Public Lecture: “On Collective Identity and its Edification” 

Buell Dissertation ColloquiumColumbia University, New York (May 2015)

Paper: “America is also française: building the Université de Montréal, constructing French-Canadian nationalism” 


IDEA@UdeM: International Doctoral Encounters in Architecture @ Université de Montréal Colloquium, Université de Montréal, École d’architecture, Montréal (May 2013)

Opening Keynote: “The Current State and Stakes of the Question of Ornament”                      

Community Engagement

Resource participant, Greater Sudbury Food Policy Council


 Recent Grants and Fellowships

2023      Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's New Research Initiative Fund (SSHRC)      

2019      Laurentian University Research Fund (LURF)

2019      Rogers Documentary Fund (Producer Paul Carvalho, Perception Films)         

2018      Radio-Canada Production Contract, funded by Ici Radio in conjunction with the Canadian Film Fund (Producer: Paul Carvalho, Perception Films)    

2018      Rockefeller Archive Center Research Stipend                                                                                              

2018      Society of Architectural Historians’ George R. Collins Fellowship                                                  

2017      Society of Architectural Historians’ Opler Grant for Emerging Scholars                            

2017      Radio-Canada Development Contract, funded by Ici Radio in conjunction with the Canadian Film Fund (Producer: Paul Carvalho, Perception Films) 

​2016      Research Residency, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montréal (CIRM), McGill University   



ARCH 5316           Faculty Research Seminar

ARCH 5555           Thesis Studio 1 / Thèse 1

ARCH 5565           Thesis Studio 2 / Thèse 2

M.Arch Thesis Advising


ARCH 1505           Studio 1: Place

​ARCH 1515           Studio 2: Place II

ARCH 3515           Atelier 6: Bâtiment du nord 2

ARCH 4505           Studio 7: Integrated Design 1   &   Atelier 7: Design complet 1

ARCH 4515           Studio 8: Integrated Design 2   &   Atelier 8: Design complet 2

Coordinator, 4th year integrated design studio


Selected Recent Publications

Economides, Aliki. « La beauté des villes ». Cahiers numériques du CRIEM / CIRM's Digital Notebooks 4, n° 5 ‘Émouvoir’ (July 2021): 36-43.

Economides, Aliki. “The Cormier Residence in Relief.” In The Routledge Companion to Art Deco, edited by Bridget Elliott and Michael Windover, 39-66. New York: Routledge, 2019. 

Economides, Aliki and Colin MacWhirter. “L’autoroute Ville-Marie: vision monumentale et division sociale.” [The Ville Marie Expressway: monumental vision and social division]. In Vivre ensemble à Montréal: Épreuves et convivialités, edited by Annick Germain, Valérie Amiraux, and Julie-Anne Boudreau, 155-162. Montréal: Atelier 10, 2017. 

Economides, Aliki. “L’Architecture, l’urbanisme, et le « droit à la ville ».” [Architecture, Urbanism, and the ‘right to the city’]. In Exposition architecture 2017. Catalogue de l’exposition des finissants de la Maîtrise en architecture de l’Université de Montréal. Montréal: Université de Montréal, 2017.

Publications in Progress

Economides, Aliki. “The Architecture of Jurisprudence – Montréal and Ottawa.” In Utopia and Hubris: Classicism in Canada, 1900-1939, edited by Joan Coutu and David Galbraith. [chapter]

Shelekpayev, Nari and Aliki Economides, eds. Capital Cities in Imperial and Post-Imperial Contexts, 1880-1960. Special issue of the Urban History Review [forthcoming 2024]  [article & introduction in journal special issue]

Economides, Aliki. Constructing Identity: Ernest Cormier and the Project of Modernity. [book]