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Maamwizing Indigenous Conference


Gearing up for the 2018 Maamwizing Indigenous Conference

"This was a fantastic conference in 2016 and I am looking forward to the 2018 event! It was a wonderful opportunity to meet old & new acquaintances and hear the latest Reconciliation work being done in post-secondary education."

-Dr. Sheila Cote-Meek


Here's what participants enjoyed and/or learned during previous conferences!

 "So many different levels of learning!"
"Keynote speakers were inspiring!"
"All the knowledge-sharing from the poster panel."
"Learning more about settler roles."
"Variété d'atelier"
"Having my beliefs validated."
"All of the educators and students."
"Having my motions challenged."
"Meeting new people."
"Diversity of presentations, themes, perspectives and presenters."
"The opening drumming."


Conference Snapshots

Here's a quick look at the success of the 2016 Maamwizing Indigenous Conference!

A court hammer

Over $3000 raised for language revitalization during a silent art auction!

People shadows

Over 300 participants traveled to the conference to discuss Indigeneity in the Academy!

A globe

Five keynote speakers and over 100 presenters came from all over Canada, Alaska, and New Zealand!

Carole Perreault

Office of the Associate Vice-President, Academic and Indigenous Programs, Laurentian University