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Dear Laurentian University community,
The Jeno Tihanyi Pool continues to be an important topic of discussion for our senior leaders at Laurentian University. We appreciate that the City of Greater Sudbury included the Jeno Tihanyi Pool in the recent Aquatic Service and Facility Review, which was presented and discussed at their city council meeting on October 8, 2024. We welcome the results of the report, as well as the associated resolutions from city council and will look forward to continued discussions on the future of the facility. We maintain the understanding that we do not expect the City to fund the repairs of the facility.
In the past few weeks, we have been working on the next steps necessary towards a reopening of the pool. Laurentian University will be issuing a Request For Expression of Interest (RFEI) to seek vendors interested in any part of the potential repairs to the Jeno Tihanyi Pool and supporting complex. This includes repairs to the pool structure, as well as the work needed to ensure the facility is accessible to meet the needs of our students, faculty, staff, and the Greater Sudbury community.
This RFEI aims to gain an understanding of the availability of third parties and their capability/capacity. We seek to better position the University to find the external partners needed to fund a project of this size and complexity. We feel as though this RFEI will also inform further discussions with the City of Greater Sudbury.
We will continue to provide updates to the community throughout the process.
Miigwech, thank you, merci