Welcome and Acknowledgements
It was with immense pride and honour that the Office of Academic and Indigenous Programs hosted the 8th Annual National Building Reconciliation Forum: Indigenous Education and Mapping Out Institutional Spaces at Laurentian University.
Advancing Reconciliation with Indigenous communities is a central part of our mission and a responsibility we all share. The Forum provided a significant opportunity to convene people and foster Indigenous-led discussions, learning, and collaboration, all aimed at progressing the work of Truth and Reconciliation.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the local Indigenous communities for their unwavering support and partnership. Your guidance was crucial in shaping this event. We also acknowledge the invaluable contributions of our esteemed presenters, keynote speakers, and Elders, including Grace Fox, Sheila Cote-Meek, Waubgeshig Rice, Tanya Talaga, and Susan Manitowabi. Their insights and experiences enriched our collective journey towards Reconciliation.
Special thanks go to our community sponsors – Science North, Wahnapitae First Nation, and Atikameksheng Anishinaabek – whose support was essential in making this Forum a reality. Additionally, we express our deepest gratitude to the Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre, the organizing committee, and the numerous volunteers who dedicated their time and energy to planning and executing this successful gathering.
We also thank our amazing Laurentian University faculty and staff who contributed to the presentations and supported the Forum in countless ways. As well, a special Miigwech goes out to the NBRF planning committee. Your hard work and commitment were vital to the event’s success. The Forum facilitated the sharing of knowledge and experience through various formats, including panel discussions, oral histories, lectures, and presentations from the visual and performing arts. A critical element was the direct and collaborative engagement with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, which enriched the diverse program of guest speakers, special sessions, Elders, and Knowledge Keepers.
This report serves as a testament to the collaborative spirit and shared commitment of everyone involved. It is designed to inspire and propel the work of Truth and Reconciliation within our educational institutions in Ontario and across the country.
Dominic Beaudry B.A., B.Ed., M.A.
Associate Vice President of Academic and Indigenous Programs.
More Information
Keynote Speakers
Elk Sponsorship 
Wolverine Sponsorship 
Turtle Sponsorship 
Stay tuned to view more of our wonderful sponsors!