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Why Choose Laurentian University Faculty of Health?

The Faculty of Health offers several unique benefits for both professoral faculty members as well as its graduate and undergraduate students.

Students studying together around a table Class Size

Laurentian University offers small class sizes, especially for upper year classes and it’s no different for its Faculty of Health.

For many students, raising their hand to ask a question in front of an auditorium full of fellow students can be quite nerve racking. Smaller class sizes make it much less intimidating for students to do so. The increase in interactions within the classroom allows for fruitful discussions to be developed, thus enriching the overall learning experience of all students in the class.

"Something I love about Laurentian is how tight knit the community is. It is so easy to network at this university and create new relationships with faculty and other students. This has helped me learn more about exciting opportunities as well as any community events taking place through Laurentian.[...]"

—Michaela McGillis

Students also benefit from the meaningful interpersonal relationships that emerge from a class of smaller size. These connections often lead to great collaborative works later on in their academic and professional careers.

 A professor smiling while in an anatomy laboratory Proximity to Professors

Our professors are accessible and open to one-on-one student consultations. They offer flexible office hours and have their students success and well being at heart.

Interdisciplinary Approach

Our tight knit faculty allows for interdisciplinary collaboration to take place, something that can be difficult to achieve in larger academic institutions.

The interdisciplinary approach is applied not only throughout our programs such as our Interdisciplinary Phd In Rural and Northern Health, but also within the research conducted by our faculty members.

Students holding a Franco-Ontarian flagBilingual and Tri-Cultural Learning Environment

The Faculty of Health is dedicated providing a bilingual and tri-cultural learning environment.

Several of our programs are offered in both official languages. We are also host to many programs centered around indigenous content.