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Sharlene Webkamigad

Sharlene Webkamigad

Assistant Professor, School of Indigenous Relations
School of Indigenous Relations
Faculty of Education and Health


Sharlene Webkamigad, Indigenous health researcher, educator and advocate, is a PhD Candidate at the School of Rural and Northern Health at Laurentian University. Her research focuses on Indigenous health, particularly in supporting aging Indigenous populations. She has led several research projects and has an academic background in Indigenous Relations, Nursing, and Geriatric Health. Sharlene actively contributes to community-based research and consulting while being recognized through awards and publications for her dedication to Indigenous health and well-being. 


Anticipated 2025, Ph.D (candidate) School of Rural and Northern Health, Laurentian University 

Ph. D. Thesis Title: “Wiinaadmowing etchi piitzijig enda’aat” Helping Elders where they live. Supporting Atikameksheng Anishinabek older adults with multiple chronic conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: An Indigenous community-based participatory action research study. 


2017, Master of Arts Interdisciplinary Health, School of Rural and Northern Health, Laurentian University  

Masters’ Thesis Title:  Developing Dementia Health Promotion Materials for  Indigenous People in an Urban Northern Ontario Community


2013, Certificate Diabetes Education and Care Program, Cambrian College 

2009, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Laurentian University 


Academic Appointments

Assistant Professor

Department/School: School of Indigenous Relations, Faculty of Health and Education, Laurentian University 

Date of Appointment: January 1, 2024 


Assistant Professor

Division of Clinical Sciences at NOSM University (NOSM U)

Date of Appointment: September 5, 2024



On The Web 



Current Projects:

2018-2024 Webkamigad, S. Ph.D. Dissertation “Wiinaadmowing etchi piitzijig enda’aat” Helping Elders where they live. Supporting Atikameksheng Anishinabek older adults with multiple chronic conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: An Indigenous community-based participatory action research study.  

2024 Principle Investigator: Manitowabi, J., Co-Principal Investigators: Webkamigad, S., Wemigwans, N., Land First Youth Initiative. Title: Revitalizing traditional food and medicines among First Nation youth on Mnidoo Mnising and the North Shore. Early Career Researcher fund through the Indigenous Mentorship Network of Ontario.



2025 - Research Fellowship to advance Indigenous research, Laurentian University

2020 - The Frederick Banting & Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Award. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research

2015 - Quality of Life Masters Award. Jointly funded by the Alzheimer Society Research Program and the Canadian Nurses Foundation



Indigenous Social Welfare Issues (ISWK 2006)

Indigenous Social Work Research Methodologies (ISWK 3555)

Indigenous Relations in Community Contexts (MIRE 5066)

Cultural Specific Helping with Indigenous Peoples (ISWK 4256)

Indigenous Health and Wellness (IRNH 6306)



Webkamigad, S., Wabegijig-Nootchtai, C., Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Health and Wellness Committee, Bourque Bearskin, R. L., Maar, M., Walker, J. (Accepted) Wiinaadmowing Etchi Piitzijig Enda’aat: Helping Elders Where They Live – Perceptions of two female Atikameksheng Anishinabek older adults with multiple chronic conditions regarding community-level supports during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Indigenous Health. 

Webkamigad, S., Cote-Meek, S., Pianosi, B., & Jacklin, K. (2020). Exploring the Appropriateness of Culturally Safe Dementia Information with Indigenous People in an Urban Northern Ontario Community. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement, 39(2), 235-246. doi:10.1017/S0714980819000606    

Webkamigad, S., Rowe, R., Peltier, S., Froehlich Chow, A., McGilton, K. S., & Walker, J. D. (2020). Identifying and Understanding the Health and Social Care Needs of Indigenous Older Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions and their Caregivers: A Scoping Review. BMC Geriatrics, 20(145), pp. 1-19.  

Webkamigad, S., Warry, W., Blind, M., & Jacklin, K. (2020). An Approach to Improve Dementia Health Literacy in Indigenous Communities. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 35(1), pp. 69-83.     

Chapters in Books

Bourque Bearskin, R. L., Jakubec, S. L., Hunter-Porter, N. R., Webkamigad, S. Health Promotion with First Nations People, Inuit, and Metis. In Dames, S., Lucktar-Flude, M., & J. Tyerman (Eds). Canadian Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 2nd Edition. Toronto: Elsevier. (In print)