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Robert Louis

Robert Louis

Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences
School of Social Work
Faculty of Education and Health


A Harvard University Trained Scientist (Harvard Medical School, Postgraduate Medical Education in Clinical research), Dr. Louis is a world known expert in Positive Human Development. 

He develops and applies multidisciplinary, empirical methods, core concepts of biostatistics and epidemiology, to design and implement relevant clinical research studies, using crucial statistical analyses. 

He has internationally published many scientific articles, including recent findings on resilience activation, in the European Peer-Reviewed Journal “Child Abuse Note Book” (  Professor Louis has a long history of participating in international, world-class scientific activities including: The 4th, World Congress on Resilience, Palais du Pharo, (Marseille – France); The 3rd, World Congress on Resilience, (Quebec), The International Conference on Resilience, (Nova Scotia), and the World Congress on Suicide, (Montreal, Canada).

Dr. Louis is a member in good standing of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. With a multidisciplinary scientific background, he holds a Doctorate in Applied Human Sciences from the University of Montreal. 

Dr. Robert Louis is a brilliant researcher contributing to science with his ground-breaking discoveries, especially in Resilience activation and Human development.

From his doctoral thesis, he innovates by proposing the concept of "resilience activated ”, which is defined as follows:“ The fact for a human being, with the help of a tutor of resilience, to manage to seize the present, to overcome his fear, to appropriate his sense of existence and , to find its place in society ”(Louis, 2017). With this major contribution which has changed the field of Resilience studies and human development, Dr. Louis is on the leading edge of science.


Harvard Medical School Postgraduate Medical Education in Clinical research

PhD., Applied Human Sciences (interdisciplinary)

Academic Appointments

Professor: Laurentian University 

Researcher: University Of Montreal 

Professor: Ottawa University (Saint-Paul University) 

On The Web

Twitter ID 




2019               Louis, R. (2019). The activation of resilience in children under the care of Child Protection Services in Ontario, CanadaCarnet de notes sur les maltraitances infantiles, no 9, (2), 27-50.

2018               Resilience activation in children under the care of Child Protection Services in Ontario, Canada. Conference presented as part of the 4th World Congress on Resilience. Palais du Pharo, Marseille - France

2017              Anxiety and depression are often comparable to both sides of a medal. Department of Health, Orleans Adventist Church. Orleans, Ontario

2016               Resilience in children exposed to adversity. Interview given to Radio-Canada

2016               McGill University, Montreal, Ideas for a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention among young people. Scientific Day of the Douglas Mental Health Institute 

2016               The loss of identity: a common denominator among suicidal youth. Interview given to the University of Montréal magazine

2016               Resilience as key factors in the prevention of youth suicide: Promising perspectives. 3rd World Congress on ResilienceUniversity of Quebec at Trois Rivières, Quebec, Canada

2015               Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada. Resilience as key factors in the prevention of youth suicide: Promising perspectives. International Conference on Resilience

2015               Methodological issues raised by the questionnaire in the research process: Reflexivity as a sine qua non condition to scientificity. (Academia)

2014               The common space of co-construction as a vector of praxis: a trajectory marked by a constant reflexivity. Interdisciplinary Colloquium Day in Applied Human Sciences. University of Montreal

2013               Preventing Suicide: Resilience as Determinant in Stopping the Suicidal Gesture. World Congress on Suicide, under the direction of Dr. Gustavo Turecki. Summary published on the website of the Congress

2013               Overcoming traumas, conquering adversity: Resilience factors in children who prevail against all odds. Supervised Visitation Network's annual conferences, Toronto, Canada

2013               Invited by Radio-Canada, To explore the most promising avenues for youth suicide intervention and prevention.

2012               Overcoming Trauma, Conquering Adversity: The Factors of Resilience in Those Who Succeed Against All Expectations. Presented as part of the Professional Program of Excellence of the National Consortium for Health Training (CNSF) University of Ottawa and broadcast live via webcast and teleconference, through the entire network of the Consortium (universities and affiliated hospitals)

2012               Invited by Radio-Canada (Ottawa-Gatineau) to comment on the resilience of Haitian children following the earthquake in Haiti


2004               National Health Training Consortium, Ontario, Canada. Academic Excellence Scholarshipduring undergraduate studies in Social Work at Laurentian University

2013               Excellence Scholarship, PhD Program in Applied Human Sciences / Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Montreal University

2015               Excellence and Outreach Award, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Montreal

2016               Graduate Scholarship, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, University of Montreal



​​2013- Present Laurentian University, Ontario, Assistant Professor, School of Social work

2013- 2022  Laurentian University, Ontario, Lecturer, School of Social work 

2020 - Present Barbara Solomon School of Social Work, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

2017-2019    Saint-Paul University, University of Ottawa (Ontario), Professor, Faculties of Human Sciences and Conflict Studies

Taught the following courses:

                     Graduate and undergraduate Level

IPA 6532 / 6132 Themes related to end of life

IPA 6151 Spirituality and adaptation to illness

SWLF 3806EL Child Abuse and Neglect 

SWRK-5016 Advanced Social Work Practice

IPA 3522 - Cultural diversity and religious pluralism

ECS 3123 Psychological impacts of conflicts

IPA 3123 The Helping Relationships and ethical considerations

ECS 2512 - Research methods in conflict studies II

ECS 2524 - Local and community responses to conflict

ECS 2721 - Listening and interaction in conflict resolution.

IPA 1522 - Human behavior and spirituality: Empirical observations.


2019               Louis, R. (2019). The activation of resilience in children under the care of Child Protection Services in Ontario, CanadaCarnet de notes sur les maltraitances infantiles, no 9, (2), 27-50.

2018               Resilience activation in children under the care of Child Protection Services in Ontario, Canada. Conference presented as part of the 4th World Congress on Resilience. Palais du Pharo, Marseille - France

2017              Anxiety and depression are often comparable to both sides of a medal. Department of Health, Orleans Adventist Church. Orleans, Ontario

2016               Resilience in children exposed to adversity. Interview given to Radio-Canada

2016               McGill University, Montreal, Ideas for a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention among young people. Scientific Day of the Douglas Mental Health Institute 

2016               The loss of identity: a common denominator among suicidal youth. Interview given to the University of Montréal magazine

2016               Resilience as key factors in the prevention of youth suicide: Promising perspectives. 3rd World Congress on ResilienceUniversity of Quebec at Trois Rivières, Quebec, Canada

2015               Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada. Resilience as key factors in the prevention of youth suicide: Promising perspectives. International Conference on Resilience

2015               Methodological issues raised by the questionnaire in the research process: Reflexivity as a sine qua non condition to scientificity. (Academia)

2014               The common space of co-construction as a vector of praxis: a trajectory marked by a constant reflexivity. Interdisciplinary Colloquium Day in Applied Human Sciences. University of Montreal

2013               Preventing Suicide: Resilience as Determinant in Stopping the Suicidal Gesture. World Congress on Suicide, under the direction of Dr. Gustavo Turecki. Summary published on the website of the Congress

2013               Overcoming traumas, conquering adversity: Resilience factors in children who prevail against all odds. Supervised Visitation Network's annual conferences, Toronto, Canada

2013               Invited by Radio-Canada, To explore the most promising avenues for youth suicide intervention and prevention.

2012               Overcoming Trauma, Conquering Adversity: The Factors of Resilience in Those Who Succeed Against All Expectations. Presented as part of the Professional Program of Excellence of the National Consortium for Health Training (CNSF) University of Ottawa and broadcast live via webcast and teleconference, through the entire network of the Consortium (universities and affiliated hospitals)

2012               Invited by Radio-Canada (Ottawa-Gatineau) to comment on the resilience of Haitian children following the earthquake in Haiti