Meng Cheng Lau
I received my PhD in Computer Science from the University of Manitoba and have since been working as a senior lecturer at the National University of Malaysia and as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Manitoba. My research interests lie in intelligent mobile robotics, and I have published more than 30 papers in reputable conferences and journals in the field. Additionally, I have supervised several graduate students in their research projects. I have taught multiple undergraduate and graduate-level courses in Computer Science, including advanced AI and Intelligent mobile robotics. I have actively participated in several professional societies and served on various committees.
University of Manitoba, Canada — PhD (Computer Science)
National University of Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia — Master of Information Technology (Full Research in Industrial Computing)
National University of Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia — Bachelor of Information Technology (Industrial Computing with Honours)
Academic Appointments
Laurentian University, Canada — Assistant Professor
FIRA RoboWorld Cup (HuroCup) — Chair
University of Manitoba (UofM), Canada — Postdoctoral Fellow & Sessional Instructor
National University of Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia — Senior Lecturer/Head of Autonomous Robot and Vision Systems Laboratory (ARViS)
National University of Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia — Lecturer
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Malaysia — Lecturer/Course Coordinator of Foundation Studies
Conduct and lead a range of research groups in robotics and computer vision including visual servoing, real-time systems, hardware interfacing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and HRI.
Research grants:
Co-Lead, Adult-size Humanoid (UofM)
Lead, Auto Balancing for Humanoid Using Multisensory Model (UKM)
Researcher, Machine Learning in Decision Making With the Uncertainty With Applications to Jawi/Arabic Manuscripts, Biometric Authentication, Medical Image Database and Security and Digital Forensic Data (UKM)
Researcher, Industrial Informatics: Research Issues and The Path Forward
Researcher, Development of Intelligence Control Chart Software For Statistical Process Control
IROS Humanoid Application Challenge 2020 (Leader), Taiwan: 2nd Place
IEEE-IROS Humanoid Application Challenge 2019 (Leader), Macao: 2nd Place
FIRA 2019, Changwon (Leader): Adult&Teen Sized - 3rd Place Allround
IEEE-IROS Humanoid Application Challenge 2018 (Advisor), Madrid: 2nd Place
Robocup 2018, Montreal (AMNUnited, Leader): Teensize Humanoid - 1st Place Technical Challenge
AUTCup 2018, Tehran: Teensize and Kidsize - 1st Places Allround
IEEE-IROS Humanoid Application Challenge 2017 (Advisor), Vancouver: 1st Place
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Computer Science Dept. University of Manitoba, 2016-2020
Malaysian JPA and UKM Overseas Scholarship (PhD): 2009-2003
Master Research Scholarship: 2003-2005
Laurentian University, 2023-present
- COSC4117 Artificial Intelligence
- CPSC5616 Machine Learning/Deep Learning
- COSC3106 Theory of Computing
- CPSC5207 Inteligent Mobile Robotics
University of Manitoba, 2016-2023
- COMP1012 Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers
- COMP4180 Intelligent Mobile Robotics
- COMP4190 Advanced Artificial Intelligence
- COMP4550 Real-Time Systems
National University of Malaysia, 2008-2016
- TA6124 Parallel and Distribution Systems
- TR3423 Simulation and Robot Programming
- TM2033 Platform Technology
- TR6584 Industrial Modelling and Simulation
- TR2043 Graphics Programming
- TR1713 Statistics and Probability
- TR2013 Introduction to Numerical Computation
Selected Journal and Chapter in Book
- Hosseinmemar A., Baltes J., Anderson J., Lau M.C., Lun C.F., Wang Z. (2020) .Push Recovery and Active Balancing for Inexpensive Humanoid Robots Using RL and DRL. Trends in Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications.
- Lau, M. C., Cheng, C. T., Baltes, J. and Anderson, J. E. (2019). A Sketch Drawing Humanoid Robot Using Image-Based Visual Servoing. The Knowledge Engineering Review.
- Morris, K., Lau, M. C., Anderson, J., Baltes, J. (2019). A robust Interactive Entertainment Robot for Robot Magic Performance. Applied Intelligence.
- Wong, C.C., Liu, C.C., Xiao, S.R., Yang, H.Y. and Lau, M.C. (2019). Q-Learning of Straightforward Gait Pattern for Humanoid Robot Based on Automatic Training Platform. Electronics 2019. 8, 615.
- Deshinta, A. W., Elankovan, S. , Anton, S. and Lau, M.C. (2019).Object Detection without Color Feature: Case Study Autonomous Robot. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research Vol. 8, No. 4.
Selected Proceeding
- Lau, M.C, Anderson, J., Baltes, J., Gallegos, C.M., Diaz, M. M., and Li, B. Humanoid Robot Rock Band. FIRA World Summit 2021. December 1-7, 2021.
- Baltes, J., Morris, K., Anderson, J., Lau, M. C. Interaction and Learning in a Humanoid Robot Magic Performance. 2018 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Integrating Representation, Reasoning, Learning, and Execution for Goal-Directed Autonomy. Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA, March 26–28, 2018.
Complete Publication (Google Scholar Profile):