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About Us
Welcome to the Research Group in Operations, Analytics, and Decision Sciences (RGinOADS) website at the Faculty of Management, Laurentian University. On this website you will find information about RGinOADS and its activities, about the people involved and its members, about the upcoming interest conferences as well as other events.
Key Documents
Mission and Objectives
Designed to promote research in operations management, analytics, decision sciences, and related fields.
Bylaws of the Research Group in Operations Management, Analytics and Decision Sciences
News & Events
"Today's accomplishments were yesterday's impossibilities" - Robert H. Schuller
- Dr. Mohamed Dia, Executive Director of RGinOADS
- Dr. Amirmohsen Golmohammadi
- Dr. Shashi K. Shahi
- Dr. Pawoumodom M. Takouda
- Dr. Luckny Zéphyr
- Dr. Abdelouahid Assaidi
- Dr. Mohamed Dia
- Dr. Amirmohsen Golmohammadi
- Dr. Shashi K. Shahi
- Dr. Pawoumodom M. Takouda
- Dr. Luckny Zéphyr
2021 - 2022
Farivar, S., Golmohammadi, A., Ramirez, A. (2022). Analytics Capability and Firm Performance in Supply Chain Organizations: The Role of Employees’ Analytics Skills. Analytics, 1 (1), p. 1-14.
Robichaud, Y., Haq, R., Takouda, P.M., Albert, S. (2022). "Labor market barriers for internationally trained immigrants in Northern Ontario". Asian-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies. 28(1), p. 53–70.
Takouda, P.M., M. Dia, and A. Ouattara, "Financial Inclusion in West African Economic Monetary Union’s Economies: Performance analysis using Data Envelopment Analysis". Journal of Risk and Financial Management (JRFM), vol. 15 (12), p. 605, 2022.
Takouda P.M., M. Dia, A. Ouattara and K.V.D.P Kouadio, "Evaluating how the regulatory ecosystem promotes entrepreneurial activities in Africa", in Case Studies in Operations Research from AFRICA, H. Masri Editor, Springer, Switzerland, pp. 91-128, 2022.
Morillo, J.L., Zephyr, L., Pérez, J.F., Cadena, A. and Anderson, C.L., 2022. Distribution-free chance-constrained load balance model for the operation planning of hydrothermal power systems coupled with multiple renewable energy sources. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 142, p. 108319.
2020 - 2021
Dia, M., Shahi, S.K. and Zéphyr, L., 2021. An Assessment of the Efficiency of Canadian Power Generation Companies with Bootstrap DEA. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(10), p. 498.
Taghavi, M., K. Huang and A. Golmohammadi, "Polynomial-time Algorithms for Single Resource Stochasti Capacity Expansion Models with Lost Sales". INFOR, vol 59 (4), pp. 572-591, 2021.
Shahi S.K. and M. Dia, "Comparison of Ontario’s Roundwood and Recycled Fibre Pulp and Paper Mills’ Performance using Bootstrap Data Envelopment Analysis". Journal of Management Analytics (JMA), vol. 8 (2), pp. 222-251, 2021.
Shahi S.K., M. Dia, P. Yan and S. Choudhury, "Developing and training artificial neural networks using bootstrap data envelopment analysis best performance modeling of sawmills in Ontario". Journal of Modelling in Management, vol. 17 (2), pp. 788-811, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1108/JM2-07-2020-0181
Shahi S.K., M. Dia and J. Goyal, "Meta-Frontier Data Envelopment Analysis for Performance Improvement of Forest Industry Sub-Sectors in Ontario". International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management (IJOQM), vol. 27 (2), pp. 159-171, 2021.
Guo, G., Zephyr, L., Morillo, J., Wang, Z., & Anderson, C. L. (2021). Chance Constrained Unit Commitment Approximation under Stochastic Wind Energy. Computers & Operations Research, p. 105398.
Lamond, B.F. and Zephyr, L., 2021. Note on “Parameters estimators of irregular right-angled triangular distribution”. Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 16(4), pp.273-276.
2019 - 2020
M. Dia, A. Golmohammadi and P.M. Takouda, "Relative Efficiency of Canadian Banks: A Three-Stage Network Bootstrap DEA". Journal of Risk and Financial Management (JRFM), vol. 13 (4), 2020. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm13040068 [ABDC’2019 – “B”]
M. Dia, P.M. Takouda and A. Golmohammadi, "Assessing the Performance of Canadian Credit Unions using a Three-Stage Network Bootstrap DEA". To appear in Annals of Operational Research (ANOR), 2020. [ABDC’2019 – “A”]
Golmohammadi A., A. Tajbakhsh, M. Dia and P.M. Takouda, "Effect of Timing on Reliability Improvement and Ordering Decisions in a Decentralized Assembly System". To appear in Annals of Operational Research (ANOR), 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03399-5 [ABDC’2019 – “A”]
Golmohammadi, A. and E. Hassini, "Investment Strategies in Supplier Development under Capacity and Demand Uncertainty". Decision Sciences, vol. 52 (1), pp. 109-141, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1111/deci.12419 [ABDC’2019 – “A*”]
Golmohammadi, A. and E. Hassini, "Review of Supplier Diversification and Pricing Strategies under Random Supply and Demand". International Journal of Production Research, vol. 58 (11), pp. 3455-3487, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2019.1705419 [ABDC’2019 – “A”]
Shahi S.K. and M. Dia, "Efficiency Measurement of Ontario’s Sawmills Using Bootstrap Data Envelopment Analysis". Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Aid (JMCDA), vol. 26 (5-6), pp. 272-295, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1002/mcda.1695 [ABDC’2019 – “B”]
Shahi S.K., M. Leitch and M. Dia, "Engineered Wood Products as Substitutes in the Canadian Building Contruction industry". International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets (IJBEM), vol. 12 (2), pp. 142-158, 2021. [ABDC’2016 – “C”]
Shahi S.K., A. Shiva and M. Dia, "Integrated Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Firm Performance in the Indian Textile Industry". Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management (QROM), vol. 16 (3/4), pp. 614-635, 2020. [ABDC’2019 – “B”]
Lui, J., Zéphyr, L., and Anderson, C.L. (2020). Optimal Operation of Microgrids with Load-differentiated Demand Response and Renewable Resources. Journal of Energy Engineering, 146(4), p.04020027.
Morillo, J. L., Zéphyr, L., Pérez, J. F., Anderson, C. L., and Cadena, Á. (2020). Risk-averse stochastic dual dynamic programming approach for the operation of a hydro-dominated power system in the presence of wind uncertainty. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 115, p.105469. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2019.105469
2018 - 2019
Assaidi A. and M. Dia, "Technical Efficiency of Socially Responsible Mutual Funds in Canada". Frontiers in Finance and Economics (FFE), vol. 15 (1), pp. 1-18, 2019.
Dia M. and R. Bozec, "Social Enterprises and the Performance Measurement Challenge: Could the DEA be the Solution?" To appear in Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Aid (JMCDA).
Dia, M., K. Abukari, P.M. Takouda and A. Assaidi, "Relative Efficiency Measurement of Canadian Mining Companies". To appear in International Journal of Applied Management Science (IJAMS).
Dia, M., P.M. Takouda and A. Golmohammadi, "Efficiency Measurement of Canadian Oil and Gas Companies". To appear in International Journal of Operational Research (IJOR).
Golmohammadi, A., Hassini, E. (2019). Capacity, Pricing and Production under Supply and Demand Uncertainties with an Application in Agriculture. European Journal of Operational Research. 273(3), pp. 1037-1049.
- Golmohammadi, A., Taghavi, M., Farivar, S., Azad, N. (2018). Three Strategies for Engaging a Buyer in Supplier Development Efforts. International Journal of Production Economics. 206, pp. 1-14.
Shahi S.K. and M. Dia, "Empirical Study of the Performance of Ontario’s Pulp and Paper Mills Using Bootstrap Data Envelopment Analysis". To appear in International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (IJPQM).
Zéphyr, Luckny, and C. Lindsay Anderson. "Stochastic dynamic programming approach to managing power system uncertainty with distributed storage." Computational Management Science 15.1 (2018): 87-110.
RGinOADS' Executive Team
From left to right, Dr. Luckny Zéphyr, Dr. Mohamed Dia, Dr. Amirmohsen Golmohammadi, Dr. Shashi K. Shahi, Dr. Matthias Takouda (absent from the photo).
Dr. Amirmohsen Golmohammadi and Dr. Mohamed Dia
With their Certificate of the Best Paper Award received from the Production and Operations Management Division of ASAC 2018 for the paper “Reliability Effort Management in a Decentralized Assembly System” by Golmohammadi, A., A. Tajbakhsh, M. Dia, and P.M. Takouda.
Dr. Luckny Zéphyr
With his Certificate of the First Price AMBAR 2018-Research and Development of the Colombian Energy Sector (Research Category) of the Association of Colombian Distributors of Electrical Energy for the paper "MAEP: A Mild- and Long-Term Tool for Hydro-Thermal Power Systems", as well as his Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing from the European Journal of Operational Research.