Important Facts
- Security guards are available 24 hour a day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.
- A security guard operates the Security Control Centre (SCC) at 705-673-6562 or Ext 6562 at all times. Shifts are staffed by a male and female guard. All guards are trained in First Aid, CPR and defibrilators and possess a valid Ministry issued security licence.
- How we keep you safe:
- External cameras on campus.
- Emergency telephones (external), normally located near the parking lot entrances.
- Internal telephones with signs making them visible.
- SecurLU-UL APP is a unique app that provides students, faculty and staff with added safety on the Laurentian University campus. The app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources.
- Emergency Contacts: Contact the correct services for the Laurentian University area in case of an emergency or a non-emergency concern
- Mobile Bluelight: Send your location to Laurentian University security in real-time in case of a crisis
- WorkAlone: Use the app to "check in" with you periodically while working alone or during late hours. If you don't respond, the app will alert Campus Security.
- Friend Walk: Send your location to a friend through email or SMS on your device. Once the friend accepts the Friend Walk request, the user picks their destination and their friend tracks their location in real time; they can keep an eye on them to make sure they make it safely to their destination.
- Virtual WalkHome: Allow Campus Security to monitor a user’s walk. If a user feels unsafe when walking on campus, they can request a Virtual WalkHome and a dispatcher on the other end will monitor their journey until they reach their destination.
Download the App:
SafeRide is a free service offered to all students, faculty, and staff at Laurentian University. This service will safely escort students and employees, anywhere they need to go on campus.
Virtual WalkHome on the SecurLU-UL App: Allow Campus Security to monitor a user’s walk. If a user feels unsafe when walking on campus, they can request a Virtual WalkHome and a dispatcher on the other end will monitor their journey until they reach their destination.
Work Alone Program
For those faculty, staff or students who find themselves working alone after regular business hours, in isolated areas of the University. To utilize this program, simply contact the Security Control Center and provide the operator with your name, where you are located and your length of anticipated stay. Security will stop by your lab/classroom/office during routine patrols.
You can also chose to use the SecurLU-UL App and access the WorkAlone Program. Use the app to "check in" periodically while working alone or during late hours. If you don't respond, the app will alert Campus Security.
Laurentian University Campus Emergency Response Team (LUCERT)
Laurentian’s Campus Emergency Response Team is a student-led initiative available to respond to any medical issue on the Sudbury Campus. Volunteers are all Laurentian students and trained at a First Responder level with CPR HCP. LUCERT has partnered with security to assist in any emergency on campus. The team aims to enhance safety in partnership with all available services at Laurentian currently and also provide students with another way to become involved in the school community. LUCERT can also cover events affiliated with Laurentian, by contacting us at our email. They are also joined with Laurentian’s SafeWalk and aim to ensure everyone’s safety while at the university.
Contact Us
(705)- 562-5456
Office located at SSR-G7
LUCERT on Facebook