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Faculty Members

Nahid Golafshani

Assistant Professor

School of Education


Gustavo Arteca

Full Professor

School of Natural Sciences

Science, Engineering and Architecture

Patrice Sawyer

Full Professor

Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

Science, Engineering and Architecture

Robert Schinke

Full Professor

School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences



Toronto Celebrates Sudbury …to the tune of $100,000

Health Sciences North/Horizon Santé-Nord (HSN) and Laurentian University are $100,000 richer, thanks to Toronto Celebrates Sudbury.   Today in Sudbury, organizers of the annual fundraising event held in Toronto presented a $100,000 cheque to be shared equally by HSN and Laurentian University. The proceeds from Toronto Celebrates Sudbury will be used to support research at each...

Dr. Aaron Langille receives Laurentian University's 2016-2017 Teaching Excellence Award

Laurentian University is pleased to announce that Dr. Aaron Langille has been awarded the 2016-2017 Teaching Excellence Award for his work both inside and outside of the classroom in the Department of Math and Computer Science. “I am both humbled and honoured to have been nominated for this award,” said Dr. Aaron Langille. “As teachers, we strive every day to give our students a fulfilling...

Laurentian University Set to Host Top Canadian High School Students at New Tricultural Summer Program

Laurentian University is thrilled to announce a new collaboration with Shad Canada, a Waterloo-based charity which runs education programs in science and entrepreneurship for Grade 10 and 11 students. Together, our organizations have created a summer program which will reflect northern Ontario’s unique cultural and linguistic landscape. Not only will our institution play host to Shad for the...

Laurentian celebrates major successes in NSERC and SSHRC funding

SEPTEMBER 13, 2016 – Laurentian has been awarded $3.5 M from the Federal Government in Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funding.    NSERC will deliver nearly $3.15M to Laurentian University through the CREATE, Discovery Grant and Research Tools and Instruments Grant programs. ...

Laurentian University professor and research chair among four Canadians selected for women in science expedition

Dr. Tammy Eger, Professor of Human Kinetics at Laurentian University and Research Chair at the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health is among only four Canadians selected for the fourth “Homeward Bound” cohort (HB4). She and 95 women representing 28 countries will complete a 12-month intensive leadership program for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Medicine...

Laurentian University Professor Awarded NSERC funding to advance science communication training

(November 23, 2020) Laurentian University is pleased to congratulate Dr. Chantal Barriault, who received $20,000 from the Federal Government in Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). This grant is intended to help skilled communicators share their knowledge with  faculty, researchers, and graduate students in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), to improve...

Laurentian University celebrates federal NSERC Discovery Grants

(June 27, 2022) - Researchers with Laurentian University and affiliated researchers with NOSM University and Health Sciences North Research Institute have received $820,000 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) to fund five research projects.  The Discovery Grants Program is NSERC’s largest and longest-standing program supporting areas of research...

Laurentian University hosts Canadian high school students for bilingual, tricultural summer program

(July 28, 2022) - Fifty-six grade ten and eleven Canadian high school students have been keeping busy on Laurentian’s campus, participating in Shad Canada’s twenty-seven day program from July 3rd through July 29th. Laurentian University is one of twenty-one host universities across the nation in partnership with Shad Canada, a not-for-profit organization who equip youth to tackle social and...

M. David Lesbarrères reçoit un prix de chercheur virtuel de garde

27 mai 2015 – Le doyen intérimaire de la Faculté des études supérieures et professeur agrégé au Département de biologie de l’Université Laurentienne, M. David Lesbarrères, est le lauréat du Prix de participation à titre d’expert dans le programme Chercheur virtuel de garde (VROC).  ...

L'UL accueille des étudiants de Gujarat, en Inde

14 juin, 2012 - L’Université Laurentienne recevra une centaine d’étudiants de la Gujarat Technological University, à Ahmedabad, en Inde, qui suivront des cours sur le campus de Sudbury.   Cette semaine, plusieurs groupes d’étudiants arriveront sur le campus pour entamer, dès le lundi 18 juin, des programmes d’études de...

Les Prix d'enseignement décernés par la population étudiante rendent hommage à des professeurs de la Laurentienne

26 février 2016 – Deux membres du corps professoral de l’Université Laurentienne ont été choisis parmi plus de 150 mises en candidature pour recevoir un Prix annuel d’enseignement décerné par la population étudiante. Les prix annoncés par le Centre d’excellence universitaire seront accordés à...

La Laurentienne célèbre d'importantes réussites en matière de financement du CRSNG et du CRSH

13 SEPTEMBRE 2016 – La Laurentienne a reçu 3 500 000 $ du gouvernement fédéral sous forme de subventions du Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie (CRSNG) et du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH).   Par l’intermédiaire des programmes FONCER, de subventions à la découverte...


National Funding Agencies Support Laurentian University Research

Sudbury, ON (September 13, 2016) - SEPTEMBER 13, 2016 – Laurentian has been awarded $3.5 M from the Federal Government in Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funding.  NSERC will deliver nearly $3.15M to Laurentian University through the CREATE, Discovery Grant and Research Tools and...

Program Requirements