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Jason Kontak

B.A. (Honours) History and Political Science 2007; Strategic Initiatives Analyst – Office of the Premier

I believe in Laurentian University’s Model Parliament. It is a chance to showcase Laurentian’s talent and diversity.  This is what inspired me to create the Leaders of Tomorrow Fund in Celebration of Laurentian University’s Model Parliament that supports the costs of attending model parliament for students in any field of study who have an interest in Canadian Politics.

This award will enable more students to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  I am so grateful that I was able to participate during my degree. I would have had a very different experience at Laurentian if it was not for Model Parliament, it gave me confidence and a voice.

A university has to be the right fit for the individual and my experience at Laurentian proved that this university was definitely the right fit for me. A lot of individuals took me under their wing and gave me the chance to succeed. I never would have been able to achieve everything I have so far if it was not for the confidence and opportunities Laurentian provided me.

It is important for recent graduates to give back because it gives students confidence in themselves and in Laurentian. Alumni support allows students to believe that their dreams are achievable and that there are others out there who believe in their journey and want them to achieve those dreams.

It is important for me to give back where I have a connection. Laurentian has made tremendous strides to build and act on a vision. My donation is a small token of appreciation for the impact Laurentian has had on me, and to ensure it excels moving forward.