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Laurentian recognize four professors for their excellence in teaching

Laurentian recognize four professors for their excellence in teaching

LU’s Teaching Excellence Award and Teaching Fellowship Recipients

(August 25, 2020) It is with great pleasure that the Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning and the Centre for Academic Excellence of Laurentian University announce this year’s recipients of the Teaching Excellence Awards and Teaching Fellowships. Join us in congratulating Dr. Tammy Gaber, Dr. Diana Urajnik, Dr. Jorge Virchez, and Dr. Robert Schinke. 

McEwen School of Architecture (MSoA) professor Tammy Gaber is the recipient of this year’s Teaching Excellence Award. Dr. Gaber was one of the founding faculty members at the MSoA and recently finished her term as Graduate Coordinator. Dr. Gaber believes challenging the canon, by including diverse perspectives, is fundamental to preparing students for the global reality of architecture in a more empathetic and relevant  manner. Dr. Gaber says, “it is with great pride I see the trajectories of my former and current students.”

Sessional Instructor for Psychology; Human Kinetics; NOSM; School of Rural and Northern Health, Dr. Diana Urajnik, is the recipient of the Part-time Teaching Excellence Award. Dr. Urajnik. She has been described as someone who “provide[s] unparalleled guidance and support.”

Full Professor in the Department of Geography, Dr. Jorge Virchez is the recipient for Laurentian’s Teaching Fellowship Program. In his role as teaching fellow, Dr. Virchez hopes to support faculty members, administrative staff, and students to have a better understanding of internationalisation, cultural diversity, religions and teaching techniques regarding international issues. “I give my 100% during each class by creating ways of keeping the desire of the student to listen to me by enjoying the class while learning” says Dr. Virchez in a recent interview. 

Human Kinetics Professor, Dr. Robert Schinke, is the recipient of the Laurentian Teaching Fellowship Program.“What I share with students is value-based, content-based, and grounded in practicality,” saids Dr. Schinke in a recent interview. “Working selflessly to move further forward brings meaning in our work and hopefully to our students.”

“These awards celebrate teaching that has lasting, positive effects on students and deepens their learning” Serge Demers, former Interim Vice-President, Academic and Provost of Laurentian University. “It is a pleasure to give these remarkable educators the recognition they deserve.”

Laurentian Residences Adapt to COVID-19

Laurentian Residences Adapt to COVID-19

On-campus accommodation will be available for the Fall 2020 semester

(August 6, 2020) For over 50 years, Laurentian Residences has provided safe housing accommodations for students. We recognize many students will prefer to be on campus this fall and Laurentian University has implemented plans to provide the best possible accommodations. In the interest of limiting risk, we have taken the following measures:

Reduced Occupancy
All residents will be housed in single rooms, with no more than two people sharing a bathroom. Residences will operate at 35% capacity to ensure physical distancing and the safety of residents. 

Staggered Move-in Dates and Times
Extended move-in dates to allow physical distancing. Move in will begin on Monday, August 31st and run until Tuesday, September 8th. A maximum of 4 residents will be permitted to move in per hour in each building. Move-in appointments will only be permitted between 8am-8pm when additional cleaning staff are on site.

Increased Cleaning 
Our cleaning staff will increase cleaning in public areas, particularly "high-touch areas" like door knobs. This will continue throughout the academic year to ensure that we protect residents on an ongoing basis.

Support for International Students Arriving from Outside Canada
Laurentian Residence is offering all international students a safe place to stay during their mandatory 14 day quarantine period. They will receive food deliveries, along with support from staff and health services on campus.

Residence Life staff will provide resident support and build community connections through virtual and in-person activities. Campus life is guided by the Okaganan Charter, which emphasizes the promotion of healthy communal living on campus. Allowable gatherings will have to meet Ontario Public Health guidelines. Staff organizing these activities will be provided with Personal Protective Equipment, sanitizer, and disinfectant. 

Contingency Plans
Laurentian Residence has worked closely with Public Health Sudbury & Districts (PHSD) to prepare for many eventualities. We currently have both an outbreak and a quarantine plan, as well as the flexibility needed in order to meet PHSD's guidelines.

The decision to allow for a significant number of scholars to return involved the close cooperation of many departments. The Return to Campus Committee, which is made up of over 50 campus leaders representing students, staff and faculty, worked closely with Residence Life to make it happen. Health and safety remains our first priority and we continue to work closely with the public health authorities. 

“Laurentian Residence has always been a safe place to live. We are confident that the safety measures we are preparing for our fall intake will significantly reduce the risk to students, staff, faculty, and contractors entering the buildings this fall." Joseph McGibbon, Manager of Residence Life, Laurentian University

LU Gears Up for a Fall Semester Unlike Any Other

LU Gears Up for a Fall Semester Unlike Any Other

Campus puts emphasis on protocols, online learning to keep community safe

(July 29, 2020) Laurentian University is preparing for a return to campus unlike any other in its history. With unprecedented emphasis on keeping everyone in our community safe, we are pleased to announce today that Laurentian is gradually moving to the next phase in our Return to Campus Plan. A series of resources, policies and measures are ready to ensure that all students, staff, and faculty members have the tools at their disposal to maximize safety. 

Laurentian University is moving to Phase 2 of our Return to Campus Plan. Access to campus will be granted, but controlled. As of August 12th, on-campus student services (myLaurentian hub, some study spaces, residences, etc.) will be re-introduced in a gradual and safe manner. While many employees will continue to work remotely, some student services will be delivered using a mixture of both remote and face-to-face interaction.

In mid-August, students will start coming back to campus in the run-up to the first day of classes. N.B.: the first day of classes is Wednesday, September 9.

We are committed to community health. Though less than one percent of courses will be delivered in class, masks will be mandatory on campus in the fall semester. Hundreds of new signs have been placed throughout campus, as physical distancing requirements will be in place, requiring individuals to stay at least two metres apart. 

We are expecting to host almost 500 students in the fall semester, and we have enacted a series of policies and safety measures to ensure their security. Double rooms will be converted to single-occupant rooms. Staff will enact a vigorous cleaning regime, and extra sanitizer stations have been installed throughout the building. 

Food services will once again be available to students on campus. A flexible take-out menu will take the place of our more traditional buffet style layout.

As we all adapt to these times, it is essential that we help each other out. Maamwi, ensemble, together, we have vital resources to help everyone adjust. We are ready and excited to support our students with innovative approaches.

For new students, our Orientation to university and academic life will include a dynamic list of remote activities and on-demand resources. Students and parents are invited to learn more about Orientation here

The Centre for Academic Excellence (CAE) and our Information Technology departments are working closely to provide educators with a suite of tools and supports for course delivery. More than 200 faculty members have met one-on-one with our team members to customize their courses.


Though the COVID-19 pandemic has presented us with numerous challenges, we continue to rise to them. Each initiative has been overseen by a committee of leaders from across the university, working in lockstep with Public Health Sudbury and District, as well as provincial guidelines. We will continue to follow their lead.

LU Professors Net International Award

LU Professors Net International Award

Rosanna Langer, Moira Ferguson recognized by US-based network for research on mental health support

(July 17, 2020) Laurentian University is pleased to announce that two of our professors have been recognized for their vital research on mental health services. Entitled “Stigma, Discrimination, Resilience, and Support in Members of a Mental Health Consumer Peer Support Organization,” the paper has been granted the 2020 International Award for Excellence for The Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Journal Collection. The announcement was made recently by the organization's headquarters in Champaign, Illinois.

The award, which was supported in part through a Laurentian University Research Fund grant, is shared by two individuals: Dr. Rosanna Langer, professor in the Law and Justice program and Chair of the Laurentian University Research Ethics Board; and Dr. Moira Ferguson, a seasoned frontline worker in addition to teaching in the Departments of Sociology and Labour Studies. We congratulate them both for their efforts.

'I'm pleased to see our researchers recognized in this way. Laurentian University has a proud tradition of delving into complex issues with real-world impact. Professors Langer and Ferguson's work is part of a growing call for recognizing the need to improve mental health support.' Joël Dickinson, Dean of the Faculty of Arts of Laurentian University

About the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Journal Collection
Consisting of eleven journals, The Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Journal Collection explores disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches, within and across the various social sciences, and between the social, natural and applied sciences. Established in 2005, The Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Collection is indexed by Scopus, EBSCO, The Australian Research Council, and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. The journal offers both personal and institutional subscriptions and is published electronically and in print. For more information, please visit

New look at an old mineral nets LU researcher an academic hat trick

New look at an old mineral nets LU researcher an academic hat trick

In the academic equivalent of a hat trick, Dr. Andrew McDonald of Laurentian University's Harquail School of Earth Sciences has been awarded this year's Hawley Medal for the third time in his career. Alongside former student Elliot Wehrle, Dr. McDonald co-authored a paper which was selected as the best to be published in The Canadian Mineralogist throughout 2019. The internationally respected journal is a publication of the Mineralogical Association of Canada.

Though academic prizes are often rewarded for breakthroughs involving the discovery of things that are new to human understanding, this award-winning research centred on one of the most thoroughly studied materials in mineralogy: quartz. This common mineral turned out to be the key to solving a puzzle that is 1.85 billion years old.

As quartz changes very little, even over such a monumental timespan, McDonald and Wehrle helped develop a clearer picture of how rock and mineral formations in the Sudbury Intrusive Complex took shape over time. On a practical level, it could aid mining companies in finding more ore; on a deeper level, the research gives us a better understanding of the land on which we find ourselves.

We congratulate Dr. McDonald and Mr. Wehrle for their award and wish them continued success.

“This paper was going to toe-to-toe with others produced by experienced, highly knowledgeable mineralogists and geologists. I think the end result speaks highly to the high quality of the students and the research being conducted at Laurentian.This is the third Hawley medal that my students and I have been awarded. Many researchers go their entire careers without an accolade like this and I feel myself incredibly fortunate that my students and I have been involved in three of them. It is a strong testament to the exceptional quality of the research that is being conducted in the mineral sciences at Laurentian and in a broader sense, Earth Sciences.” Andrew McDonald.

LU Selects Top Talent to Fill Two Vice-President Roles

LU Selects Top Talent to Fill Two Vice-President Roles

Dr. Tammy Eger and Dr. Marie-Josée Berger announced as VP Research and VP Academic, respectively.

(July 7, 2020) Laurentian University is pleased to announce that Dr. Marie-Josée Berger has been appointed Provost and Vice-President, Academic and that Dr. Tammy Eger has been appointed Vice-President, Research. 

“We found two ideal candidates and I am very much looking forward to seeing their contributions at Laurentian over the years to come.” said Dr. Robert Haché, President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University as he announced who would fill the University’s two vacant vice-president positions. 

Dr. Berger has been in various leadership positions throughout academia for over 20 years. Most recently, she held the title of Dean, School of Education as well as Associate Vice-President of Continuing Education at Bishop’s University. Previously, she served as Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa. A former professor at the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, she also served the Ontario Ministry of Education in supporting the development of curriculum for elementary and secondary schools. She holds degrees from l’Université du Québec à Montréal and the University of Ottawa. She will begin her five-year renewable term on August 1, 2020. 

Dr. Eger is one of Laurentian’s most prolific researchers, having served as Interim Vice-President, Research at Laurentian during the last six months, this exciting appointment will allow Dr. Eger to continue to successfully lead the vibrant research and innovation community at Laurentian University. A Full Professor at Laurentian in the School of Human Kinetics, Dr. Eger was the inaugural Research Chair in Occupational Health and Safety with the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (2015-2019). She is the co-founder of the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health and co-developer of the first mobile occupational safety and health research lab in Ontario. She is also the author of more than 50 journal papers and 100 conferences abstracts. She began her five-year renewable term on July 1, 2020.

The two appointments conclude international search processes which took place over the last year. The university would also like to thank Dr. Serge Demers who has served admirably as Interim Vice-President, Academic and Provost, since July 2017. Dr. Demers will return to continue his mandate as Registrar and Secretary of Senate.”

“Dr. Berger brings a wealth of experience to our institution, and we are fortunate to have her lead our academic mission. Her leadership and vision both exceeded our expectations throughout the search process and we will greatly benefit from her appointment to this role. She is the ideal candidate and we are looking forward to having her join us in Sudbury.” - Dr. Robert Haché, President and Vice-Chancellor, Laurentian University 

“Dr. Marie-Josée Berger is the ideal candidate for the position of Provost and Vice-President, Academic at Laurentian University. Dr. Berger has an extensive history of leadership in academia and a history of success helping institutions navigate through difficult decisions and fostering a collegial environment. Dr. Berger is a strong advocate for students and has worked to increase opportunities for Indigenous students and international students. Laurentian University is fortunate to have the opportunity to have Dr. Berger as part of our administrative team.” - Dr. Amanda Schweinbenz, Associate Professor, School of Human Kinetics. 

“Dr Berger's depth of leadership experience both in theory and practice is what impressed me the most. I am excited about the perspectives she will bring in relation to our Tri-Cultural Mandate and am looking forward to working with her to advance Indigenous education at Laurentian University.” Shelly Moore-Frappier, Interim Associate Vice-President Academic and Indigenous Programs

“Dr. Eger’s leadership and collaboration throughout her tenure has been exemplary, even as our community has faced great challenges. Throughout the search process, we reviewed candidates from all over the world and in the end, the most qualified person was right here, in Sudbury. As a former VP Research myself, I have every confidence that she will help our research portfolio reach new heights.” - Dr. Robert Haché, President and Vice-Chancellor, Laurentian University 

“The research community at Laurentian will be very well served by the appointment of Dr. Eger to Vice President Research. She has the passion, drive and vision to help us make the transition to a research-intensive comprehensive university where our research will have truly global impact.” - Dr. John Gunn, Canada Research Chair in Stressed Aquatic Systems, Director, Vale Living with Lakes Centre.

LU presents phased plan to welcome back students, staff, and faculty

LU presents phased plan to welcome back students, staff, and faculty

The campus was the first in Canada to suspend in-person classes on March 11, 2020

Laurentian University has been a leader among universities in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak. The first university in Canada to recognize the severity of the outbreak and suspend in-person activities, Laurentian was also the first to transition fully from in-person to remote learning.

The university is now planning a phased ‘return to campus’ approach, providing flexibility to adapt and comply with public health and government protocols. Each phase outlined on a web page allows units to permit students and employees to have a gradual, rotational, and periodic presence on campus. The dates of each phase are subject to change depending on directives from government or public health authorities.  Ensuring the health and safety of the campus community is paramount, and meeting physical distancing requirements is critical. 

Guidelines for decision making

  • Evidence Based and Informed: Follow federal, provincial and municipal government and public health directives; Rely on up-to-date data, evidence and facts
  • Responsible and effective: Keep people safe – students, staff and visitors; mitigate risks; financially responsible; sufficient resources 
  • Flexible and Gradual: Reopening must be flexible, in phases, and customized by program and department as required
  • Clear:  Communicate decisions and plans frequently and clearly 

Plan highlights

  • Less than 1% of courses will be on campus
  • Research on campus has begun as of June 8 and graduate students have returned to campus to continue major projects
  • Face to face courses are being adapted to leverage online tools. More online and remote delivery courses are available to students, providing increased flexibility in learning.
  • On campus services continue to be provided via remote delivery, allowing students to access these services in more flexible and adaptive ways. They are also being modified to follow government protocols through physical distancing, use of personal protective equipment, and online experiences
  • Residences will be open in the fall and will have single occupants in double rooms

Read more about the plan at 

Celebrating the work of Eshki-Nishnaabemjig, this years recipients of the Award of Distinction in Indigenous Education

Celebrating the work of Eshki-Nishnaabemjig, this years recipients of the Award of Distinction in Indigenous Education

LU marks National Indigenous Peoples Day by celebrating student success, honouring presence of Anishinaabemowin on campus

Laurentian University is marking National Indigenous History Month with a celebration of milestones. First, we are pleased to announce the recipients of this year's Award of Distinction in Indigenous Education. Congratulations to Jessica Miigwanaabiikwe-Shonias, Monty McGahey, and Mskwaankwat Rice for their work as coordinators of Eshki-Niishnaabemjig

Spearheaded by these three young Nishnaabeg, Eshki-Niishnaabemjig is a two-week language immersion program offered every summer. This program is not only accredited by the Ontario College of Teachers, but integrates cultural practices into language learning. Due to the pandemic, this summer’s edition of the program is offered exclusively online.

The coordinators embody the values of Indigenous Education and are dedicated to making Anishnabemowin language accessible to learners while empowering communities to keep language alive and well. Grassroots organizations such as these will help secure the future of Anishnabemowin and other Indigenous languages for generations to come.

Second, we also mark the fiftieth anniversary of the on-campus presence of Anishinaabemowin, the language of these lands since time immemorial. Following on last year's project to install multilingual signage throughout campus, we will continue to find new ways to support Anishnabemowin at Laurentian.

LU’s New In-House Hand Sanitizer A Reminder Of The Value of Teamwork

LU’s New In-House Hand Sanitizer A Reminder Of The Value of Teamwork

Campus made safer by a group of dedicated community members working together

(June 15, 2020) Over the past three months, Laurentian University has taken many steps to improve safety in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The latest such step was made possible by a group of professionals from different departments across the university.

Ahead of the phased return of on-campus activity, the university has produced 500 hand sanitizer bottles in house, right down to the label on the bottles. These branded, 1 litre containers are soon to become a mainstay in classrooms, lecture halls, and hallways throughout Laurentian University’s grounds.

This all started with another act of kindness by one of our own. Inspired by chemistry professor Eric Gauthier’s creation of hand sanitizer for the Greater Sudbury Police Service, Laurentian University head of procurement Ray Coutu organized an effort to harness the community’s collective know-how to create a similar project. It took several people to iron out the fine details, from production to licensing, from bottling to storage:

  • Eric Gauthier manufactured the hand sanitizer, with the aid of technologist Paul Guerin
  • Ray Coutu and his team at Purchasing secured the 500 bottles
  • Gisele Roberts, Manager of Innovation and Commercialization, secured licenses from Health Canada to produce and distribute our hand sanitizer
  • Marie-Lynne Michaud and her team in the Marketing Department designed the label
  • Martin Rondeau and his team at Print Hub printed the labels and pasted them onto each bottle
  • Gail Cowper-Benoit from Health and Safety, planned the storage of the bottles.

Though physical distancing is one of the most effective preventative measures against COVID-19, this project is a reminder that we don’t have to go it alone and are stronger together.

“This project, from obtaining the licensing from Health Canada to bottling the final product, would not have been possible without the involvement of a group of dedicated individuals.” -- Eric R. Gauthier, Full Professor and Chair of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department

“Supply chains are tight right now for PPE supplies. Why not make our very own? This accomplishment was due to great team work with faculty and staff. Everyone worked together to achieve a common goal. During these extraordinary times, this is rewarding. Thank you to everyone involved.” Ray Coutu, Director of Procurement, Contract and Risk

Laurentian begins welcoming back researchers to campus

Laurentian begins welcoming back researchers to campus

Select research facilities will re-open through pilot project

(June 8, 2020) It’s a message that many researchers at Laurentian University have been eagerly anticipating. The University recently announced that it is planning a pilot project which will see the opening of some on-campus labs to support researchers and graduate students. The labs identified for the pilot project include the Vale Living With Lakes Centre, the Harquail School of Earth Sciences, and the Perdue Central Analytical Facility. This pilot project will enable 120-130 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to resume their academic pursuits.

This plan will be accompanied by detailed health and safety protocols to ensure the well-being of all involved. For example, new signage will enforce physical distancing, one-way pedestrian traffic flow, and the University will be limiting the number of people in any given area of campus. Additionally, hand sanitizer is being distributed to departments as they return that has been produced by Dr. Eric Gauthier at Laurentian University.

The pilot project will begin immediately, and the University is developing a process for researchers who are not part of the pilot project to be able to request access to campus and/or resume field work.

“Research activities are at the core of our university and we are now certain that some of these activities can resume safely. We are pleased to begin implementing step one of our plan to reopen campus.” Dr. Robert Haché, President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University

“Faculty and graduate students have been continuing their research, and scholarship remotely where possible; however, many use specialized equipment, databases and archives only available on campus. We are thrilled that today’s announcement will enable a significant number of students to resume research on campus and in the field and our team will continue to work closely with the Dean of Graduate Studies during this process.” Dr. Tammy Eger, PhD, Interim
Vice-President, Research of Laurentian University
