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Laurentian University student enrolment exceeds planning forecasts

Laurentian University student enrolment exceeds planning forecasts

Demand for LU education remains strong despite anticipated year-over-year drop

(November 4, 2021)  - With nearly 8,000 individual students currently enrolled at Laurentian University for the Fall 2021 semester, thousands of students continue to place their trust in the academic programs, faculty members and community that support their education. 

“As we march on the path toward a more sustainable future, it’s incredibly encouraging to see that the demand for Laurentian University is still strong and signals that we continue to be an important part of Ontario’s postsecondary system and a critical institution supporting the growth of northern Ontario,” said Robert Haché, President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University.

Students are completing their education both online (2,100) and in degree programs which are primarily being delivered in-person at the Sudbury campus (5,900). This level of enrolment is approximately 400 students above planned enrolment. 

Of note, enrolment numbers show a positive trend for French-language programs year-over-year, which results in more than 20% of the student population currently enrolled in French-language degree programs.

The University measures enrolment levels in November each year in order to account for new and returning students. This count, which shows a 14% year-over-year drop, represents students who are currently enrolled in 106 academic programs at the undergraduate and graduate level. 

Recently, due to many converging circumstances, Laurentian embarked on the path of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA), fundamentally restructuring its academic offerings to ensure it continues to deliver on its mandate to northern Ontario and Canada.

Entente de principe conclue entre l'Université Laurentienne et le syndicat des employés

Entente de principe conclue entre l'Université Laurentienne et le syndicat des employés

L’entente proposée s’étend sur trois ans

(28 juin, 2024) - Le Syndicat des employés de l’Université Laurentienne (SEUL) et l’Université Laurentienne ont conclu une entente de principe. Les membres du SEUL auront bientôt l’occasion de voter pour la ratification de celle-ci que l’équipe de négociation du SEUL recommande d’approuver à l’unanimité.

« Cette entente de principe est une excellente nouvelle pour nos employés et l’ensemble de la communauté de la Laurentienne. Je tiens à remercier nos partenaires du SEUL de leur travail acharné et de leur coopération, a déclaré la rectrice et vice-chancelière de l’Université Laurentienne, Mme Lynn Wells. Comme l’indique le Plan stratégique 2024-2029, l’Université Laurentienne a défini quatre orientations stratégiques pour guider la prise de décisions. L’une de ces orientations est « Apprécier et soutenir nos gens » et nous sommes fiers d’y donner suite. »

« C’est un signe positif, a déclaré le président du SEUL, M. Tom Fenske. Cela indique en effet que la direction de la Laurentienne s’engage à réinvestir dans son actif le plus précieux : ses employés. ».

Si elle est ratifiée, cette entente de trois ans sera en vigueur jusqu’au 30 juin 2027.

Le SEUL représente quelque 230 membres du personnel à l’Université Laurentienne.

Tentative agreement reached between Laurentian University and staff union

Tentative agreement reached between Laurentian University and staff union

Proposed agreement spans 3 years

(June 28, 2024) - The Laurentian University Staff Union (LUSU) and Laurentian University have reached a tentative collective agreement. Members of LUSU will soon have the opportunity to vote for ratification of the tentative agreement. The LUSU bargaining team unanimously recommends ratification.

“This tentative agreement is great news for our employees and the entire Laurentian community. I want to thank our partners at LUSU for their hard work and cooperation as well as the administrative bargaining team for their support throughout this process” said Dr. Lynn Wells, Laurentian University President and Vice Chancellor. As outlined in the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, Laurentian University identified four strategic directions to guide decision making. One of these directions is defined as “Valuing and Supporting Our People” and we’re proud to put that direction into action.”

"This is a positive sign, indicating that Laurentian's leadership is demonstrating a commitment to reinvesting in its most valuable asset: its employees,” said Tom Fenske, President of LUSU.

If ratified, the 3-year agreement would remain in effect until June 30, 2027.

LUSU represents approximately 230 staff members at Laurentian University.

Laurentian Receives Donation to Install a New International Quality Floor in the Ben Avery Gym

Laurentian Receives Donation to Install a New International Quality Floor in the Ben Avery Gym

Athletes to benefit from state-of-the-art sprung floor by September thanks to donors.

June 25, 2024 - The existing flooring and subfloor in the Ben Avery Gym will be replaced this summer thanks to one family's generous donation. Danica Robertson and Robert Martin are the parents of a current Laurentian student and say they felt inspired by their family’s experience with the university.

“We believe that Laurentian students are getting a high-quality education and the athletes on the court deserve a high-quality experience as well,” said Robert Martin. “We have confidence in Laurentian and hope that our investment inspires others to support Laurentian University and help enhance the student experience.”

The Robertson-Martin family donated $250,000 to fund the entire project from start to finish. The donation covers the cost of the removal of the current flooring and subfloor, down to the concrete, as well as the purchase and installation of a new high performance sprung hardwood floor that exceeds the top international standards for basketball floors.

As architects, Robertson and Martin know the positive impact of design and quality environments to foster human wellbeing and develop vibrant communities. “Our family saw an opportunity to support Laurentian and help improve the student experience for current and future generations,” said Martin. “We are very excited at the potential of this improvement to nurture happier, healthier athletes.”

President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Lynn Wells expressed gratitude for the donation. “The Laurentian community is deeply grateful to the Robertson-Martin family. This gift will have a significant positive impact on our athletes and beyond. Their investment has a positive impact on our campus culture as a whole and is a testament to the pride that the community has in our school.”

“A high-quality facility will help entice students and student-athletes from across Canada to choose Laurentian. We hope that this impactful upgrade might inspire the continued revitalization of the storied Ben Avery,” said Peter Hellstrom, Director, Voyageur Athletics and Campus Recreation.

Work on the floor in the Ben Avery Gym is already underway and is expected to be completed by the beginning of August.

Ugandan Student Finds Comforts of Home Through Community Work On Campus

Ugandan Student Finds Comforts of Home Through Community Work On Campus

Alice Aol is motivated to brighten the student experience for international students.

June 20, 2024 - International and domestic students alike are familiar with Alice Aol, Student Coordinator with the Equity, Diversity and Human Rights Office (EDHRO) and her infectious personality. Alice is a third-year student who has spent her short time in Canada celebrating culture and creating a sense of community for herself.

After graduating from high school in Gulu, Uganda during the pandemic, Alice started her studies online at Laurentian before moving to Sudbury for in-person classes. Pursuing higher education in Canada was important to Alice. “Back home in Uganda, it is not common for a girl to finish high school or university. Seeing my fellow Africans here and also aiming to finish school is what motivates me to keep going.” 

Reflecting on her time in Sudbury so far, Alice said, “Just one year is enough to feel like Laurentian is home.” Coming from a larger city, Alice was excited to live in Sudbury, a community she describes as calm and connected. Alice is looking forward to exploring the natural beauty of Sudbury more this summer. 

The relationships she has developed with her professors and friends from her classes motivates her each day. “Being far away from home is challenging. Laurentian is a very diverse school where I am able to meet other people who have the same type of beginnings, where we are coming miles away from home to a completely new place. Meeting new friends has helped me a lot and I want to contribute to making this experience away from home brighter for others as well,” said Alice. 

Alice has made connections with other students through her role as a Student Coordinator with the EDHRO. As Student Coordinator, Alice collaborates with events and programming on-campus.

Alice took the lead in planning many of the Black History Month events at Laurentian, such as surprising the community with a dance flash mob during the Cultural Day event. Kayla Deschatelets, EDHRO Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Support Coordinator, says that Alice’s contributions were instrumental in the success of the celebrations. “Alice has been a real asset to our team. She is friendly and helpful and always willing to take on a passion project. She truly contributed to the success of Black History Month on campus,” said Kayla.

In March, Alice helped with the planning of Holi for the Laurentian community. Holi is a Hindu celebration of color and spring. “Students came to us at EDHRO saying they missed home and wanted to host an event celebrating Holi. We all worked hard to coordinate the event and a lot of people showed up. They loved it,” said Alice. She says that she is proud to be a part of a community that celebrates and appreciates diversity.

Alice is a natural fit with the Laurentian University’s African Caribbean Students Association (LUACSA), which she has been a member of since arriving at Laurentian. LUACSA’s goal is to create a home for students who are far away from home, while also providing opportunities for students to explore the different countries, cultures, and backgrounds in Africa and the Caribbean. “LUACSA is not only for African and Caribbean students, it is a community for people to gain knowledge from others and bring knowledge from their own,” said Alice.

Now an executive member of the LUACSA team as Communications Executive, Alice has assisted with many successful LUACSA events, such as movie nights showcasing African or Caribbean culture. “To me, being in LUACSA allows me to share my ideas, to talk about home freely, to learn more from my fellow peers, and see another country from another person’s point of view,” said Alice. 

An outgoing leader and advocate, Alice has found her place within the Laurentian community and continues to improve the quality of life for her fellow students on campus.

Student Spotlight: Maggie Laverge

Student Spotlight: Maggie Laverge

From geology field work to Master’s research, Maggie Laverge is digging in

June 12, 2024 - While balancing a busy schedule as an undergraduate student and varsity rugby player, Maggie Laverge developed a passion for earth science. Maggie began her studies in science at the University of British Columbia but her academic focus sharpened after taking a course on natural disasters with sections on volcanology, geology, and earth hazards. A deep interest in earth sciences developed and eventually led to Maggie’s current research as a graduate student at Laurentian University.

After completing her undergraduate degree in geology, Maggie worked in mineral exploration in the mining industry for five years. She was working for the Canadian silver and gold mining company, Kinross Gold, when she learned about a research partnership between the company and Laurentian University. Her interest in the project and her desire to have a more integral role in the research pushed her to pursue a Master’s in Geology at Laurentian.

Now studying under Dr. Bruno Lafrance at the Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Maggie’s Master’s research explores why gold forms where it does. The subject of her research is the LP fault zone on the Great Bear Deposit, which is a gold-bearing fault in the earth’s crust near Red Lake, Ontario. Maggie is trying to understand the forces which formed the fault zone, the timing of gold in relation to the fault zone, and any events that may have controlled the current orientation of the gold ore body. Maggie’s research is one of the first academic studies on the deposit. With a better understanding of the structural controls that Maggie is examining, the gold can be targeted and mined more effectively, which can help find other gold deposits in the future.

Maggie has an appreciation for the level of geology and mining expertise within the Laurentian community. Throughout her masters, she says that she has learned from not only her professors but also peers and industry experts. “I love that I can reach out to colleagues and ask for advice or guidance. The collaborative spirit at Laurentian and even in the Sudbury community as a whole is something I really value.”

Maggie integrates the same collaborative approach into her work as a teaching assistant. “Getting to work with students is such an inspiring component of my graduate studies,” Maggie says. “I’m nerding-out and teaching them, but I am also learning so much from them, and I always encourage them to work collaboratively and learn from each other.”

Despite only starting her research in September 2023, Maggie has had the opportunity to present at several conferences. She’s received positive feedback and won multiple prizes for her research presentations. “These conferences and opportunities to talk about the research that I’m doing are great. I get to not only share my work but also network with other students, academics, and industry professionals, who will often suggest techniques to further my research. I learn so much every time,” Maggie explains, reflecting on her conference experiences.

Maggie actively seeks opportunities to gain experience and make connections outside of her studies. She is the secretary of the Laurentian University’s Society of Economic Geologists Student Chapter. The group recently explored geological sites internationally during a trip to Chile. Through the Society of Economic Geologists, she has been accepted to attend a mapping field school in Brazil in summer 2024. A field school is an outdoor experiential learning program for students to develop or strengthen the hands-on geology skills that are necessary in the mining industry. In addition to conducting her own field work in Red Lake this summer, Maggie will also help lead Laurentian’s two-week field school for undergraduate students.

When Maggie finishes her Master’s degree, she hopes to work as a consultant in structural geology, traveling to various sites. This will give her the opportunity to continue working in geology while also fostering her love of learning, collaboration, and travel.

New Bursary Honours Late Laurentian Lab Instructor

New Bursary Honours Late Laurentian Lab Instructor

Legacy of Bernie Shami to support chemistry students

June 7, 2024 - A new bursary is being offered to Laurentian students in honour of the life and legacy of former Laboratory Instructor, Bernie Shami. One year after his passing on June 9th, 2023, Bernie’s family are announcing a bursary in their brother’s name.

Bernie’s sisters, Jeanne Shami and Laurie Stewart, and brother, Bob Shami are proud to arrange this gift for future Laurentian students, something they say their brother would have respected.

“Bernie would never in a million years have promoted himself in this way. He was funny, hard-working, and kind but most of all, he was a humble person,” Jeanne says, reflecting on her brother’s character. “That said, he was always willing to help students–he felt that any student could be successful if they put in the work. We feel that this bursary will help students, just like Bernie did.”

Bernie completed his degree in Organic Chemistry at Laurentian University in 1976 and took a position at Laurentian as a Lab Instructor upon graduation. A fixture in the lab for more than 35 years, until his retirement in 2012, Bernie worked with thousands of students over his career.

Many of Bernie’s students became his lifelong friends. “He could have gone on to do a PhD or work in the private sector but Bernie loved contact with students,” Jeanne recalls. “Even at the time of his passing this was clear. He had saved every card he had received from students throughout his career and in the hospital, doctors and nurses on his health care team had been former students of his.”

One former student who remained close friends with Bernie over the years is Denise Garrido whom Bernie taught in 2005. “He was a good listener and very open-minded. He was always appreciated for his patience, his ability to explain difficult concepts, and above all his humour and humanity,” she says. “It wasn’t hard to love Bernie. I am proud to have been his friend and I look forward to contributing to this fund to help future students in his honour.”

With the one year anniversary of Bernie’s passing approaching, his family was thinking about a way to honour him. “My siblings and I were thinking about this over the past few months and then I heard that my former colleague, Dr. Lynn Wells is now the President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University,” said Jeanne. “The timing seemed fortuitous, and we took it as a sign to move forward with setting up this gift.”

The Shami family wants the bursary to be awarded to a student who demonstrates the same humility, humour, and humanity that Bernie did, rather than simply an acknowledgement of high academic achievements.

The family welcomes those who knew Bernie to contribute to the fund so that it may be endowed and continue to support students for many years into the future. “I know Bernie would have respected a bursary like this and would have contributed in honour of someone he cared about,” Jeanne said, “And I know that there are many who would love to do the same for him. Bernie made an impression and his legacy will continue to improve the lives of students.”

The application period for the bursary will open Fall 2024. Those wishing to contribute to the Bernie Shami Memorial Bursary can do so on the Make an Impact web page.

Research Excellence Award Winners Announced

Research Excellence Award Winners Announced

Dr. Linda Ambrose and Dr. John Ashley Scott selected as 2024 recipients

June 4, 2024 - The selection committee for the 2023-2024 Research Excellence Award has completed its deliberations and selected this year’s recipients. With many exceptional researchers to choose from, the committee determined that Dr. Linda Ambrose and Dr. John Ashley Scott would be awarded the honour for 2024.

The annual award recognizes Laurentian faculty who have made outstanding and original contributions to their fields, particularly in the past five years, spanning applied, artistic, professional, and/or scientific domains. They have successfully secured external research funding, are recognized by the national or international academic community, and have notably advanced Laurentian University's research.

“We are very proud of the world-class research taking place here at Laurentian University. Drs. Scott and Ambrose are great examples of the excellence in research that is being carried out across a breadth of fields and disciplines within our institution. We congratulate them, as well as their collaborators, students, and staff who continue to support their research efforts,” said Dr. Tammy Eger, Vice-President, Research at Laurentian University.

“I am thrilled to be named as a recipient of the Laurentian Research Excellence Award! Sharing my passion for gender studies and women's history with graduate students and travelling the world to participate in academic conferences is such a privilege. To be recognized in this way by my own university is most definitely a highlight of my 30 years in Sudbury. Reading the letters of support, I feel so honoured and humbled for this recognition. It's such a joy to reflect on the colleagues, collaborators, and former students who have shaped my research career! I am deeply grateful,” said Dr. Linda Ambrose, Full Professor of History in the Faculty of Arts.

“The success of my research at Laurentian is an outcome of 12 years of tremendous support and collaborations with industry and government that have helped me obtain $4 million in research grants. I am particularly grateful to, and proud of, the over 20 PhD and Masters’ research students that have graduated, and their indispensable contributions to developing these highly collaborative programs. Programs that have also enhanced their training and personal experiences leading to very relevant and productive employment in the north. I am also grateful for my colleagues and excellent existing graduates that further support our collaborations and Canada’s economy through sustainable use of our resources,” said Dr. John Ashley Scott, Full Professor of Bioprocess Engineering in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Architecture.

The recipients will be honoured at a convocation ceremony of their choosing (spring or fall) and will be invited to speak at the 2025 Research Week, followed by a reception in their honour.

About Dr. Ambrose’s Research

Award-winning historian Linda M. Ambrose has earned an international reputation for her explorations of rural women and women and religion. Her investigation of feminism in contexts like Women’s Institutes in Ontario and the United Kingdom, has resulted in publications including For Home and Country with its revelations about ubiquitous grassroots feminism. Her publications about North American Pentecostalism expose the gendered ambiguities women navigate within patriarchal institutions that espouse egalitarian rhetoric.

About Dr. Scott’s Research

Dr. Scott has specialized in turning the unexplored, underutilized, and even problematic into opportunities and resources that enhance sustainability. Many of the discoveries from his research have generated exciting and valuable opportunities that have in turn led to diverse and often surprising research directions in Canada and internationally. One example of his innovative research is the capture and reuse of CO2 emissions from Canada’s beer and wine fermentation industry to create a wide range of novel and effective natural disease fighting compounds.

Honorary Doctorates to be Awarded at Laurentian University Convocation

Honorary Doctorates to be Awarded at Laurentian University Convocation

Justice Michelle O'Bonsawin, Dr. Catharine Farrow, and Dr. Dan Andreae to be recognized

June 3, 2024 - Laurentian University is awarding three honorary doctorate degrees during this week’s convocation ceremonies. The honorary degree recipients will be in attendance to be recognized alongside graduating students.

“We are very pleased to be joined this week by these three inspirational leaders. Each of them has reached the top of their respective disciplines and their presence at convocation will signal to graduates that truly anything is possible. Their contributions to the common good are exceptional and worthy of the highest honour we can bestow,” said Dr. Lynn Wells, President & Vice-Chancellor, Laurentian University.

The convocation ceremonies will be streamed live via YouTube and are available from

Award Dates

  • June 4, 10:00am: Justice Michelle O'Bonsawin - Honorary Doctorate of Law
  • June 5, 2:30pm: Dr. Catharine Farrow - Honorary Doctorate of Business Administration
  • June 6, 10:00am: Dr. Daniel Andreae - Honorary Doctorate of Letters

Justice Michelle O'Bonsawin

The Honourable Michelle O’Bonsawin became the first Indigenous person to serve on Canada's highest court, when she was appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada on September 1, 2022. She is a widely respected member of Canada’s legal community with a distinguished career spanning over 20 years. Born in Hanmer, Ontario, and a fluently bilingual Franco-Ontarian, Justice O’Bonsawin is an Abenaki member of the Odanak First Nation. Justice O’Bonsawin was appointed to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in 2017. She is a graduate of Laurentian University’s Bachelor of Arts.

Dr. Catharine Farrow

Dr. Farrow is a professional geoscientist with more than 25 years of mining industry experience. She currently serves as a Director of Franco-Nevada, Centamin PLC, Eldorado Gold Corporation and Aclara Resources, and is Chair of the Board of Exiro Minerals Corp. Chair of the Advisory Board, ReThink Mining Ventures, which is part of Canada Mining Innovation Council. Member of The Capital Oversight Committee of Metrolinx. Catharine is also the President of FarExGeoMine, consulting with mining companies and legal organizations.. Previously, she was Founding CEO, Director and Co-Founder of TMAC Resources Inc (now part of Agnico Eagle Mines) as well as Chief Operating Officer of KGHM International. She has been honoured as one of the 100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining (2015 and 2018) and is a past recipient of the William Harvey Gross Medal of the Geological Association of Canada (2000). In 2020 was awarded distinguished Alumni at Acadia University.

Dr. Dan Andreae

With over twenty years of professional experience in the education sector, Dr. Andreae has established himself as a highly distinguished and esteemed expert in several areas, health, neuroscience, psychology, advocacy, and community organization. He has committed a considerable part of his career to studying, supporting, and advocating for those with brain issues, especially Alzheimer’s serving as an insightful and dynamic leader. He has been recognized by the Alzheimer Society of Toronto with a Lifetime Achievement Award, Outstanding Service award for Leadership, an award presented by the Chair of the international Alzheimer Society Princess Yasmin Khan and later a Pioneer Award. He was the first Executive Director of the Society and Chair of the Patrons Council.

Laurentian appoints Dr. Parvinder Arora as new Dean of the Faculty of Management

Laurentian appoints Dr. Parvinder Arora as new Dean of the Faculty of Management

June 3, 2024 - Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Parvinder Arora as the University’s next Dean of the Faculty of Management.

Dr. Arora brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to Laurentian University having served more than 25 years in the field of management, in both corporate and academic sectors in Canada, Asia, and Australia. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Panjab University and his doctorate from Punjabi University in India.

Most recently, Dr. Arora has been the Dean of the Schools of Business, Creative Industries, and Information Technology at Cambrian College. There, he led several key growth initiatives, including the launch of new programs, introduction of innovative delivery methods, and embedding Indigenous content in the curriculum of business programs.

Dr. Arora was a professor at Seneca College in Toronto (2015-19) and took a one year leave to serve as Dean of the Institute of Management Technology in Dubai. Prior to that, he served as a professor and assistant Dean at the SP Jain School of Global Management, a multinational institution ranked globally as a top business school.

He is student focused and has been actively engaged in mentoring graduate students in their research work, often with corporate partners. He values interdisciplinarity and deeply appreciates the importance of partnerships to create opportunities, build community, and elevate impact.

Dr. Arora has proven himself to be a collaborative and accountable leader whose focus lies on the student experience, global mindset and cultivating relationships.

Dr. Arora will begin his new role with Laurentian University on August 1, 2024.
