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Student Spotlight: Biologie Biomédical student participates in pre-med shadowing study abroad program.

Student Spotlight: Biologie Biomédical student participates in pre-med shadowing study abroad program.

Sudbury local, Tori Laflamme, puts theory to practice at hospitals in Genoa, Italy and Washington, D.C.

Student Spotlight: Biologie Biomédical student participates in pre-med shadowing study abroad program.

(July 20, 2023) - On July 14, 2023, Tori Laflamme, set to begin her 3rd year in biologie biomédicale this fall at Laurentian University, returned home after participating in an incredible 6-week pre-med shadowing study abroad program. This practical learning opportunity, organized by a foundation called Atlantis, found Laflammme shadowing surgeons at IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini in Genoa, Italy, and supporting medical research at Children’s National Hospital (CNH) in Washington, D.C. 


Laflamme is a proud francophone who graduated from Sudbury’s Collège Notre Dame (2021). “I always knew I wanted to study medicine, and though I applied to many universities, I’m a homebody. Laurentian was the best option for me to study a bilingual degree, stay close to home, and obtain an education that prepares me to later apply to med school.” 

For Laflamme, taking on a study abroad opportunity in her field was an “unbelievable experience, especially as a young student.” 

When in Genoa, Laflamme was assigned to shadow surgeons in the operating room in general surgery, ophthalmology, and anatomical pathology. “At Laurentian, we do have practical lab work, but also learn a great deal of medical theory. This opportunity found me actually putting theory to practice and living the life of a typical surgeon. As students, we got to stand right beside surgeons at the operating table while medical professionals recited to us what was precisely taking place. It was pretty surreal.” 


When in Washington, Laflamme engaged with peers under the supervision of medical staff to support a research study on the topic of the correlation between low income families, nutrition and mental health. “We found that children of low income families are predisposed to obesity which can make these children more susceptible to poor mental health.” Near the end of Laflamme’s posting at CNH, she and peers presented results to a team of senior executives. “Hopefully our results will support the development of resources for these families.” 

While abroad, not only did Laflamme benefit from the experience of learning from a variety of medical practitioners, she also described the value of being immersed in cultural environments outside of her home community of Greater Sudbury. “On weekends and with a local guide, we toured many cultural sites that gave us the opportunity to explore which was pretty amazing.” 

Laflamme encourages other students interested in educational opportunities abroad to take advantage. “Life is short. Live it up and listen to that gut feeling that says if you want to do it, do it. I discovered so much about myself while living this experience, and you can too.” 

Once she completes her undergraduate degree, Laflamme intends to apply to medical schools in Canada and abroad. She is passionate about a career in medicine, and is eager for her educational journey to continue to flourish. 


Graduate Spotlight: Dehmin Eshkawkogan

Graduate Spotlight: Dehmin Eshkawkogan

Health Promotion grad now a role model for her community

Graduate Spotlight: Dehmin Eshkawkogan

(July 19, 2023) - Recent graduate from the Health Promotion program, Dehmin ​Eshkawkogan continues to use the support systems around her to persevere through any challenge that comes her way.


With her hometown of Wikwemikong and being close to her family, Dehmin stated that “when I was in high school I wasn’t sure which programs I wanted to apply to but I knew for sure that I wanted to stay close to home. That was a big reason why I chose Laurentian, only 2 hours away from home.”

Dehmin originally wanted to go into Nursing, but was immediately drawn to the Health Promotion program “because when I read the program description it fit exactly what I wanted to do and what I was interested in going into.”

Dehmin’s support and motivation in choosing a post secondary institution and her program stemmed from her family and her participation in Outside Looking In; a Indigenous-led organization designed to empower Indigenous youth. The program provided many opportunities, including pairing her with a mentor , enabling participation in dance classes, and field trips as a group for competitions. “It gave me something to look forward to; a reason to get good grades.” 

Through balancing school, the program, work and a social life, Dehmin expressed feeling like the Outside Looking In program helped her build a variety of pertinent skills for everyday use. These include “time management and the discipline to keep up with homework and assignments. I feel like it also helped build my motivation to do homework, complete assignments and  the incentive of going to Toronto for the dance competitions  was also a really big motivational factor.” Participating in the Outside Looking In program throughout her high school experience at Wikwemikong High School as well as being an alumna in her 3rd year University, “the Outside Looking In program really helped me transition from high school to postsecondary and now from my bachelors to potentially getting my Masters.”


Once arriving at Laurentian, Dehmin described her experience living in residence as a culture shock. “Especially coming from the res. It was dorm style, so it’s kind of like in the movies where you have a hallway the dorms are right there. I feel like it was a big culture shock for me because you just get really close to everyone really fast. It prepared me to take the next step of later moving out on my own.” 

Having struggled with the isolation of the pandemic, Dehmin stated feeling like she didn’t get to “connect with the community as much as I would’ve liked to because of COVID but one thing I did really enjoy was just being back on campus. I feel like it was such a big positive change going from remote learning to in person learning because I need to be in the classroom to learn so I feel like I enjoyed my courses a lot more that way.” 

Having been such an involved student through her high school experience, Dehmin feels as though given the chance, she would have been a heavily involved member of the Laurentian community throughout numerous extracurriculars. In her first year, Dehmin involved herself in a fire keeping workshop through the Indigenous Sharing and Learning Center (ISLC) on campus “so with the community during my first year with that workshop and I also happened to get my first aid which was mandatory for my program as well.”

Since graduating, Dehmin has been working at Wikwemikong Development Commission as a summer student employment coordinator. She helps find “employers to employ students and helps budget the funding that provides these students their wages during the summer.” With her knowledge from the healthy promotion program, Dehmin feels as though she has a better understanding of community health; which supports her in her role everyday.

In the fall, Dehmin plans on attending Georgian College in the “Anishnaabemowin and Program Development” program. Following this 2 year program, “I want to apply for physical therapy school and become a physiotherapist.” Dehmin expressed that courses she took throughout the Health Promotion program at Laurentian like Principles in Health and Disease, as well as Biomechanics are what first brought her attention to physiotherapy as a career.

Dehmin has now become a role model for her community as well as for her family. “I’m actually the first in my family  to graduate high school. My mom and dad never graduated and my sister is younger than me. So I guess I could say I’m the first in my immediate family to attend University.” Her younger sister intends on following in her big sister's steps by applying to a post secondary institution and following a path towards a career in health as well.

Dehmin’s family attended her graduation this spring and are very proud of her accomplishments. “I got a fancy frame for my degree, it’s hanging up.”


Laurentian University Launches Strategic Plan Development Process

Laurentian University Launches Strategic Plan Development Process

Community members invited to participate

July 14, 2023 – Laurentian University is seeking community input to inform its new strategic plan that will help shape the future of the university and education in Northern Ontario for the next five years and beyond.

The strategic plan will serve as a roadmap for Laurentian University's future growth, development, and impact on the local, national and international stage. It will identify key priorities and initiatives that will guide the institution's actions in the coming years.

"Engaging the many communities that form our University community is integral to the success of our strategic plan. As a bilingual and tricultural institution, we benefit from diverse perspectives,” said Dr. Sheila Embleton, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University. “By actively involving all stakeholders in shaping our future, we will ensure that our strategic priorities align with the needs and aspirations of our community.”

Recognizing the importance of collaboration, Laurentian University is committed to engaging with its diverse stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, retirees, alumni, Indigenous partners, community members, industry partners, and other key stakeholders. This community engagement process aims to gather valuable insights, perspectives, and feedback to shape the future of Laurentian University.

Over the next several months, there will be numerous ways for community members to participate in the development of the strategic plan. The University will be sharing more details on these opportunities in the coming weeks.

Laurentian University will share the finalized Strategic Plan in early 2024. 

Questions about the strategic planning and public engagement process, as well as comments and suggestions can be sent to the strategic planning project team at or

Faculty achievements recognized and celebrated at campus event

Faculty achievements recognized and celebrated at campus event

Academic leaders commend faculty excellence

July 5, 2023 - On June 15, 2023, Laurentian University faculty members were invited by Dr. Brenda Brouwer, Interim Provost and Vice-President Academic and Dr. Tammy Eger, Vice President Research, to an event that recognized and celebrated their many achievements or those of their colleagues. 

“Faculty at Laurentian University are instrumental in fostering an inclusive and positive learning environment in which students are actively engaged, challenged and encouraged to share ideas and perspectives.,” said Dr. Brenda Brouwer. “Faculty also play a critical role in creating new knowledge, discovery and innovation, providing unique training opportunities for students and engagement with community partners through research. We are incredibly pleased to celebrate the dedication and contributions of faculty researchers,” adds Dr. Tammy Eger.

Faculty recognized for their achievements including renewal, tenure, promotion, and the awarding a research grants are listed below: 


Faculty Renewals

Shannon Bassett - Faculty of Science, Engineering & Architecture ~ McEwen School of Architecture 

Krista Currie - Faculty of Science, Engineering & Architecture ~ School of Natural Sciences 

Aliki Economides - Faculty of Science, Engineering & Architecture ~ McEwen School of Architecture 

Bruce Wrightsman - Faculty of Science, Engineering & Architecture ~ McEwen School of Architecture 


Promotion to Associate Professor 

Luc Lagrandeur - Faculty of Management ~ School of Business Administration

Susan Manitowabi - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Indigenous Relations 

Marc Pilon - Faculty of Management ~ School of Business Administration 


Promotion to Associate Professor & Tenure 

Isabelle Côté - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Social Work 

Kamran Eshghi - Faculty of Management ~ School of Sports Administration 

Sandra Hoy - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Social Work 

Elizabeth Carlson-Manathara - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Social Work

Stephane Perrouty - Faculty of Science, Engineering & Architecture ~ Harquail School of Earth Sciences 

Tanya Shute - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Social Work 

Joey-Lynn Wabie  - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Indigenous Relations 

Luckny Zephyr - Faculty of Management ~ School of Business Administration 



Sophie Laurence - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Speech-Language Pathology 

Sylvie Rivard - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Social Work 

Frantz Siméon - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Social Work 

Sara Torres - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Social Work 


Promotion to Full Professor

Marc Arsenault - Faculty of Science, Engineering & Architecture ~ Bharti School of Engineering and Computation 

Abdel Assaidi - Faculty of Management ~ School of Business Administration 

Pedro Jugo - Faculty of Science, Engineering & Architecture ~ Harquail School of Earth Sciences 

Rosanna Langer - Faculty of Arts ~ School of Liberal Arts

Sylvie Larocque - Faculty of Education and Health ~ School of Nursing 

Sara MacDonald - Faculty of Arts ~ School of Liberal Arts 

Kalpdrum Passi - Faculty of Science, Engineering & Architecture ~ Bharti School of Engineering and Computation 

Matthias Pawoumodom Takouda - Faculty of Management ~ School of Business Administration

Lea Tufford - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Social Work 

Jeffrey Wood - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Education 

Na Xiao - Faculty of Management ~ School of Business Administration 

Guangdong Yang - Faculty of Science, Engineering & Architecture ~ School of Natural Sciences 



Carolyn Crang - Faculty of Education & Health ~ School of Education 

Mohamed Dia - Faculty of Management ~ School of Business Administration 

Mark Kuhlberg - Faculty of Arts ~ School of Liberal Arts 

Sabine Montaut - Faculty of Science, Engineering & Architecture ~ School of Natural Sciences

Louis-Philippe Rochon - Faculty of Arts ~ School of Social Sciences 

Najam Saqib - Faculty of Management ~ School of Business Administration 

Elizabeth Turner - Faculty of Science, Engineering & Architecture ~ Harquail School of Earth Sciences 

Guangdong Yang - Faculty of Science, Engineering & Architecture ~ School of Natural Sciences 


Research (recipients of external research grants in the last two years)

John Ashley Scott - Bharti School of Engineering and Computation 

Chantal Barriault - School of Natural Sciences 

Shannon Bassett  - McEwen School of Architecture 

Alain Beaulieu - School of Liberal Arts 

Steven Beites - McEwen School of Architecture 

Elizabeth Carlson-Manathara - School of Social Work 

Diana Coholic - School of Social Work 

Sandra Dorman - School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences 

Richard Ford - SNOLAB

Tammy Gaber - McEwen School of Architecture 

Jeffrey Gagnon - School of Natural Sciences 

Terrance Galvin - McEwen School of Architecture 

Alain Gauthier - School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences 

Alison Godwin - School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences 

John Gunn - School of Natural Sciences 

Jeter Hall - SNOLAB 

Redhouane Henda - Bharti School of Engineering and Computation 

Christopher Jillings - SNOLAB 

Christine Kraus - SNOLAB 

Daniel Kontak - Harquail School of Earth Sciences 

Corey Laamanen - Bharti School of Engineering and Computation

Simon Laflamme - School of Social Sciences

Bruno Lafrance - Harquail School of Earth Sciences 

Michel Larivière - School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences 

Ian Lawson - SNOLAB 

David Lesbarrères - School of Natural Sciences 

Brent Lievers - Bharti School of Engineering and Computation 

Jacqueline Litzgus - School of Natural Sciences 

Andrew McDonald - Harquail School of Earth Sciences 

Kerry McGannon - School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences 

Nadia Mykytczuk - School of Natural Sciences / MIRARCO

Amadeo Parissenti - School of Natural Sciences 

Kalpdrum Passi - Bharti School of Engineering and Computation 

David Pearson - School of Natural Sciences 

Stephane Perrouty - Harquail School of Earth Sciences

Ginette Roberge - School of Education

Louis-Philippe Rochon - School of Social Sciences 

Peter Ryser - School of Natural Sciences 

Robert Schinke - School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences 

Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde - School of Natural Sciences

Ross Sherlock - MERC/Harquail School of Earth Sciences 

Tanya Shute - School of Social Work 

Frantz Siméon - School of Social Work

Richard Smith - Harquail School of Earth Sciences 

Graeme Spiers - Harquail School of Earth Sciences 

Markus Timusk - Bharti School of Engineering and Computation 

Sara Torres - School of Social Work

Lea Tufford - School of Social Work 

Elizabeth Turner - Harquail School of Earth Sciences 

Diana Urajnik - Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research 

Joey-Lynn Wabie - School of Indigenous Relations 

Elizabeth Wenghofer - School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences 

Guangdong Yang - School of Natural Sciences 

Meysar Zeinali - Bharti School of Engineering and Computation 

Luckny Zephyr - School of Business Administration

Junfeng Zhang - Bharti School of Engineering and Computation

Students Explore Costa Rica on Educational Trip

Students Explore Costa Rica on Educational Trip

Teaching opportunities abroad contribute to student engagement

(July 4, 2023) - On May 1, 2023, 27 Laurentian University students and community members departed for an incredible eleven day educational trip to Costa Rica. This voyage offered many opportunities for learning about Costa Rican culture and folklore. Students had ample opportunity to engage in a plethora of activities including a visit to Arenal Volcano National Park, La Fortuna Waterfall, Monteverde Butterfly Garden, the Monteverde Cheese Factory, local markets in the Central Pacific Coast, the Manuel Antonia National Park, the San José National Park and the Parque Francisco Alvarado. 

Group leader and Full Professor, School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Dr. Roger Couture, spoke enthusiastically about this educational experience that was enjoyed by all who attended: “The first educational trip of 2023 to Costa Rica was wonderful, as we were able to see a wide variety of vegetation, trees, birds, butterflies and animals. Our hikes to volcanos and waterfalls were also amazing.”

The trip was also a family affair, as Dr. Couture’s son Luc Couture, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (2023) alumnus said: “During this amazing trip, we had the opportunity to explore not only biodiverse rainforests and cloud forests but also the breathtaking tropical beaches and volcanoes of Costa Rica. In addition to immersing ourselves in the natural wonders, we were fortunate to learn about Costa Rican traditions and culture. With the great company of like-minded individuals my age, this journey became an unforgettable educational experience that enriched our understanding of the incredible diversity and beauty of Costa Rica.” Luc is eager to commence his first year of medical school at NOSM University this fall. 

Fourth year student majoring in Biology and minoring in Environmental Chemistry, Mackenzie Hobbs from the small town of Massey Ontario described her experience on the trip as “absolutely incredible!”. Mackenzie continued to say that “as a biology student and someone who loves the natural world, I was extremely happy to see so many nature based educational excursions on this trip. It was a dream come true witnessing the immense biodiversity, various microclimates, and unique ecosystems of Costa Rica such as the Santa Elena Cloud Forest. Having a very knowledgeable local guide that educated us on the various species of plants and animals, history, and ecology of the areas we visited was a huge bonus. Costa Rica is a beautiful country and their efforts to protect and conserve their land is inspiring!”

For some like Alex McFadden, the trip to Costa Rica provided them with a new perspective on local biology. Alex added, “I’m a first-year Biochemistry student who has lived in Sudbury all my life, so this region has always seemed familiar and ordinary to me. But that has completely changed since the Costa Rica trip. I was so impressed with the plant and animal biodiversity that, upon our return home, I have become a tourist of our local biology with a new appreciation for nature. Thanks to this trip, and the people I was fortunate enough to share the experience with, every new natural curiosity has become absolutely fascinating.”

The next educational trip is already underway in its planning and will depart for Iceland, May 3, 2024. In 2025, a trip to Peru will be planned. Click here for more information about both voyages
Those with interest or questions about participating are encouraged to contact the Group Leader Roger Couture, PhD

Laurentian University Partners with Rick Hansen Foundation to Deliver Accessibility Certification Training

Laurentian University Partners with Rick Hansen Foundation to Deliver Accessibility Certification Training

(June 15, 2023) - Laurentian University is pleased to announce its partnership with the Rick Hansen Foundation to deliver the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification (RHFAC) Training program over the next year. This collaboration aims to promote and advance accessibility in Canada's built environment, fostering inclusivity and equal opportunities for all individuals, including those with disabilities.

Beginning June 26th, the RHFAC course will now be offered by Laurentian University. The program equips participants to play a pivotal role in Canada's accessibility movement. It will enable professionals involved in planning, design, and construction to develop a comprehensive understanding of accessibility from the perspective of individuals with vision, hearing, and mobility disabilities.

"We are honored to have been selected by the Rick Hansen Foundation to help deliver this important program," said Christina Sckopke, Manager of Micro-Credentials and Non-Credit Programming in the Centre for Continuing Learning at Laurentian University. "This partnership allows us to contribute to creating a more inclusive society by equipping professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to enhance accessibility in the built environment.”

Participants will learn to assess the meaningful accessibility of the built environment and identify potential barriers faced by individuals with disabilities. The program also introduces Universal Design principles, current legislation, and standards related to accessibility. Upon successful completion, participants will be eligible to take the RHFAC Professional Exam. 

To enroll in the RHFAC, participants must meet specific prerequisites. These include having a diploma or a minimum of two years of completed post-secondary studies in architecture, engineering, urban planning, interior design, or a related program. Individuals with equivalent combinations of lived experience and built environment knowledge are also encouraged to inquire about eligibility.

The RHFAC will be delivered synchronously online through teacher-led classes, utilizing Brightspace and Zoom. Tuition grants will be available for residents of Ontario.

For more information on the RHFAC, please contact Christina Sckopke, Manager of Micro-Credentials and Non-Credit Programming at Laurentian University, at 705-675-1151 ext 3321 or

Vernon Cameron elected as Chair of Laurentian University Board of Governors

Vernon Cameron elected as Chair of Laurentian University Board of Governors

(June 12, 2023) - Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Vernon Cameron as the incoming Chair of the Board of Governors, effective July 1st, 2023. Cameron's extensive leadership experience and commitment to higher education make him an exceptional choice to lead the Board during this transformative period.

“I am looking forward to continuing to provide leadership through collaboration, transparency, and respect. As a proud alumnus of Laurentian University and the Faculty of Management, I am honoured to serve as Chair,” said Cameron.

Cameron joined the Board in April of 2022 and is an accomplished executive, having spent the last 19 years in the U.S. in the public and private sectors. Cameron spent 12 years leading Private Equity companies in President and Chief Executive Officer roles. For Cameron, Laurentian University is a constant through his family, with his father, son, and daughter all having graduated from Laurentian. 

Cameron will succeed Jeff Bangs, whose significant contributions as the outgoing Chair have greatly benefited Laurentian University. Bangs oversaw the University’s exit from the CCAA process, the renewal of the University’s Board of Governors, and initiated both the organizational transformation and strategic planning processes to implement recommendations provided by Ontario’s Auditor General and as required by the creditor-approved Plan of Arrangement. 

Laurentian University extends its sincere gratitude to Jeff Bangs for his exceptional leadership and dedicated service as Chair of the Board of Governors.

More About Vernon Cameron

After graduation from Laurentian in 1984, he became a chartered accountant in 1986 and received his Executive MBA from the Katz School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh in 2008. He has served on multiple Board committees including: Executive Committee, Audit Committee,  Finance Committee, Property Development and Planning Committee, Staff Relations Committee, and the Pension Committee.

Terms for the sale of Laurentian University’s real estate assets are established

Terms for the sale of Laurentian University’s real estate assets are established

(June 8, 2023) - Laurentian University has established an agreement on a Term Sheet for the sale of real estate worth up to $53.5M. The Term Sheet will help Laurentian University implement its Plan of Arrangement as part of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) process.

This Term Sheet outlines a proposed structure for the transaction which allows the province of Ontario to purchase seven University parcels of land, allowing both parties to explore the potential transaction. After due diligence, including consultations with Indigenous communities, specific assets will be confirmed for sale. The net proceeds of the sale will be used to pay the University’s creditors as set out in the CCAA Plan of Arrangement.

“The University has been focused on exploring the transfer of certain real estate with minimal impact to the operations of the University and this Term Sheet will do just that. This is an important milestone in the University’s Exit Loan Financing Agreement. I expect that the community of Greater Sudbury, who passionately expressed the importance of the trail system and green space, will be satisfied with what is outlined in the transaction,” said Dr. Sheila Embleton, Interim President & Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University.

The due diligence process will serve to confirm that public trails (including the Trans Canada Trail System and the Rainbow Route Sudbury trail network) are properly identified. The University will retain ownership of all other lands and will seek to strengthen partnerships with the community for the ongoing use and enjoyment of Laurentian’s natural spaces. The University seeks to ensure continued public access to the trail networks and green space.

The total land identified in the Term Sheet covers 68.75 acres, which represents approximately 9% of the University’s total 750+ acres. There are also five buildings identified in the Term Sheet, which would be fully or partially leased back to Laurentian or NOSM University:

  • East Residence
  • Vale Living with Lakes Centre and Watershed Building
  • Northern Ontario School of Medicine
  • Health Sciences Building
  • Security and Maintenance Building

With this non-binding Term Sheet, the University is now in a position to explore the sale of these assets and work together with the province of Ontario to negotiate a purchase and sale agreement, by no later than November 28, 2025.

Board of Governors to Elect New Chair

Board of Governors to Elect New Chair

Jeff Bangs to step down after critical tenure as Board Chair

(June 2, 2023) - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors will soon elect a new Chair as current Board Chair Jeff Bangs has announced that he will step down from the volunteer role at the end of the current term. 

Bangs joined the Board in December of 2021 and became Chair shortly thereafter. He led the Board through a critical period of time as Laurentian University exited the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) process. During his tenure, the University saw significant transformation. Bangs led the renewal of the University’s Board of Governors, successfully passed a new budget for the current fiscal year, and initiated both the organizational transformation and strategic planning processes to implement recommendations provided by Ontario’s Auditor General and as required by the creditor-approved Plan of Arrangement. 

“Aside from needing to strike a new balance between my business and volunteer commitments, two main factors have led me to this decision; the successful appointment of my partner as the University’s General Counsel, and concerns related to my health,” said Bangs. 

“To me, given the level of interaction between the Chair, the Board and the General Counsel, it is not appropriate for me to continue in my role. Several months ago, before that search began, I declared a conflict and left the oversight of that search to a committee led by Interim President Embleton. While some have suggested to me that a way can be found to stay on in some capacity, I do not ever want to put the University or the new General Counsel in a real or perceived conflict of interest.” 

“I’ve also recently had a wake-up call about my own health that will require my full attention in the coming weeks and months. I do feel confident with my prognosis and I'm confident I'll be as good as new, soon enough. Until then, I’ll be focusing on my health.” 

Bangs leaves his role having made a profound impact on the future of Laurentian University and is optimistic about what the institution may achieve in the future. “I am confident that I am leaving the Board in good hands with people whose focus is on building a stronger and more transparent future for Laurentian. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and to that end, will remain available as a resource to the Board and to the University for as long as necessary.”

A process is now underway to select a new Chair. 

Laurentian University Receives Innovation Funding to Grow Awareness in Automotive and Mobility Sector

Laurentian University Receives Innovation Funding to Grow Awareness in Automotive and Mobility Sector

Provincial funding to implement projects supporting career opportunities in critical sector

(June 1, 2023) - Laurentian University’s Goodman School of Mines has been awarded $448,550 from the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) and the Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI) to develop activities with local partners for the Regional Future Workforce (RFW) program, which will help introduce students to careers within Ontario’s automotive & mobility sector.

The funds from the RFW program will be used to fund a project called “Electrifying the Future”, which consists of three components:

  • “MineOpportunity: the automotive and mobility edition”
  • Summer Camps
  • Education Campaign

Nicole Tardif, Program Coordinator at the Goodman School of Mines will be coordinating the projects. “We are looking forward to introducing these activities to Northern Ontario. We have such a unique position to support the automotive and mobility sector and are interested in showing off these great career opportunities for students to explore,” said Tardif.

The RFW Program is a pilot program through OVIN designed to encourage students of all ages, across all regions of Ontario, to pursue careers in the automotive and mobility sector. This work will focus on reducing the stigma associated with automotive industry careers and prioritize engagement with students from equity-deserving and underrepresented groups. 

"Electrifying the Future" is a bilingual (English/French) set of projects, supported by the RFW program, that aims to build awareness of post-secondary programs that lead to careers in the electric vehicle supply chain from mineral exploration all the way to the automotive and mobility industry. The project includes  a promotional campaign that will aim to bring awareness to a variety of career options in this industry. 

Two in-person events will also be implemented to provide elementary, high school and postsecondary students interactive experiences. First,  students in grades 7-12 in Northern Ontario will compete in “MineOpportunity: the automotive and mobility edition” (June 7 & 8) at Dynamic Earth. In this game, students work together to become the “wealthiest” team by successfully answering questions, completing challenges and activities about technology, engineering, geosciences, the environment, careers, corporate social responsibility and the automotive and mobility industry.

Second, two weeks of free summer day camps from July 17-21 and July 31-August 4th, 2023 will be offered for students aged 10-14 years.. STEM and non-STEM lessons and activities will be delivered at three locations (Laurentian University, Cambrian College and College Boreal), along with a one-day field trip to key partners in the project:  Epiroc, Technica Mining, and Laurentian Chrysler.

The “Electrifying the Future” program will inspire coming generations to get involved in the industry by stimulating interest in career choices. It will also raise awareness for emerging trends of innovation and technology in the industry, as well as the importance of critical minerals.
