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IT’S OFFICIAL! McEwen School of Architecture is Canada’s 12th and Newest fully accredited School of Architecture!

IT’S OFFICIAL! McEwen School of Architecture is Canada’s 12th and Newest fully accredited School of Architecture!

English, Francophone, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit perspectives are all central to the unique tri-cultural mandate of the program.

(June 22, 2021 - Sudbury, ON) - Laurentian University’s McEwen School of Architecture (MSoA) is pleased to announce that the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB)/Conseil Canadien de Certification en Architecture (CCCA) has granted the professional Master of Architecture Program ‘Initial Accreditation’ for a term commencing July 1, 2021. 

English, Francophone, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit perspectives are all central to the unique tri-cultural mandate of the program. Through Elders in residence, Indigenous faculty members, French design studio instruction, and local community-design and design-build exercises each year, students are exposed to an array of methods, knowledge, and experience that is uniquely ‘Northern’. The lessons learned from these local contexts are then extrapolated to address global issues in the disciplines of architecture, landscape design, and sustainable built environments. 

The school’s cooperative education model is rooted in Northern Ontario’s (Canada’s) cultures and experiential learning. It features an integrated co-operative program where students obtain practical experience through work-term placements with related architectural and design employers. 

Since its opening in 2013, over 250 students have successfully completed their undergraduate degree (BAS) at the School, and 100 students have since graduated from its Master of Architecture (M.Arch) program. 

“The McEwen School of Architecture has a lot to be proud of and this external validation is further proof of the high quality student experience being delivered at Laurentian University. This achievement is thanks to many years of exceptional work from staff, faculty, and students of the school. The confidence expressed in the school by the accreditation team at the CACB also reflects a broader confidence in the future of Laurentian.” said President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Robert Haché. 

The McEwen School of Architecture (MSoA), one of Laurentian University's professional schools, is located in downtown Sudbury, Ontario. The MSoA offers a four-year Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS), followed by a two-year Master of Architecture degree (M.Arch).  The School’s accreditation status covers both programs leading to the Master of Architecture degree.

“It is a proud moment for us all -- a culmination of the hard work on the part of faculty, staff and students who have shared the vision and a common passion for the School, through its various stages of development. We are grateful for all those who have contributed to those efforts and supported the School in so many ways. The CACB/CCAA’s initial accreditation has been a goal we are thrilled to celebrate together today.” -- Dr. David Fortin, Director of the McEwen School of Architecture. 

“The MSoA International Advisory Board’s guidance and the support of our extended community, which spans all of northern Ontario, have been instrumental to this achievement. Co-op employers, collaborators and colleagues, partners and donors, so many individuals have invested time, energy and resources in a new generation of architects educated in the North who are unique agents of change for our communities. These significant contributions must be acknowledged. This achievement has been a collective effort and as such, is deeply rewarding.’’ -- Dr. Terrance Galvin, Founding Director, McEwen School of Architecture. 

About the CACB Accreditation Process 

“The CACB only accredits Programs that are intended by their institution to be professional degrees in architecture that lead to licensure. Professional accreditation of a Program means that it has been evaluated by the CACB and substantially meets the educational standards that comprise, as a whole, an appropriate education for an architect.” 

The full CACB/CCCA Accreditation process had three phases: Eligibility, Candidacy, and Initial Accreditation. After launching the undergraduate program in September 2013, the McEwen School of Architecture was successful in its bid for CACB Eligibility in 2017. It achieved CACB Candidacy Status in 2018 and submitted its third and final ‘Architecture Program Report’ for Initial Accreditation in 2020. The MSoA was eligible to apply for the final stage of Initial Accreditation only after the “completion of a minimum of 2 years of continuous candidacy status.” The School also had to follow the criterion of “completion of the professional degree program, for which accreditation is sought, by one graduating class.” This means that the M.Arch graduating classes of 2019 and 2020 will be grandfathered in according to CACB procedures. 

The MSoA calibrated its timeline to meet the above national criteria for a new professional program in Architecture. At the provincial level, the MSoA also had the support of the Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities (CALA) who, in conjunction with the CACB, allowed M.Arc graduates from both years to begin logging their intern hours towards licensure in architecture offices across Canada. 

Applications for the newly accredited MSoA professional program remain open. All interested applicants should contact the school directly at

Laurentian Board Chair renewed to complete CCAA process

Laurentian Board Chair renewed to complete CCAA process

Claude Lacroix endorsed by Board to extend mandate

June 18, 2021 - The Board of Governors of Laurentian University voted on June 15, 2021 to re-appoint Claude F. Lacroix as Chair for a term of up to one year, effective at the close of the annual general meeting of the Board on June 18, 2021, when his current two-year term ends. Mr. Lacroix has been a Board member since 2006.
“This strategic renewal will enable an important continuity of leadership and stability within our Board of Governors as we complete the CCAA process. Laurentian remains committed to conducting a fulsome review of its bicameral governance as it moves forward. Mr. Lacroix’s deep understanding and connection to the Laurentian community is and will be a guiding light in our decision making.” said Dr. Robert Haché, President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University.
Mr. Lacroix is an Alumnus, having earned his B.A. from Laurentian University in 1991. He graduated from the faculty of Law at L’Université de Moncton in 1996. Mr. Lacroix is a partner at Lacroix Lawyers | Avocats.
Mr. Lacroix is actively involved in his community. He is past president of both the Laurentian University Alumni Association and the Sudbury District Law Association; past interim chair of Science North Board of Trustees, past executive member and director of the Greater Sudbury Development Corporation; past president of the Ontario French Speaking Trial Lawyers Association; and a past chair of the Sudbury Airport Community Development Corporation.

Ontario awards $1.25 Million in funding to three LU projects

Ontario awards $1.25 Million in funding to three LU projects

eCampus Ontario grants will enhance learning tools and outcomes for northern Ontario

June 7, 2021 -- The government of Ontario is aiding the work of researchers from Laurentian University by awarding grants to three novel projects. The grants, totalling $1,246,7775, are awarded through the auspices of eCampusOntario, the province's multilateral online learning portal. This work will lead to a positive outcome for students and researchers alike.

The projects coming to light thanks to these grants cover a diverse range of topics and goals:

Collaborative Healthcare Simulation: Led by the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH), this project includes the development of twelve immersive and interactive virtual reality training modules for use in Nursing (RN), Respiratory Therapy (RT) and other allied health programs across Ontario. The bundle of modules targets both undergraduate and graduate programs and utilizes the latest advancements in immersive technologies. The resultant modules are flexible enough to be used across institutions at no extra cost, while also being suited to use in remote or northern areas where access to simulation training is limited. During the current COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, this technology will allow students and workers to engage in live, synchronous immersive scenario training at home or abroad. CROSH is partnering with Lumeto, Inc., as well as Georgian College and the Michener Institute of Education at University Health Network. Nicole Lafrenière, RN, BScN, CHSE, from the School of Nursing and Allied Health, is the principal investigator on this project.


The Stories of Decolonization Film Project: this two-part, multilingual documentary series sheds light on the ongoing negative impacts of colonialism. It includes curriculum guides which will be available in English and French, and two films with optional subtitles in French, Anishinaabemowin, Cree, and English. Thanks to distribution through eCampusOntario, the material will be widely accessible and allow institutions greater ability to to share important ideas about decolonization. The project is a collaborative effort involving Social Work researcher Elizabeth Carlson-Manathara, as well as her collaborators Gladys Rowe and Teddy Zegeye-Gebrehiwot.


Virtual Learning Strategy Funding - Targeted Supports for Digital Capacity: Laurentian University will be able to expand its digital learning footprint thanks to this grant. It will allow for the creation of two full-time bilingual teaching positions - one in Instructional Design, and one in Media Design and Development. This will subsequently lead to the creation of somewhere between 15 – 30 new online non-credit micro-credential courses over the next few years. Bettina Brockerhoff-Macdonald, Director of Laurentian's Centre for Continuing Learning, will oversee this expansion.



“We thank eCampusOntario for their investment in virtual learning, which will enable Laurentian and our partner institutions to advance opportunities for students studying in French, English, Anishinaabemowin and Cree, particularly in rural and remote communities.” -- Dr. Tammy Eger, Vice-President of Research for Laurentian University

“I’m proud to see the efforts of our staff rewarded with these grants. The funding will allow the development of non-credit courses that will greatly benefit northern communities." Dr. Joël Dickinson, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Laurentian University

Laurentian to offer most courses on-campus this fall

Laurentian to offer most courses on-campus this fall

Working towards a partial return to in-person classes

May 11, 2021 -- With the 2021 Spring Semester now underway, Laurentian University is looking ahead to Fall 2021 with plans to have face-to-face activities and in-person course delivery back on campus. 

The focus for the Fall Semester is providing the best student experience while safeguarding the health, safety and wellness of our community.

“Throughout the pandemic, we have placed the utmost importance on the safety of our community. We appreciate that our students want to be learning on campus and we look forward to making this happen in a safe and controlled environment” said President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Robert Haché. 

The University will work collaboratively with faculty, students, and staff to provide for the return of students as well as the safe delivery of as many classes as possible on campus. The plan factors in the significance of the in-person student experience, the requirements related to hands-on learning, and additional measures to safely deliver fall 2021 courses on campus, in consultation with public health authorities. Further, the University must take into account all potential scenarios for September 2021, while working with our local public health authorities. 
The University will also continue to deliver a multitude of academic programs and courses online, allowing students from around the world to attend Laurentian virtually. 
“We understand that the past year has been very difficult on our students and we want to do everything we can to improve their experience for Fall 2021. Their university experience has been significantly impacted by the pandemic and we want to support them in every way possible in their return to campus. We are looking forward to returning to campus,” added President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Robert Haché. 
The University continues to provide remote support to students, faculty, and staff through their day-to-day activities. The Fall Semester takes place from September 2021 to December 2021. 

Laurentian University has been a leader in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and was the first public university in Canada to recognize the severity of the pandemic, suspending in-person classes in March, 2020.  We will continue to lead in our return-to-campus planning. 

As we look towards the fall, we hope to welcome students, faculty, and staff back to campus. 

Strong Enrolment for Spring Semester

Strong Enrolment for Spring Semester

Laurentian students show strong support for Spring courses

May 6, 2021 -- With the official start of Laurentian University’s Spring Semester on May 3rd, the University embarks on a new journey, one that carves out a path forward for students, faculty, and the community. Laurentian offers a wide variety of courses in French and English in areas such as; business, engineering, Indigenous Social Work and many more. The Spring Semester plays a key role in allowing students to take extra courses on new topics, or catch-up on courses they may have missed. 

“We are encouraged to see that our enrolment levels this spring are very similar to last year and substantially ahead of our 2019 enrolment. Students are wise to take advantage of the Spring Semester and further their education.” said Dr. Robert Haché, President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University. 

There are currently over 4,300 domestic and international students enrolled for this Spring Semester, both at the graduate and undergraduate levels. This semester, which will be delivered largely remotely, plays a key role in allowing students to continue their education safely from home. 

Included in this spring’s course offerings are two Gerontology courses (previously taught by Huntington) and six Indigenous studies courses (previously taught by the University of Sudbury). Through engagement with the Laurentian University Native Education Council (LUNEC), discussions are ongoing with respect to additional Indigenous studies courses that may be developed and offered by Laurentian in future, in addition to the existing programs and courses that currently exist.

Laurentian University Commences Proceedings Under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act

Laurentian University Commences Proceedings Under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act

Primary goal of the CCAA filing and restructuring is to ensure that current and future students will continue to have access to a high quality post-secondary education

Feb. 1, 2021 – Laurentian University of Sudbury (Laurentian) today commenced a court proceeding under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA). Laurentian’s Board of Governors and Administration determined that commencing these proceedings is the best path forward that will allow for the opportunity to financially and operationally restructure the University. The University has taken this step with a view to emerging as a fully restructured and financially viable institution. The Initial Order requested by the University and granted by the Court provides for the appointment of Ernst & Young Inc. as the court-appointed Monitor in these proceedings. The primary goal of the CCAA filing and restructuring is to ensure that current and future students will continue to have access to a high quality post-secondary education at Laurentian for years to come. Current students will not see a change in their day-to-day education and Laurentian will continue actively recruiting new students. Laurentian has kept the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) fully apprised throughout the process leading to this step being taken, and will continue to work with MCU during the CCAA proceeding. Further information is available at

Laurentian University to maintain remote delivery in spring semester

Laurentian University to maintain remote delivery in spring semester

Senate votes to continue delivery of classes through online mediums to maximize safety.

January 25, 2021 -- The Laurentian University Senate voted in favour of delivering the Spring 2021 semester via remote delivery. As with similar discussions regarding the 2021 Winter term, the Senate decided to balance providing the best possible education for our students while safeguarding the health, safety and wellness of students, faculty, and staff.

Though the end of the pandemic is in sight, with mass vaccinations against SARS CoV-2 on the horizon, we will continue to do all we can to mitigate risk and maximize the safety of our community. As with Fall 2020 and Winter 2021, a limited number of classes will be delivered in-person but with strict safety protocols in place. The recent announcement of on-campus testing for the virus will continue to be a valuable tool in our efforts to improve safety.

The University continues to support students, faculty, and staff through their day to day activities remotely. Laurentian University has been a leader in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and was the first public university in Canada to recognize the severity of the pandemic, suspending in-person classes in March, 2020. The spring semester takes place from May 2021 to August 2021.

Gray Named One of U SPORTS Top 8 Recipients

Gray Named One of U SPORTS Top 8 Recipients

ULU co-founder also gives back on the court and in the classroom

January 14, 2021 -- While the recognition of Kadre Gray’s on-court accomplishments have been plentiful and consistent, he is once again being recognized by U SPORTS but this time it is his off-court successes that have earned him the accolade. Gray was named one of U SPORTS’ Top 8 Academic All-Canadians on Monday, an annual honour reserved for one female and one male student-athlete from each of the four U SPORTS conferences, becoming the first Voyageur to be named a recipient of the honour.

In a record setting season that saw Gray break Laurentian’s 27 year old men’s basketball career scoring record and slide into second on the OUA’s all-time list, Gray also finished the year on the Dean’s Honours List with a 9.1 GPA (88%) in 2019-20, his second straight season as an Academic All-Canadian. In the community, he serves as the Vice Chair on the inaugural OUA Black, Biracial and Indigenous (BBI) Task Force, which aims to create a platform for positive change across the province.

The BBI Task Force seeks to achieve these goals by building strategies to increase diversity and representation and to drive policy change in order to remove systemic barriers regarding racism.

“It has been a pleasure coaching Kadre. I have said in the past and will continue to say, his work ethic is amazing,” said Voyageurs head coach Shawn Swords. “He continues to push himself to achieve new goals in the community, in the classroom and on the court. I look forward to watching what he will be
able to do next.”

Furthering these initiatives, Gray co-founded ULU, which stands for Uluntu, Lungisa, Usawa (translating to Humanity, Justice, Equity) in 2017 – an organization that works with racialized youth to develop support groups, facilitate workshops, raise awareness, promote advocacy and empowerment and provide ally-training. Gray also gives back on the court and in the classroom, serving as a Laurentian basketball camp supervisor, as well as a peer-mentor and coach, teaching children both basketball and life skills while assisting with homework and reading and writing activities.

“Kadre continues to demonstrate not only his elite basketball talent, but also his ability to lead in the classroom and in the community,” said Laurentian athletic Direct Peter Hellstrom. “Kadre is a prime example and a template for elite student-athletes all across our country. He has become a leader not only at Laurentian but in the Sudbury community as well. We are truly proud to have Kadre on our campus and forever being a Voyageur.”

In lieu of a formal ceremony at Rideau Hall, the elite group will participate in a public virtual conversation with Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, in mid-February, due to COVID-19 restrictions. The Governor General’s Academic All-Canadian Commendation was founded by the Right Honourable David Johnston, former Governor General of Canada, who first honoured Canada’s Top 8 student-athletes in 2013.

LU tops national ranking in undergraduate research revenue for fourth year running

LU tops national ranking in undergraduate research revenue for fourth year running

Research Infosource also puts Laurentian high on list of both corporate and not-for-profit research income

December 15, 2020 -- Laurentian University is pleased to again see itself at the top of several Canada-wide  rankings by Research Infosource, including holding onto the number one spot for undergraduate research revenue for the fourth year in a row.

The organization's ranking is based on the total number of sponsored research income obtained in 2019. This includes outside funding from some of our many partners.

By the numbers:

  • ranked second in graduate student research intensity (research funding per graduate student)
  • ranked fourth in faculty research intensity (research funding per faculty member)
  • ranked 11th in Ontario overall
  • ranked 28th out of 50 in Canada

We also ranked third in undergraduate corporate research income, and fourth in not-for-profit undergraduate research Income.

"In our Strategic Research Plan, partnerships with industry, community, private, public, and not-for-profit entities are highlighted as a vital element of our research enterprise. Ranking first, for the fourth year in a row, for total sponsored research income, is a testament to our exceptional researchers, graduate students and our strong partnerships. I am so proud of the faculty and student scholars at Laurentian University who continue to attract research funding from government, industry and community partners, building on Laurentian’s research strengths."
Tammy Eger, Vice-President of Research, Laurentian University

New Agreement Sees LU Partner Institution Flourish, Tackle Climate Change

New Agreement Sees LU Partner Institution Flourish, Tackle Climate Change

Climate Risk Institute, fresh off of being awarded a provincial contract, is a spinoff of LU's MIRARCO

Dec. 16, 2020 -- Laurentian University is pleased to announce the signing of an Affiliation Agreement with the Climate Risk Institute (CRI). CRI is a not-for-profit corporation focused on delivering services and advancing practice related to climate change risk assessment and adaptation planning through programs and projects that focus on mobilizing knowledge and building capacity. This agreement will enable a rich range of opportunities for collaboration, including student learning, research collaboration, and program development.  This relationship will foster enhanced knowledge and understanding of climate change impacts through climate services founded on experience, expertise, science and local knowledge. 

Strengthening CRI's links to an academic setting will boost its ability to access research which will enhance Laurentian's commitment to climate change action. This collaboration will help build relationships between researchers, local practitioners, and decision-makers to inform resilience action in communities and sectors.

CRI was officially formed in 2019, and stems from nearly twenty years of similar climate change adaptation work at Laurentian-owned not-for-profit MIRARCO Mining innovation. This work continues to mobilize knowledge and improve climate resiliency practices across professions and sectors through domestic and international collaboration. Laurentian looks forward to continued partnership, and elevating our position as a global leader in environmental stewardship.

“The Climate Risk institute is pleased to have this tie to Laurentian University. Our partnership will go a long way to providing students with experiential learning opportunities and to advance collaboration on climate change research in Ontario and Canada. This linkage will also provide support to northern Ontario communities as they continue to develop plans for increasing climate change resilience.
Al Douglas - President of the Climate Risk Institute

“We at Laurentian University are looking forward to working with Climate Risk Institute. This agreement will ensure that our institutions support student learning, collaborate on research, share program development, and deliver climate services founded on experience, expertise, science and local traditional knowledge.”
Robert Haché - President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University.
