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Techday 2012

Techday 2012

March 9, 2012 - Techday is underway. You're encouraged to visit the exhibitors in the Great hall or attend one of the track sessions. More information can be found at HTTP://

New GL renumbering practices

New GL renumbering practices

March 6, 2012

See the attached Powerpoint presentation for the new account renumbering practices


Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Amaratunga

Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Amaratunga

February 27, 2012 - Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor Dominic Giroux today expressed congratulations to longtime professor Dr. Laxman (“Lucky”) Amaratunga, distinguished recipient of the 2012 Canadian Mineral Processors Society Lifetime Achievement Award.  

The award was presented at the Awards Gala of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mineral Processors in Ottawa.  The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes demonstrated excellence in the science of mineral beneficiation and ongoing contribution to the Canadian Mineral Processors (CMP).   

In announcing the award, the CMP cites Dr. Amaratunga for his “outstanding contributions to the Canadian mining, metallurgical and processing industries in the areas of education, research in management of mine waste, environmental technology transfer, and the CMP and MetSoc Societies of CIM (The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum).”   

“Dr. Lucky has long been recognized among his peers as a leading figure in the field of metallurgy and mining chemistry.  We congratulate him on this latest honour.  It is indeed a fitting tribute to his life’s work,” said President Giroux.   

Dr. Amaratunga has been with Laurentian since 1984, and has carried out important research in the area of tailings management, backfill and environmental stewardship. He has received several awards through throughout his long career:  in 2007 he received the Teck Cominco Environmental Award for his research activities in processing, utilizing and recycling of waste materials in the mining cycle. In 2003, “Dr. Lucky” was recognized with Laurentian University’s Teaching Excellence Award and in 2011, MetSoc and CMP held a luncheon in his honour at the Conference of Metallurgists.  

“I am deeply honoured by this award, and very touched by the tribute from my many colleagues in the CMP,” said Dr. Amaratunga, who was caught off guard when the award was announced during a banquet in the presence of nearly 500 delegates who gave him a standing ovation at the CMP Awards Gala. “Honestly, the CMP kept this a total surprise to me and my wife. I am so happy to be acknowledged by those in my field, and also by my university.”  

Dr. Amaratunga continues to lecture at Laurentian, and to pursue his research and on a nanotechnology gold extraction process.   

Bharti School of Engineering Wins Canadian Mining Games Title

Bharti School of Engineering Wins Canadian Mining Games Title

February 27, 2012 - Top marks in mine design, rock mechanics and mineral processing events propelled the Bharti School of Engineering team from Laurentian University to a first-place finish in the 22nd Annual Canadian Mining Games, held February 23rd-26th in Sudbury, Ontario. The team from Laurentian ranked among the top three in 12 of the events that make up the competition, completing the Games with a 27-point margin of victory. The team from Polytechnique in Montreal placed second overall, while Université de Laval took third place.

“The competition was fierce,” said Ramesh Subramanian, Director of the Bharti School of Engineering at Laurentian University. “All of the teams were exceptionally strong this year. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such an extraordinary level of proficiency and talent in this competition.”

Teams of engineering students from ten universities across Canada take part in the competition, a series of 20 challenges that test the skills of future mining engineers. Competitors must complete exercises in surveying, mine and equipment design, and mineral separation. They must also demonstrate mastery in jackleg drilling and operation of scoop trams and excavating equipment.

The 2012 Games were “awesome,” according to Team Laurentian member Sean Turcotte, a 4th-year Engineering student.

“All of the teams had a lot of fun competing and everyone was applauding and happy for each other.”

Turcotte was especially pleased with Laurentian’s top finish in the mine design event, an 8-hour exercise with computer-assisted design software. “When they announced we were number one I just lost all composure,” said Turcotte. “This is the event that proves that your school is the best mining school in Canada.”

Laurentian University’s Bharti School of Engineering is named for engineer and entrepreneur Stan Bharti, CEO of Forbes Manhattan, who last fall endowed the School with a $10 M donation to support engineering programs.

“Just being in Sudbury is a big part of the reason for Laurentian’s strength,” said Games Co-Chair Craig Allen. “In the competition, we did an actual ventilation survey underground, not a textbook exercise. Having the access we do to real working mines is one reason for the success of the Engineering program.”

“We are so proud of our students, whose spirit and teamwork have brought this prestigious title home to the Bharti School,” said Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor, Dominic Giroux. “Their prowess in these mining events is remarkable and they have earned this honour for their program and their university.”

The members of Laurentian’s championship team are: Dusty Nerpin, Graham Macrae, Scott Ross, Sean Turcotte, Curtis Cameron, Gilles Guerin, James Gagne, Ryan Jakov, Pat Pilon, Ian VanEyk, Ian Berdusco, Jessica Dean, Joshua Dufresne and Mike Stanford.

JOB POSTING : Secretary, Development/University Advancement

JOB POSTING : Secretary, Development/University Advancement

February 7, 2012

Please find attached a job posting for a position that is presently being advertised by Laurentian University.

Please ensure that your resume and cover letter reference the job posting identification number and the position title of the position you are applying for. If you are sending your application at the above noted e-mail address, please include this information in your e-mail subject line. Any resume received without these specifications will not be considered.

Applications must reach the Human Resources office before the deadline. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.


IT Update

IT Update

February 4, 2012



We apologize for the interruption in service. We had an unplanned power outage that caused a complete shutdown of our data centre. The following services were affected: website, intranet (LUnet), email, blackberry synchronization, Webadvisor, Datatel, Drive access and network/telephony services in JND.


As of now, most services are back except for incoming emails (from the outside). We will keep you posted.



